2002-2003 UAF Catalog

Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index


ANTH 100X (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Individual, Society and Culture (3+0) s

An examination of the complex social arrangements guiding individual behavior and common human concerns in contrasting cultural contexts. Also available via Independent Learning.

ANTH 101 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Introduction to Anthropology (3+0) s

Human societies and cultures based on the findings of the four subfields of the discipline: archaeological, biological, cultural and linguistic. Also available via Independent Learning.

ANTH 105 (1 Credit) As Demand Warrants
Introduction to the History and Culture of the Seward Peninsula (1+0)
(Cross-listed with HIST 105)

Cultural history of the Seward Peninsula peoples for the last 10,000 years using physical anthropology, ethnography, ethnohistory, linguistics, archaeology, ecology and climatology. Eskimo and Euroamerican cultures which have existed in western Alaska.

ANTH 111 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Ancient Civilizations (3+0) s

Major civilizations of the Old and New World from a comparative, anthropological perspective. Antecedents and influences of these civilizations on their neighbors. Economics, science, religion, and social organization of these civilizations. (Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 123 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Origins of Alaska's Native Peoples (3+0) s

Origins and affinities of Alaska Native peoples from an archaeological perspective. Prehistory examination of Yup'ik, Inupiaq, Aleut, Tlingit, and Athabascan groups.

ANTH 210 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
New World Prehistory (3+0) s

Culture history of Native Americans from earliest times (excluding Alaska and Canada) including those in Mexican and Peruvian states. (Prerequisite: ANTH 211 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 211 (3 Credits) Fall
Fundamentals of Archaeology (2+3) s

Methods and techniques of archaeological field and laboratory research.

ANTH 212 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Old World Prehistory (3+0) s

The archaeological record for the development of human culture from the very beginnings of humankind to the rise of civilization. (Prerequisites: ANTH 211 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2002 - 03.)

ANTH 215 (3 Credits) Spring
Fundamentals of Social/Cultural Anthropology (3+0) s

Introduction to the basic concepts, subfields and techniques of social/cultural anthropology. Includes non-Western and Western ethnographic topics, and discussion of career options. (Prerequisite: ANTH 100X.)

ANTH 221 (3 Credits) Fall
Introduction to Biological Anthropology (3+0) n

Survey of genetics, evolutionary mechanisms, adaptation, primate studies, the human fossil record and human variation. Provides a basic understanding of humans from a biological, evolutionary and temporal perspective.

ANTH 230 (3 Credits) Fall
The Oral Tradition: Folklore and Oral History (3+0) h

Study and collection of folklore and oral history. Importance of oral tradition in human communication and the advantages and disadvantages of recording and studying it. Sociocultural anthropology and anthropological linguistics in relation to oral traditions. Methods of folklorists, historians and academicians. Field project required.

ANTH 242 (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Native Cultures of Alaska (3+0) s
(Cross-listed with ANS 242)

The traditional Aleut, Eskimo, and Indian (Athabascan and Tlingit) cultures of Alaska. Eskimo and Indian cultures in Canada. Linguistic and cultural groupings, population changes, subsistence patterns, social organization and religion in terms of local ecology. Pre-contact interaction between groups. Also available via Independent Learning.

ANTH 301 (3 Credits) Spring
World Ethnography (3+0) s

Cultural heritage, social systems, modes of economic adaptation and culture change for human populations in major geographic regions of the world. Culture areas covered different semesters are contingent on available faculty expertise. Course may be repeated for credit when content varies. (Prerequisites: A cultural anthropology course and junior standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 302 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Anthropology of Siberia (3+0) s

Native cultures of Siberia including the Russian Far East. Information from all subfields of anthropology covered with emphasis on contemporary perspectives. (Prerequisite: ANTH 100X or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 303 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (3+0) s
(Cross-listed with WMS 303)

Gender as both cultural construction and social relationship is examined through readings in comparative ethnographies portraying gender roles in a broad variety of societies, from hunter-gatherer to industrial. New theoretical and methodological approaches in anthropology for exploring and understanding women's experiences in their cultural variety are presented. (Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 304W,O (3 Credits) Fall
Social Organization I (3+0) s

Social aspects of human existence ranging from religious to economic activities. Emphasis on core concepts of kinship and political organization. Includes social relations, age, gender and human interaction with the natural environment. (Prerequisite: ANTH 215 or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 308W,O (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Language and Gender (3+0) s
(Cross-listed with LING 308W,O and WMS 308W,O)

Examination of relationships between language and gender, drawing on both ethnographic and linguistic sources. Topics include power, socialization and sexism. (Next offered: 2003-04.)

ANTH 309 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Circumpolar Archaeology (3+0) s

Archaeology of the circumpolar world from initial occupations through the historic period. Cultural and chronological variability in human adaptation to high latitudes. Causes and consequences of population movement, environmental change, and cultural interaction in the old and new world, as understood through archaeology. (Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003-04.)

ANTH 315 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Human Biology (2+3) n<
br /> Biology of recent and modern human populations, including systematics, behavior, ecology and inter- and intrapopulation genetic and morphological variations. Human adaptations to heat, cold, high altitudes, and changing nutritional and disease patterns. Human skeletal biology, including metrical and non-metrical variation, aging and sexing skeletal remains, and paleopathology. (Prerequisite: ANTH 221 or BIOL 103X. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 317 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Human Growth and Development (3+0) n

Life-span approach to physiological (and cognitive) growth and development in fossil through modern humans. Begins with a summary of human biology and genetics. Proceeds through major phases in life: prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adult and old age. Includes detailed soft and hard tissue developments in these phases of life. (Prerequisite: ANTH 221.)

ANTH 320W (3 Credits) Spring
Language and Culture: Applications to Alaska (3+0) s
(Cross-listed with ANS 320W)

Language, ethnicity, and their interrelationships. Communicating ethnic identity. Patterns of language use which affect communication between ethnic groups. Applicability of these concepts to Native/non-Native communication patterns. (Prerequisite: LING 101 or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 351 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Archaeological Analysis and Interpretation (3+0) s

Archaeological analysis, procedures and report writing. Examination of archaeological collections and research problems pertaining to those collections. (Prerequisite: ANTH 211. Next offered: 2002-03.)

ANTH 360 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Indigenous Art and Culture (3+0) h
(Cross-listed with ART 360)

Overview of the aesthetic expressions of the cultures of Africa, Oceania and Native North America. Cultural and social factors will be studied through the visual art from these areas.

ANTH 365 (3 Credits) Fall
Native Art of Alaska (3+0) h
(Cross-listed with ANS 365 and ART 365)

Art forms of the Eskimo, Indian and Aleut from prehistory to the present. Changes in forms through the centuries. (Prerequisite: Advanced standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 366 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Northwest Coast Indian Art (3+0) h
(Cross-listed with ANS 366 and ART 366)

Arts of the Northwest Coast Indians and the place of art in their culture. (Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 367 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Eskimo Art (3+0) h
(Cross-listed with ANS 367 and ART 367)

Eskimo art from Alaska, Canada and Siberia beginning with the earliest known pieces to the beginning of the 20th century. (Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 380 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
The People of Alaskan Southwest: Aleuts, Kodiak Islanders and the Chugach (3+0) s

Cultural heritage and present conditions of Aleuts, including people of the Aleutian archipelago, Kodiak Islanders, people of the Alaska Peninsula and the Chugach of Prince William Sound. (Prerequisite: ANTH 242 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003-04.)

ANTH 381 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
The Inupiaq and Yup'ik Peoples (3+0) s

Contemporary conditions and traditional heritage of the Inupiaq and Yup'ik peoples including the impact of Euroamericans on these populations and cultures. (Prerequisite: ANTH 242 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 382 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
The People of Alaskan Southeast (3+0) s

Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian societies in the framework of Northwest Coast culture-area. Impact of Russian penetration and of historical factors. (Prerequisite: ANTH 242 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 383 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Athabascan Peoples of Alaska and Adjacent Canada (3+0) s

Contemporary conditions and traditional heritage of the Athabascan populations of Alaska and Canada. Impact of Euroamericans on these populations and cultures. (Prerequisite: ANTH 242 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003-04.)

ANTH 402 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Anthropology of Art (3+0) s

(Stacked with ANTH 602 and cross-listed with ART 402)
Anthropological study of art in cross-cultural perspective. Social context of art production and use, cross-cultural variations in definition of an artist's role. (Prerequisites: Senior standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 403W,O (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Political Anthropology (3+0) s
(Stacked with ANTH 603)

Political systems and the law. Case studies from nonindustrial societies, developing nations, and parapolitical systems or encapsulated societies, such as native peoples in the U.S. Political structures and institutions; social conflict, dispute settlement, social control and the law, political competition over critical resources; and ethnicity. (Prerequisite: ANTH 215 or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 404W,O (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Social Organization II (3+0) s

Continuation of Social Organization I. Focus on issues of power and social ordering (mechanisms of social control, resistance and plural systems of ordering). Includes the intersection of power with kinship, gender relations, religion, and social groups and boundaries. (Prerequisite: ANTH 304 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2002-03.)

ANTH 405 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Archaeological Method and Theory (2+3) s
(Stacked with ANTH 605)

Archaeological methods and analysis as the framework for different perspectives in archaeology. Application to specific research problems. (Prerequisite: ANTH 211. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 407 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Kinship and Social Organization (3+0) s
(Stacked with ANTH 607)

Forms and function of family and household organization, kinship and marriage in diverse human sociocultural systems. Case studies from tribal and complex societies including contemporary United States. (Prerequisite: ANTH 215 or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 409 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Anthropology of Religion (3+0) s
(Stacked with ANTH 609)

Religion or supernatural belief from the perspective of anthropology. Religion in the context of "primitive" society as well as its role in complex society. Religious practitioners, ritual, belief systems, and the relationship of religious behavior to other aspects of social behavior. (Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 411O (3 Credits) Spring
Senior Seminar in Anthropology (3+0) s

The integrated nature of anthropological inquiry. Includes a four-field approach to anthropology in a discussion-intensive setting. Student may focus on an interdisciplinary theme or a topic other than their own specialization. (Prerequisite: Anthropology major with senior standing, or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 414 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Environmental Archaeology (3+0) n

Quaternary environmental reconstruction through the integration of geological, archaeological, botanical, and zoological data. (Prerequisite: A course in archaeology or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2002 - 03.)

ANTH 415 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Zooarchaeology and Taphonomy (2+3)

Identification of bones, how vertebrate bone remains may be used to study archaeological site formation processes, site organization, subsistence practices and animal procurement strategies. Preservation in modern depositional environments, paleoecology, vertebrate mortality profiles and demographic structure, site seasonality, bone breakage, taphonomy and faunal remains and human land use practices. (Next offered: 2002 - 03.)

ANTH 418 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Historical Archaeology (3+0) s
(Stacked with ANTH 618)

Historical archaeology of the Americas examines colonial and frontier archaeology as experienced by Euroamericans, in addition to contact and post contact archaeology of Native North Americans. Current perspectives in American historical archaeology, including a review of goals, problem orientation, and the manner in which archaeological and documentary data are used for anthropological interpretation. (Prerequisites: ANTH 405 or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 419W (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Material Culture Analysis in Archaeology (3+0) s
(Stacked with ANTH 619)

Analysis of material culture recovered from archaeological sites. Different types of analysis relevant to particular kinds of archaeological problems (i.e. lithic use-wear) are conducted. Includes archaeological materials from the UA museum. (Prerequisites: ANTH 211, 351, or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003-04.)

ANTH 420 (3 Credits) Fall
History of Anthropology (3+0) s

Major theoretical approaches in anthropology chronologically from formulation of the discipline of anthropology to current theory. Nature of the discipline, its goals and methods, and the relevance of theoretical perspectives to interpretations in anthropology. (Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 422 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Human Osteology
(Stacked with ANTH 625)

Human skeletal analysis: bone biology, skeletal anatomy, aging and sexing, metric and non-metric traits of skeleton and dentition, paleopathology, and paleodemography. Inferences on genetic relationships between and patterned behavior within prehistoric groups derived from skeletal material. (Prerequisite: ANTH 221 or permission of instructor. Next offered 2003-04.)

ANTH 423O (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Paleoanthropology (2+3)
(Stacked with ANTH 623)

Analysis of the Plio-Pleistocene hominid fossil record, including comparative primate and hominid skeletal and dental anatomy, systematics, taphonomy and long-term biobehavioral adaptations. (Prerequisites: ANTH 212 or 221 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2002 - 03.)

ANTH 424 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Analytical Techniques (3+0)
(Stacked with ANTH 624)

Classification, sampling, collection and analysis of anthropological data: parametric and nonparametric significance tests and measures of association, analysis of frequency data, estimating resemblance using multiple variables, computer simulations and analysis. (Prerequisite: ANTH 211 or 221; and any college level mathematics course or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2002 - 03.)

ANTH 428W (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Ecological Anthropology (3+0) n

Biological, environmental and cultural factors and their interplay in defining the human condition, with examples from Arctic and other populations. (Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 432 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Field Methods in Descriptive Linguistics (3+0) h
(Stacked with ANTH 632 and cross-listed with LING 431)

Introduction to general issues in language field work and to issues specific to working with little studied and/or endangered languages in particular. Training in techniques of linguistics field work commonly used to determine the grammar of an unknown and/or unwritten language. Topics will include: definition of research problem and research program; considerations in selecting consultants; ethics and responsibilities involved in field work and human research; data elicitation, analysis, reporting and interpreting, and archiving. Students will work intensively with a primary consultant who is a native speaker of a non-Indo-European language. (Prerequisites: LING 318, LING 320, or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2002-03.)

ANTH 446 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Economic Anthropology (3+0) s
(Stacked with ANTH 646)

Relationships between economic and other social relations. Pre-industrial societies. Relevance of formal economics to small-scale societies and developing nations. Exchange, formal and substantive economics, market economics, rationality, political economy and the economics of development. (Prerequisite: A cultural anthropology class or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 451 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Quaternary Seminar (3+0)
(Cross-listed with GEOS 452 and stacked with ANTH 651 and GEOS 651)

Discussion of the Quaternary Period (relatively recent past -- spanning the past two million years) in order to gain a better understanding of the landscape, biota, and climate of the present day. Quaternary studies are concerned with the historical dimension of the natural sciences. This seminar will range widely over diverse interdisciplinary subjects of Quaternary interest, such as paleoclimatology, paleobiogeography, vertebrate paleontology, and sedimentology. (Prerequisites: GEOS 215, 304, 322, graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 453W (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Current Perspectives in Cultural Resource Management (3+0) s
(Stacked with ANTH 653)

Cultural resource management. Includes historic preservation and environmental law. Reviews pertinent legislation pertaining to the protection of historic properties, and presents a series of real world problems confronted by archaeologists. Cultural resource management will be treated historically within a context of the development of American archaeology. Emphasis on practical aspects of career development. (Prerequisites: ANTH 210 and ANTH 211; or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003-04.)

ANTH 465 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Geoarchaeology (3+0)
(Cross-listed with GEOS 465)

Geological context of archaeological sites and the geologic factors that affect their preservation, with emphasis on Alaska. Includes a one or two-day weekend field trip in late April or early May. (Prerequisite: GEOS 101X, an introductory course in archaeology, or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 470 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Oral Sources; Issues in Documentation (3+0) h
(Stacked with ANTH 670 and NORS 670)

Preparation for recording and use of oral resources. Examines how meaning is conveyed through oral traditions and personal narratives and the issues involved with recording and reproducing narratives. Includes management of oral recordings, ethical and legal considerations, issues of interpretation and censorship, and the use of new technologies to access and deliver recordings. (Prerequisite: At least one undergraduate ANTH course and one undergraduate HIST course, or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 602 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Anthropology of Art (3+0)
(Stacked with ANTH 402 and ART 402)

Anthropological study of art in cross-cultural perspective. Social context of art production and use, cross-cultural variations in definition of an artist's role. (Prerequisites: Senior standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 603 (3 credits) As Demand Warrants
Political Anthropology (3+0)
(Stacked with ANTH 403W,O)

Political systems and the law. Case studies from nonindustrial societies, developing nations, and parapolitical systems or encapsulated societies, such as native peoples in the U.S. Political structures and institutions; social conflict, dispute settlement, social control and the law, political competition over critical resources; and ethnicity. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing.)

ANTH 605 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Archaeological Method and Theory (2+3)
(Stacked with ANTH 405)

Archaeological methods and analysis as the framework for different perspectives in archaeology. Application to specific research problems. (Prerequisite: ANTH 211 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 606 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Folklore and Mythology: Anthropological Perspective (3+0)

Intensive introduction to anthropological theory concerning oral traditions and the verbal arts. Attention is paid to classic historical approaches, but discussion of contemporary focus on context and performance is highlighted. Students will research topics of individual interest. (Prerequisites: Upper division undergraduate anthropology course or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 607 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Kinship and Social Organization (3+0)
(Stacked with ANTH 407)

Forms and function of family and household organization, kinship and marriage in diverse human sociocultural systems. Case studies from tribal and complex societies including contemporary United States. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 608 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Classics in Anthropology (3+0)

Landmark contributions in anthropological literature, ethnographies and theoretical works, will be discussed. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructors.)

ANTH 609 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Anthropology of Religion (3+0)
(Stacked with ANTH 409)

Religion or supernatural belief from the perspective of anthropology. Religion in the context of "primitive" society as well as its role in complex society. Religious practitioners, ritual, belief systems, and the relationship of religious behavior to other aspects of social behavior. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 610 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Northern Indigenous Peoples and Contemporary Issues (3+0)
(Cross-listed with NORS 610)

This course examines a number of issues affecting northern indigenous peoples from a comparative perspective, including perspectives from Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and the Soviet Union. Issues include the impact of the alienation of land on which these peoples depend; the relationship between their small, rural microeconomies and the larger agroindustrial market economies of which they area a part; education, language loss, and cultural transmission; alternative governmental policies towards indigenous peoples; and contrasting world views. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing, or upper division with permission of instructor.)

ANTH 612 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Paleoecology (3+0)

Advanced study of Quaternary environments. The influences of climatic change and the interrelationships of physical and biological factors on the distribution and evolution of biota including humans will be discussed. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 613 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Seminar: Problems in Arctic Archaeology (3+0)

A seminar which focuses in depth upon topics of current interest in North American Arctic archaeology including Beringian prehistory, interior archaeology, coastal archaeology, past arctic adaptations, etc. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 614 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Archaeology of Siberia (3+0)

A thorough survey of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze and Iron ages of Siberia through an examination of key archaeological sites. Data from archaeology, ethnology, linguistics and paleoanthropology will be applied to ancient population changes and the ethnogenesis of Siberian peoples. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2002-03.)

ANTH 618 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Historical Archaeology (3+0)
(Stacked with ANTH 418)

Historical archaeology of the Americas examines colonial and frontier archaeology as experienced by Euroamericans, in addition to contact and post contact archaeology of Native North Americans. Current perspectives in American historical archaeology, including a review of goals, problem orientation, and the manner in which archaeological and documentary data are used for anthropological interpretation. (Prerequisites: ANTH 405 or 605 or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 619 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Material Culture Analysis in Archaeology (3+0)
(Stacked with ANTH 419)

Analysis of material culture recovered from archaeological sites. Different types of analysis relevant to particular kinds of archaeological problems (i.e. lithic use-wear) are conducted. Includes archaeological materials from the UA museum. (Prerequisites: Upper division undergraduate anthropology course or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003-04.)

ANTH 623 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Paleoanthropology (2+3)
(Stacked with ANTH 423O)

Analysis of the Plio-Pleistocene hominid fossil record, including comparative primate and hominid skeletal and dental anatomy, systematics, taphonomy and long-term biobehavioral adaptations. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2002 - 03.)

ANTH 624 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Analytical Techniques (3+0)
(Stacked with ANTH 424)

Classification, sampling, collection and analysis of anthropological data; parametric and nonparametric significance tests and measures of association, analysis of frequency data, estimating resemblance using multiple variables, computer simulations and analysis. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Anthropology.)

ANTH 625 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Human Osteology
(Stacked with ANTH 422)

Human skeletal analysis: bone biology, skeletal anatomy, aging and sexing, metric and non-metric traits of skeleton and dentition, paleopathology, and paleodemography. Inferences on genetic relationships between and patterned behavior within prehistoric groups derived from skeletal material. (Prerequisite: ANTH 315, graduate standing or permission of instructor. Next offered 2003-04.)

ANTH 629 (3 Credits) Fall
Structures of Anthropological Argument (3+0)

Reading and analysis of examples from various paradigms in anthropology, past and present. Presents a thorough grounding in forms of anthropological argument and preparation for the research and writing process. Includes evolutionary, Boasian, structural-functional, structural as well as subdisciplinary linguistic, archaeological and biological forms of argument. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 630 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Anthropological Field Methods (3+0)

Concentration on the practical concerns and aspects of doing anthropological field research. Includes the relevant literature and significant discussions on the different aspects of fieldwork. In addition, students will gain practical experience in the problems, techniques and methods of fieldwork involving people from similar or distinct cultural backgrounds. The preparation of research proposals is also given attention. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing in anthropology or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 631 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Language and Culture Seminar (3+0)

In-depth examination of the interrelation between language and culture in the context of the theories of human communication, semiotics, and maintenance of cultural boundaries. In particular, the influence of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in anthropological thinking today and the field of ethnoscience will be examined, as well as language change in contact situations with emphasis on emergence of pidgin and Creole languages and effects of the introduction of writing. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing; previous credit in anthropological or descriptive linguistics, or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 632 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Field Methods in Descriptive Linguistics (3+0)
(Stacked with ANTH 432 and LING 431)

Introduction to general issues in language field work and to issues specific to working with little studied and/or endangered languages in particular. Training in techniques of linguistic field work commonly used to determine the grammar of an unknown and/or unwritten language. Topics will include: definition of research problem and research program; considerations in selecting consultants; ethics and responsibilities involved in field work and human research; data elicitation, analysis, reporting and interpreting, archiving. Students will work intensively with a primary consultant who is a native speaker of a non-Indo-European language. (Prerequisites: LING 318, LING 320, or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2002-03.)

ANTH 637 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Methods in Ethnohistorical Research (3+0)

In the seminar, students of anthropology are introduced to the methods of historical research, particularly the critical evaluation of written documents, problems of archaic language and paleography, and methods for assessing art and folklorist tradition as sources of history. Oral history and the data of language and archaeology are considered. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing in anthropology or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 646 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Economic Anthropology (3+0)
(Stacked with ANTH 446)

Relationships between economic and other social relations. Pre-industrial societies. Relevance of formal economics to small-scale societies and developing nations. Exchange, formal and substantive economics, market economics, rationality, political economy and the economics of development. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 650 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Anthropological Perspectives on Russian America (3+0)

An in-depth study of Russian penetration in North America, Russian institutions, and Russian impacts on the Aleut, Tlingit, and Yup'ik. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 651 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Quaternary Seminar (3+0)
(Cross-listed with GEOS 651 and stacked with ANTH 451 and GEOS 452)

Discussion of the Quaternary Period (relatively recent past -- spanning the past two million years) in order to gain a better understanding of the landscape, biota, and climate of the present day. Quaternary studies are concerned with the historical dimension of the natural sciences. This seminar will range widely over diverse interdisciplinary subjects of Quaternary interest, such as paleoclimatology, paleobiogeography, vertebrate paleontology, and sedimentology. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

ANTH 652 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Research Design and Professional Development Seminar (3+0)

How to develop problem-based research in anthropology and prepare research proposals, grant proposals, and publications along with critical evaluations of similar material. Topics include preparation of oral presentations for professional meetings, lectures and seminars; curriculum vitae preparation; and project budgeting. (Prerequisites: Upper-division anthropology course or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ANTH 653 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Current Perspectives in Cultural Resource Management (3+0)
(Stacked with ANTH 453)

Cultural resource management. Includes historic preservation and environmental law. Reviews pertinent legislation pertaining to the protection of historic properties, and presents a series of real world problems confronted by archaeologists. Cultural resource management will be treated historically within a context of the development of American archaeology. Emphasis on practical aspects of career development. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003-04.)

ANTH 670 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Oral Sources; Issues in Documentation (3+0)
(Cross-listed with NORS 670 and stacked with ANTH 470)

Preparation for recording and use of oral resources. Examines how meaning is conveyed through oral traditions and personal narratives and the issues involved with recording and reproducing narratives. Includes management of oral recordings, ethical and legal considerations, issues of interpretation and censorship, and the use of new technologies to access and deliver recordings. (Prerequisite: At least one undergraduate ANTH course and one undergraduate HIST course, or permission of instructor.)