H: Raku Wall Relief
Ceramics Students, Ceramic Wall Piece
Location: 4th Floor by South Stairway (Entrance is on the 3rd Floor)
Elizabeth Biesiot, Wood Totem Pole
Location: Outside, west side of Wood Center
B : Student's Greeting
Karen Olanna , Marble Sculpture
Location: Outside, by Wood Center and Constitution Hall on South Side
Harold Balazs, Steel Sculpture
Location: 2nd Floor, Outside, in Front of Constitution Hall
Elizabeth Biesiot, Bronze Sculpture
Location: Outside, in Constitution Park Bench Area
Ron Senungetuk, Wooden Sculpture
Location: Outside, in Front of Great Hall by Constitution Park
Jeff Dean, Wood Sculpture
Location: Inside, at Entrance Doorway of Great Hall
Ted Isto, Steel Sculpture
Location: Outside, East Side of Fine Arts Complex by Tanana Loop
Location: Inside first doors in Art Department when entering from the Great Hall