2002-2003 UAF Catalog

Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index

Applied Art

APAR 100 (1 Credit) As Demand Warrants
Basic Video Workshop (1+1)

Basic video equipment operation and elementary equipment maintenance. Camera techniques, portable video recorders, lighting, audio, and simple video production.

APAR 103 (1 Credit) As Demand Warrants
Editing Videotape (1+1)

Principles and operations in electronic editing of videotape. Persons completing this course may use Media Center videotape editing facilities.

APAR 105 (1 Credit) As Demand Warrants
Community TV Production (1+1)

Video production for the Nome Public Access Cable Television (NPACT) channel in a ten-week "hands-on" training lab using a variety of video equipment. Each student will produce at least one 30-minute production. Offered at Northwest Campus.

APAR 107 (1 Credit) As Demand Warrants
Beading (1+1)

Application of beads to various materials, three kinds of stitches, and use of a bead loom.

APAR 140 (1 Credit) As Demand Warrants
Clothing Construction (1+0)

Techniques of clothing construction for the home sewer. Development of sewing skills necessary to create garments for the beginner as well as the more experienced seamstress.

APAR 150 (1 - 3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Introduction to Traditional Crafts

Introduction to traditional crafts such as basket weaving, birch bark basket making, beading, carving, canoe or kayak making, etc. Topics vary based on community need and interest and will be identified each semester. Course may be repeated for credit with each new topic.

APAR 157 (1 - 2 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Skin Sewing (1+2)

Fundamentals of skin sewing. Projects (e.g. slippers, mukluks, mittens, fur hats, vests and ruffs) dependent upon student ability and experience.

APAR 250 (1 - 3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Intermediate Traditional Crafts

Continued development of traditional crafts such as basket weaving, birch bark basket making, beading, carving, canoe or kayak making, etc. Topics vary based on community need and interest and will be identified each semester. Course may be repeated for credit with each new topic. (Prerequisite: APAR 150 or permission of instructor.)