Expedited Review
A Board of Regents’ Policy 10.06.010 (PDF) allows for an expedited, exceptional program review process tailored to UAF’s particular financial circumstances. At the Sept. 12, 2019 Board of Regents meeting, UAF, UAA and UAS were asked to move forward with expedited reviews to potentially find cost savings. As such, UAF is conducting expedited program reviews during the 2019-2020 and the 2020-21 academic years. Expedited review will focus on department and program enrollments, cost effectiveness, academic quality and centrality to UAF’s mission.
- Summary of 2020-21 recommendations for all programs updated March 1, 2021
- Chancellor's preliminary recommendations - Feb. 22, 2021
- Full 2020-21 committee recommendation documents
Next steps: Review by Statewide Academic Council March 11, 2021; Review by BOR Academic and Student Affairs Subcommittee May 27, 2021.
Chancellor's listening session Tuesday, Feb. 23rd from 1-2pm
Review the session recording at media.uaf.edu.
Other opportunities for public feedback may be posted here as they arise.
- Defined 2020-21 process for expedited academic program review
- List of programs and departments to be reviewed in 2020-21
- 2020-21 expedited review committees
- Definitions for recommendations categories
- Expedited review documents 2020-21 (requires UA login)
- Expedited review meeting schedule (requires UA login)
- More information about expedited reviews at UAF, UAA and UAS:
UA expedited academic and administrative reviews page
Any active program that was not reviewed in the 2019-20 academic year will be reviewed in 2020-21.
We need to address our fiscal challenges and consider where savings and efficiencies may be appropriate in academic areas. These savings could be achieved through restructures, reductions, or eliminations in some areas.
A SWOT analysis looks at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. We are not providing a strict framework for the structure of the SWOT analysis, so that programs and departments are able to present their information in the manner that they think is best. We do ask that the report be no longer than four pages.
Being under review does not mean that your program is under threat, since all UAF programs are being reviewed between 2019-20 and 2020-21. The process allows us to broadly consider academic efficiencies and cost savings. There are many potential outcomes ranging from continuation without change, to structural revisions, to limited program eliminations. In all cases, students enrolled in programs will be supported to complete their degrees.
- Summary of 2019-20 recommendations by program
- Full 2019-20 committee recommendation documents
- FAQs from 2019-20 process
- List of programs and departments identified for review in 2019-20
- Defined 2019-20 process for expedited review
- Expedited Academic Review Committee Members
- Expedited review documents 2019-20
- Delaware Cost Study table (Excel)
Cornerstone message October 16, 2019
Cornerstone message to students October 18, 2019
Cornerstone message October 23, 2019
Chancellor's budget update November 1, 2019
Cornerstone message March 6, 2020
Chancellor's email message March 9, 2020
Chancellor's email message March 20, 2020
Chancellor's recommendations to President Johnsen, March 23, 2020
Chancellor's email message March 23, 2020
SWOT Analysis template for departments/programs undergoing review *to be submitted by Oct. 1, 2020*
Recommendations template the committee will complete for each program