2000-2001 UAF Catalog

Student Services

Campus Resources: What's Available

Summer Sessions

A wide variety of academic opportunities are offered to residents and visitors during the summer. Courses are open to undergraduate and graduate students seeking degrees as well as to non-degree students with special interests. Students may choose from teacher training and enhancement courses, cross-cultural and arctic studies, intensive foreign language courses and field experiences in areas such as archaeology, biology, geology and marine science. Additionally, basic degree requirements and courses heavily enrolled in during the fall and spring semesters are usually available. Summer Sessions faculty include members of the regular teaching staff, supplemented by outstanding visiting instructors. Summer events include the Alaska Art Institute (hosted by the Art Department and Summer Sessions), a week-long series of workshops featuring nationally known artists and educators. For more information contact Summer Sessions, 2nd floor Signers' Hall or phone (907) 474-7021 or web Summer Sessions.