Letter Explanation
ffailed Senate/Review Committee
+disapproved in part by Committee
#amended by Sen./Review Committee
aapproved by Chancellor's office
paction pending from Chancellor's Office
taction tabled by Senate
waction withdrawn
*modified by Chancellor's Office
!disapproved by Chancellor's Office
-no signature/action required
oapproved; no objection received from Chancellor's Office
rreferred to Committee

Policies & Regulations

FY98 Motion on recommended changes to the draft Board of Regents' Student Affairs Policies and Regulations. (-) Meeting #76 Motion to recommend revisions of the proposed Regents' Policy and University Regulation 09.06.00. (-) Meeting #79 Motion to adopt recommendations of Curricular Affairs on the proposed Regents' Policy and University Regulation 09.02.00. (-) Meeting #80 FY99 Motion to postpone action on Regents' Policy & Regs. 09.99.01--Recreational and Intercollegiate Athletics until October 12, 1998. (-) Meeting #81 Motion to amend the title of Section IV of the UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies & Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty. (a) Meeting #81 Motion to amend Section IV. B. (Faculty with Academic Rank) of the UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies & Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty. (a) Meeting #81 Motion to refer the issue of amending the UAF Policies & Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty to Faculty & Scholarly Affairs. (-) Meeting #82 Motion to recommend proposed Regents' Policy & Regs. 09.99.01--Recreational and Intercollegiate Athletics be accepted. (-) Meeting #82 Motion to recommend the proposed Regents' Policy 09.03.00--Student Dispute Resolution be accepted. (-) Meeting #83 Motion to amend the UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies and Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty. (a) Meeting #88 Motion to recommend the Board of Regents Change its policy 05.10.01, Section I (Tuition and Student Fees). (*!) Meeting #88 FY00 Motion that UAF Regulations, section III, D. Unit Standards and Indicies shall apply in the faculty review process. (a) Meeting #91 Motion to amend the UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies and Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty. (a#) Meeting #95 FY01 Motion to amend the UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies and Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty. (a) Meeting #96 FY02 Motion to amend the UAF Regulations for Emeritus Status. (a) Meeting #109 Motion to adopt the revised "UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies" and the "UAF Regulations for the Appointment and Evaluation of Faculty". (a) Meeting #109 Motion to amend the UAF Policies & Regulations for the Appointment and Evaluation of Faculty. (a) FY02 Administrative Committee Actions FY03 Motion of support for revision to the Regents' policy & draft regulations for the selection of Distinguished University Professor--failed. (f) Meeting #112 FY04 Motion to amend the UAF "Regulations for the Appointment and Evaluation of Faculty" (Blue Book). (a) Meeting #123 FY05 Motion to recommend the amendment of Regents' Policy 10.06.01. (#-) Meeting #127 Motion to recommend the amendment of Regents' Policy 04.04.040. (a) Meeting #126 Motion to amend the UAF "Regulations for the Appointment and Evaluation of Faculty" (Blue Book). (a) Meeting #126 Motion to recommend change to BOR Policy 10.05.03 on Residency Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees. (a) Meeting #125 Resolution in support of BOR policy changes and draft University Regulation 03.01.01 - Faculty, Staff, and Student Governance. (-) Meeting #125
	Motion to recommend approval of the proposed changes in BOR Policy and University 
		Regulation (10.04.02-03) adding Workforce Credentials and Occupational Endorsements. 
		(a) Meeting #132
	Occupational Certificates of Completion -- Discussion (-) Meeting #131

	Motion to modify the UAF document "Policies and Regulations for the Appointment
		and Evaluation of Faculty" Chapter IV, D, 1, b (3) to add "unsatisfactory" to the 
		categories for ranking or evaluating faculty.  (a) Meeting #138