Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index


For information on studying in Russian-speaking countries, see Study Abroad; on compulsory placement tests, see Course Placement; on "bonus credit", see Alternative Ways to Earn Credit.

RUSS 100A (3 Credits) Fall
Beginning Russian I and II (3+0) h

An introductory course in the Russian language and culture with an emphasis on the spoken and written language. After completion of RUSS 100A and 100B the student will be able to continue on to RUSS 102. Note: Both RUSS 100A and RUSS 100B must be taken to equal one semester of the foreign language core requirement.

RUSS 101 (5 Credits) Fall
RUSS 102
Elementary Russian I and II (5+0) h

Introduction to language and culture: development of competence and performance in the language through understanding, recognition and use of linguistic structures; increasing emphasis on listening comprehension and speaking; basic vocabulary of approximately 750 words; exploration of the cultural dimension, implicitly through language, and explicitly through texts and audiovisual materials. Laboratory fee: $25.00.

RUSS 103 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Conversational Russian I (3+0) h

Oral skills improvement. Vocabulary is presented to improve speaking on specific topics. Laboratory fee: $25.00. (Prerequisites: RUSS 101 and RUSS 102 or above or permission of instructor. Does not satisfy core curriculum or foreign language major requirements.)

RUSS 201 (4 Credits) Fall
RUSS 202
Intermediate Russian I and II (4+0) h

Continuation of RUSS 102. Increasing emphasis on reading ability and cultural materials. Conducted in Russian. Laboratory fee: $25.00. (Prerequisite: RUSS 102 or two years of high school Russian.)

RUSS 203 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Conversational Russian II (3+0) h

Oral skills improvement. Vocabulary is presented to improve speaking on specific topics. Laboratory fee: $25.00. (Prerequisites: RUSS 102 or above or permission of instructor. Does not satisfy core curriculum or foreign language major requirements.)

RUSS 301W,O (3 Credits) Fall
Advanced Russian (3+0) h

Discussions and essays on more difficult subjects or texts. Translations, stylistic exercises, and special grammatical problems. Conducted in Russian. Laboratory fee: $25.00. (Prerequisite: RUSS 202 or instructor permission.)

RUSS 431 (3 Credits) Fall
Studies in Russian Culture (3+0) h

Study of the cultures of the Russian speaking world. Conducted in Russian. Students may repeat course for credit if topic varies. Laboratory fee: $25.00. (Prerequisites: RUSS 301 or equivalent; junior standing or permission of instructor.)

RUSS 432 (3 Credits) Spring
Studies of Literature in Russian (3+0) h

Intensive study of authors, literary texts, movements, genres, themes and/or critical approaches. Conducted in Russian. Student may repeat course for credit when topics vary. Laboratory fee: $25.00. (Prerequisites: RUSS 302 or equivalent, and at least junior standing, or permission of instructor.)

RUSS 482 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Selected Topics in Russian (3+0) h

Intensive course focusing on topics not covered in RUSS 431 or RUSS 432. Course may be repeated for credit if topic varies. Laboratory fee: $25.00. (Prerequisites: RUSS 302 or equivalent; junior standing, or permission of instructor.)

RUSS 488 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Individual Study: Senior Project h

Designed to permit the student to demonstrate ability to work with the language and the culture through the analysis and presentation, in the language, of a problem chosen by the student in consultation with the department. The student must apply for senior project and submit a project outline by the end of the 6th week of the semester preceding the semester of graduation. Conducted in Russian. Laboratory fee: $25.00. (Prerequisite: At least 10 credits in upper division Russian or permission of instructor.)