Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index

Alaska Native Politics

AKNP 151 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (3+0)

A general survey of the Alaska Claims Settlement Act of 1971. Historical overview of land claims of various tribes in the Lower 48 and in Alaska. Current status of regional, village and nonprofit Native corporations. Future issues related to implementation of ANCSA. Also available via Independent Learning.

AKNP 212 (1 Credit) As Demand Warrants
Duties and Powers of Local Government (1+0)

Development, operation and improvement of local government in Alaska. Future of local government in bush Alaska. For citizen, practitioner and advocate.

AKNP 230 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Federal Indian Law (3+0)

Principles of Federal Indian Law and the extent to which these principles apply to Alaska Natives. Foundation of principles that formed the bases of the relationship of the United States to the tribes and development of this relationship. Legal perspective and land issues. (Prerequisite: English placement test.)

AKNP 233 (1 Credit) As Demand Warrants
Tribal Government Issues (1+0)

Tribal governments and related issues. Political status and lawmaking, judicial, and regulatory powers. Sovereignty, tribal enrollment and membership. Selected federal statutes and Indian Law affecting Alaska Native tribes. Potential role of tribal governments in planning for Alaska Natives' future defined and discussed.