2002-2003 UAF Catalog

Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index

Engineering and Science Management

A $25.00 per semester student computing facility user fee is assessed for CSEM engineering courses. This fee is in addition to any lab/material fees.

ESM 401 (Credits Arranged) As Demand Warrants
Construction Cost Estimating and Bid Preparation (3+0)

Compilation and analysis of the many items that influence and contribute to the cost of projects to be constructed. Preparation of cost proposals and study of bidding procedures.

ESM 450W (3 Credits*) Fall, Spring
Economic Analysis and Operations (3+0)

Fundamentals of engineering economy, project scheduling, estimating, legal principles, professional ethics, and human relations. (Not offered for credit toward the master of science degree in Engineering Management or Science Management. Prerequisites: ES 201 and senior standing in engineering or permission of instructor. Undergraduate engineering students who are taking graduate ESM courses as technical electives should have completed or be concurrently enrolled in ESM 450.) *2 credits meet the writing intensive requirement for the core curriculum.

ESM 601 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Engineers in Organizations (3+0)

The course offers a variety of management activities of special importance to engineering and scientific organizations, including organizational structures, planning, monitoring, directing, and controlling. In addition the tools of management are reviewed including schools of management theory, communications, conflict management and total quality management. Focus on developing managerial skills in Engineers and Scientists. (Prerequisite: B.S. degree in engineering or physical science or permission of instructor.)

ESM 605 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Engineering Economy (3+0)

The science of fiscal decision-making with applications to capital investment selection. Graduate level studies of capital investment analysis techniques, including present worth, annual cash flow and rate of return. Applications to replacement problems, benefits/cost analysis and capital budgeting. Consideration of impacts of depreciation accounting, income taxes and inflation. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing.)

ESM 608 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Legal Principles for Engineering Management (3+0)

A course devoted to those aspects of law specifically related to technical management. Contracts, sales, real property, business organization, labor, patents, and insurance. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing.)

ESM 609 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Project Management (3+0)

Organizing, planning, scheduling and controlling projects. Use of CPM and PERT; computer applications. Case studies of project management problems and solutions. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Engineering or Science Management or permission of instructor.)

ESM 620 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Statistics for ESM (3+0)

Forecasting applications and technique -- technological, time series, judgmental and regression; decision trees; Bayesian statistics; utility theory with trade-offs between expected value and risk in decision making; bidding strategies; data analysis. (Prerequisites: STAT 301 and MATH 202.)

ESM 621 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Operations Research (3+0)

Mathematical techniques for aiding technical managers in decision making. Linear programming, transportation problem, assignment problem, network models, PERT/CPM, inventory models, waiting line models, computer simulation, dynamic programming, Emphasis on use of techniques in actual technical management situations. Computer applications.

ESM 623 (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Computer Programming for Engineering Managers (3+0)

Basic FORTRAN programming, with applications to engineering problems. (Not offered for credit toward the M.S. in Engineering Management or Science Management.)

ESM 656 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Space Systems Engineering (3+0)
(Cross-listed with EE 656 and ME 656)

A multidisciplinary team of students will perform a preliminary design study of a major space system. Design considerations will include requirements for project management, spacecraft design, power, attitude control, thermal control, communications, computer control and data handling. The students will present their final design in a written report and a public seminar. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

ESM 684 (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Engineering Management Project (3+0)

Comprehensive study of an actual engineering management problem resulting in reports and presentations which include recommendations for action.