2001-2002 UAF Catalog

Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index

Northern Studies

For information on studying at McGill University, Montreal, Canada; the University of Copenhagen, Denmark; or opportunities for study in Russia, see Study Abroad.

NORS 470 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Oral Sources; Issues in Documentation (3+0)
(Cross-listed with ANTH 470 and stacked with NORS 670)
Preparation for recording and use of oral resources. Examines how meaning is conveyed through oral traditions and personal narratives and the issues involved with recording and reproducing narratives. Includes management of oral recordings, ethical and legal considerations, issues of interpretation and censorship, and the use of new technologies to access and deliver recordings. (Prerequisite: At least one undergraduate ANTH course and one undergraduate HIST course, or permission of instructor.)

NORS 484W (3 Credits) Fall
Seminar in Northern Studies (3+0) s
An interdisciplinary seminar focusing on topics relating to the North with emphasis on the physical sciences, the peoples and the socioeconomic and political aspects of the area. Specialists in the various fields will assign readings and conduct discussions. (Prerequisite: At least junior standing or permission of instructor.)

NORS 600 (3 Credits) Fall
Perspectives on the North (3+0)
(Cross-listed with HIST 600)
Basic knowledge of the circumpolar north -- the social, economic, political, and scientific facets of northern life. Consideration of major cultural groups of the north and their histories, the environmental settings and patterns of settlement and development in northern regions and systems of governance in different northern countries. Broad overview of the major policy issues of the north in education, justice, health care, and environmental and wildlife protection.

NORS 601 (3 Credits) Fall
Research Methods and Sources in the North (3+0)
Development of students' research skills so they can engage in their own research on northern issues. Includes techniques of interviewing, conducting surveys, and sampling; qualitative and quantitative methods of research design; and familiarity with library sources and archival records. Each student will develop a research project.

NORS 610 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Northern Indigenous People and Contemporary Issues (3+0)
(Cross-listed with ANTH 610)
Comparative examination of issues affecting northern indigenous people from Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Russia. Issues include the impact of the alienation of land on which these people depend; the relationships between their small, rural microeconomies and the larger agroindustrial market economies of which they are a part; education, language loss, and cultural transmission; alternative governmental policies toward indigenous peoples and contrasting world views.

NORS 614 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Human Adaptation to the Circumpolar North (3+0)
(Cross-listed with PSY 614)
Individual and family adaptations to the distinctive stresses and opportunities of life in northern regions. Students complete an original research project examining a topic such as successful and unsuccessful responses to northern work and economic cycles, adult development in sparsely populated frontier settings, and the social problems characteristic of northern settings.

NORS 616 (6 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Performance Studies Abroad (3+9)
(Stacked with THR 416W)
Intensive course for actors, directors, designers, technicians and playwrights interested in script development/training with the participation of international theatre professionals. Develop new scripts and performances in a multicultural environment under the supervision of a theatre faculty member. Previous faculty and student work abroad includes: Russia, Zambia, South Africa and Scandinavia. Course requirements vary according to the project.

NORS 620 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Images of the North (3+0)
(Cross-listed with ENGL 620)
Emphasis on the variety of images created about the people and environment of the circumpolar north. Examination and interpretation of conceptualizations of the north as expressed in such different media as film, art, literature, travel journals, and oral traditions.

NORS 624 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Field Artists of the North (3+0)
(Stacked with ART 424O and cross-listed with ART 624)
Study of field artists and their work, from the explorer artists of yesteryear to today's field artists using a variety of traditional and contemporary media in their creations. Students will conceive and conduct their own study projects, producing a body of work that will demonstrate the principles and practice of a field artist. (Prerequisites: ART 105 and a studio art course (ART 161, 162, 163, 205, 211, 213) or JRN 203.)

NORS 625 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Visual Images of the North (3+0)
(Cross-listed with ART 625)
Examination of the two-dimensional imagery of the people and landscapes of the polar regions, centering on such issues as depiction of arctic peoples and customs by Europeans, documentary vs. artistic goals, translations from original sketches to published images, relationship of polar imagery to prevailing historical styles, and the influence of changing world views on modes of polar representation between the 16th and 20th centuries.

NORS 627 (3 Credits) Spring
Geography of Cold Lands (3+0) s
(Cross-listed with GEOG 627 and stacked with GEOG 427)
Comparative physical, human, and economic geography of cold regions in the north, especially Canada, Siberia, Greenland and Scandinavia. Special attention given to spatial patterns of settlement and natural resource development. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

NORS 640 (3 Credits) Alternate Year
Ethics and Reporting in the Far North (3+0)
(Stacked with JRN 440 and cross-listed with JRN 640)
Historical overview of media coverage of the northern frontier with focus on journalistic ethics. A comparison is made to the media climate in third world countries.

NORS 648 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Environmental Politics of the Circumpolar North (3+0)
(Stacked with PS 448)
Overview of how environmental politics and policy as a field of study relates to the Arctic region. Analysis of various threats to the northern environment, focusing on the policy making institutions at selected Arctic rim nations, as well as strategies to deal with environmental problems in an international context. (Prerequisite: admission to the Northern Studies graduate program or permission of instructor.)

NORS 649 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Comparative Government and Politics in the Circumpolar North (3+0)
(Stacked with PS 449)
Comprehensive survey of political systems in the circumpolar north. Focus on differences in governmental structures in northern countries and on northern politics, especially interest group development and partisan and ideological conflicts. Examination of northern policy issues in such areas as economic development, subsistence protection, environmental regulations, education, and social welfare.

NORS 651 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Law, Justice, and Society in the Circumpolar North (3+0)
(Stacked with PS 451)
This course analyzes the legal systems and constitutional frameworks of circumpolar countries, with special attention to the status of Native peoples. Questions of individual and collective rights, as well as cultural, environmental, and resource conflicts, will be considered in the context of institutions, policy-making, and legal theory.

NORS 652 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
International Relations of the North (3+0)
(Stacked with PS 452)
Examination of the international strategies of circumpolar states. Consideration of theoretical and practical elements of strategy formation in major issue areas such as national security, the political economy, human rights, and scientific exchange. (Next offered: 2002-03.)

NORS 653 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Greenland: Home Rule and Self-determination (3+0)
The history and political economy of Greenland with emphasis on development of the Home Rule government. Highlights Greenland's dynamic relationship with the world economy and efforts of the Home Rule government to pursue sustainable development. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

NORS 661 (3 Credits) Fall
History of Alaska (3+0)
(Stacked with HIST 461W)
Alaska from prehistoric times to the present, including major themes such as Native Alaska, colonial Alaska, military Alaska, statehood, Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971, and the Alaska National Interest Lands Act of 1980. Also available via Independent Learning.

NORS 662 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Alaska Government and Politics (3+0) s
(Stacked with PS 462)
A comprehensive introduction to Alaska's government and politics, in the context of American state and local government and politics and governments of circumpolar northern nations. Topics include political history, constitution, political parties, interest groups, elections, public opinion, governor, legislature, judiciary, administration and local governments. Compares Alaska to the contiguous 48 states and subnational governments of the circumpolar North; examines how government institutions and processes respond to social, environmental, and political changes of Northern communities. (Prerequisite: junior standing. Next offered: 2001 - 02.)

NORS 664 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
History of Russia (3+0)
(Stacked with HIST 464)
Origin and development of Russia from early times to the present. Emphasis on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. (Prerequisites: HIST 101, 102 or permission of instructor.)

NORS 668 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Government and Politics of Russia (3+0)
(Stacked with PS 468W)
An examination of current developments in Russia from a number of perspectives: the effect of history and geography on political change; the nature of Russian government and society; the legacies of Lenin, Stalin, Gorbachev, and the ideological nature of regimes and leadership; economic forces and the political struggle in governance; revolution, democracy and reform; and the international role of Russia, particularly in relation to the former Soviet republics, Eastern Europe and other border areas. (Prerequisites: PS 201 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2002 - 03.)

NORS 670 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Oral Sources; Issues in Documentation (3+0)
(Cross-listed with ANTH 670 and stacked with ANTH 470)
Preparation for recording and use of oral resources. Examines how meaning is conveyed through oral traditions and personal narratives and the issues involved with recording and reproducing narratives. Includes management of oral recordings, ethical and legal considerations, issues of interpretation and censorship, and the use of new technologies to access and deliver recordings. (Prerequisite: At least one undergraduate ANTH course and one undergraduate HIST course, or permission of instructor.)

NORS 675 (3 Credits) Fall
Historiography (3+0)
(Stacked with HIST 475W)
Seminar discussions and lectures introduce philosophical approaches to history. Examines various methodological approaches to historical inquiry. Includes the nature of historical evidence, questioning of the role of truth and objectivity in history, an examination of the role of the historian in interpreting historical evidence, and different interpretations of historical events and actions. Designed for history majors and minors, and graduate students seeking to conduct historical research. (Prerequisites: graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

NORS 680 (3 Credits) Fall
Comparative Education (3+0)
(Cross-listed with ED 680)
Focus on the comparative study and analysis of international systems of public education. National issues to be addressed include social context, gender, ideology, international power, level of development, current issues and problems, and efforts toward reform. National systems to be studied include Japan, the People's Republic of China, and a variety of other national or cross-national studies to be completed by course participants.

NORS 681 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Polar Exploration and its Literature (3+0)
(Stacked with HIST 481W)
A survey of polar exploration efforts of all Western nations from A.D. 870 to the present and a consideration of the historical sources of this effort. Also available via Independent Learning.

NORS 683 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
20th Century Circumpolar History (3+0)
(Stacked with HIST 483W)
A comparative history of the circumpolar north, including Alaska, Siberia, Scandinavia, Greenland and Canada. Focus on social, economic, political and environmental issues of the 20th century, such as exploration, aboriginal land claims, subsistence, military strategy, transportation, oil development, Arctic haze, and scientific research in the Arctic.

NORS 687 (2 Credits) Spring
Alaska Research Resources (2+0)
(Stacked with LS 487)
Find, use and evaluate primary sources in the Alaska and Polar Regions Department of the Rasmuson library over the internet. Student pursues own topics and findings may be used to support research in other courses.

NORS 690 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Researching and Writing Public Northern History (3+0)
(Cross-listed with HIST 690)
This course enables students to work with public agencies, under the direction of the instructor, in researching and writing background papers needed by public officials in formulating public policies dealing with a wide range of topics, including, for example, resource utilization and land management. Students acquire and demonstrate research, writing, and problem solving skills).