Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index

Liberal Arts and Sciences

LAS 410W,O/2 (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Scientific Research (2+3)

Formulation and testing of hypothesize using field observation and experimentation. Includes collection of data, analysis using spreadsheets and statistical software, and oral/written presentation. Focus on individual and group participation in ongoing field or laboratory projects in the natural sciences. (Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing as a major in the B.A.S. degree program.)

LAS 420W,O/2 (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Social Science Inquiry and Research (2+3)

Senior seminar. Integration of multiple disciplines in the social sciences. Focus on inquiry and research as applied to education (primarily K-8). Includes an understanding of crucial historical periods and issues of inquiry, and viewing these events from different standpoints. (Prerequisites: Completion of core Perspectives on the Human Condition and Communication, and the B.A.S. degree requirements in social science.)

LAS 430W,O/2 (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Language Arts and the Humanities: Creative Activities and Research (3+0+2)

Senior seminar. Synthesis and broad view of literary studies, philosophy, and the performing and plastic arts. Focus on where these fields overlap, how they are shaped by cultural forces, and their conceptual or theoretical underpinnings. Includes pedagogical components for students aspiring to teach elementary school. (Prerequisites: Completion of core Perspectives on the Human Condition and Communication, and the B.A.S. degree requirements in literature, grammar, writing and creative expression.)