Chancellor's Office

Nickole Conley

Nickole Conley

Chief of Staff

Maggie King

Maggie King

Executive Assistant to the Chancellor

Provost and Vice Chancellors

Anupma Prakash

Anupma Prakash

Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

Anupma Prakash's biography
Owen Guthrie

Owen Guthrie

Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

Owen Guthrie's biography
Nettie La Belle-Hamer

Nettie La Belle-Hamer

Vice Chancellor for Research

Nettie La Belle-Hamer's biography
Julie Queen

Julie Queen

Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services

Julie Queen's biography
Charlene Stern

Charlene Stern

Vice Chancellor for Rural Community and Native Education

Charlene Stern's biography

Department Directors/Managers

Tom Hough

Tom Hough

Executive Director of University Advancement

 Kaydee Van Flein

Kaydee Van Flein

Executive Director of the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability; Title IX Coordinator

Brock Anundson

Brock Anundson

Athletics Director

Gretchen Gordon

Gretchen Gordon

General Manager KUAC FM-TV

Molly Enochs

Molly Enochs

Governance Manager