2002-2003 UAF Catalog

Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index


Fisheries courses are offered at both the Fairbanks Campus and at the UAF Juneau Center, School of Fisheries and Ocean Science. Those offered only at Fairbanks are identified by the initial F following the course number. Courses offered only at Juneau are identified by the initial J following the course number. The frequency of offering is identified by location for those courses offered at both Fairbanks and Juneau.

FISH 101 (3 Credits) Fairbanks, Spring
Introduction to Fisheries (3+0) Juneau, Alternate Fall

A survey of the values, habitats, biology, ecology and management of fishes with particular reference to Alaskan fisheries and issues.

FISH 261-F (3 Credits) Fall
Introduction to Seafood Science and Nutrition (3+0)

Application of scientific and engineering principles in the harvesting, processing, preservation and marketing of Alaska's rich fisheries resources. For sophomore-level natural sciences/environmental studies students. (Prerequisites: CHEM 105 or BIOL 105X or permission of instructor.)

FISH 336-J (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Introduction to Aquaculture (3+0)

Alaska's aquaculture industries, salmon ocean ranching, shellfish mariculture, and kelp mariculture contribute to the world's increasingly important aquaculture production. Survey of worldwide production, introduction to production systems and familiarization with Alaskan systems. Team taught by SFOS specialists and featuring invited lecturers, laboratory demonstrations and field trips. (Prerequisites: BIOL 106X. Next offered: 2002-03.)

FISH 380W,O (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Marine Fishes of Alaska (2+3)
(Cross-listed with BIOL 380W,O)

Taxonomy, recognition, distribution, life history and ecological relationships of marine fishes of Alaska will be studied. Life history traits that make species susceptible to commercial exploitation, changes in climate, ocean circulation or pollution will be emphasized. (Prerequisites: BIOL 106X. Next offered: 2003-04.)

FISH 381 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Biology of Commercially Important Salmonid Fishes (3+0)

Biology, life history and ecology of economically valuable salmonids. Management of salmonid fisheries. (Prerequisite: BIOL 106X.)

FISH 382 (4 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Biology of Commercially Important Marine Fishes (3+0)

Review of the major marine fish resources of Alaska. Taxonomy, distribution, life history and ecological relationships of marine fishes, with emphasis on demersal fishes, early life history and the effects of fisheries on stocks. (Prerequisite: BIOL 106X.)

FISH 383 (4 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Biology of Commercially Important Invertebrates (3+3)

Topics include the taxonomy, morphology, physiology and ecology of commercially important invertebrates. History of the management and fishery for the major species presented. Emphasis on Alaskan species. (Prerequisite: BIOL 106X.)

FISH 384 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Freshwater Fishes of Alaska (2+3)
(Cross-listed with BIOL 384)

Life histories of Alaskan freshwater fish emphasizing species sought by fishermen. Reproduction, age, growth, migration, food, interrelationships and habitat requirements. (Prerequisites: BIOL 106X. Next offered: 2002 - 03.)

FISH 400W (3 Credits) Spring
Fisheries Science (3+0)
(Cross-listed with NRM 400W)

The subject of fishery science is reviewed to reflect the emerging concept of a study area integrated over a broad sweep of disciplines: oceanography, limnology, marine biology, fish population dynamics, aquaculture, economics, processing, product quality and development and marketing. Demonstrates how such different subjects have feedback loops to one another and stresses the science fundamentals involved. (Prerequisite: one 200-level biology class. Co-requisite: STAT 200 [STAT 373-J].)

FISH 401W,O/2 (3 Credits) Fairbanks, Fall
Fisheries Management (3+0) Juneau, Alternate Fall
(Cross-listed with NRM 401W,O/2)

Principles, concepts, and techniques of fisheries management in terms of their biological, economic, social and political aspects. Topics are stocking and introductions, habitat manipulation, sustainable yield, regulation, management organizations and their responsibilities. Examples of several fisheries are used to clarify concepts and practices. (Prerequisite: BIOL 271. Next offered Juneau: 2003-04.)

FISH 418-J (4 Credits) Alternate Fall
Renewable Resource Management Systems (4+0)

Develops abilities to recognize, process and apply critical information in the management of renewable resources by examples from Alaskan fisheries. The computer as a primary tool of resource management. (Prerequisite: STAT 200 [STAT 373-J]. STAT 401 recommended. Next offered: 2003-04.)

FISH 420-J (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Modeling, Simulation and Ecological Theory (3+0)

Introduction to formal models (mathematical, graphical and simulation) in fisheries and ecology. Nature and uses of modeling approaches; choice of assumptions; simulation techniques and model verification; examples and case histories (Prerequisites: MATH 200, BIOL 271 (BIOL 281-J.)

FISH 421-J (4 Credits) Alternate Spring
Fisheries Population Dynamics (4+0)

Review and analysis of the major quantitative techniques available for assessing and predicting the status of fish populations. Demonstration and use of field and laboratory techniques and model verification; examples and case histories. (Prerequisite: STAT 200 [STAT 373-J]. FISH 418 recommended. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

FISH 427W,O (4 Credits) Alternate Spring
Ichthyology (3+3) n
(Cross-listed with BIOL 427W,O)

Major groups of fishes, emphasizing fishes of northwestern North America. Classification structure, evolution, general biology and importance to man. (Prerequisites: BIOL 317. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

FISH 436-J (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Salmon Culture (1+4)

Biology and technology of artificial propagation of salmonids. Reproduction, embryology, growth, nutrition, genetics and pathology of salmonids in both extensive (sea ranching) and intensive rearing systems. Bioengineering of incubators, rearing containers, water diversion systems and other related topics. Laboratory exercises in measuring effects of environmental characteristics on development and growth of salmon. (Prerequisites: BIOL 222 [BIOL 209-J], CHEM 106X, FISH 381. Next offered: 2003-04.)

FISH 445-J (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Sampling Methods in Fisheries (2+2)

A review of standard and specialized sampling techniques in aquatic habitats. Basic sampling theory and statistical consideration, demonstrations, use of field laboratory techniques, shipboard sampling. (Prerequisite: STAT 200 [STAT 373-J]. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

FISH 450 (3 Credits) Fall, Spring, Summer, As Demand Warrants
Practicum in Fisheries: Fisheries Observer Program (0+Variable)

Receive practical experience as a fisheries biologist onboard an Alaska commercial fishing vessel doing independent work at sea as an agent for the National Marine Fisheries Service or the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Simultaneous to credit, the student/observer would be under contract and receive reimbursement for deployment. (Prerequisites: STAT 200 or permission of instructor.)

FISH 460-K (3 - 6 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Food Science and Technology Internship (1+0+3) n
(Cross-listed with FSN 460-K)

A combination of traditional and industrial training opportunities. Assigned required readings and discussion of appropriate topics in food science and technology. Information applied during hands-on experience in a food processing plant. Discussion includes fundamental information and solutions to industrial problems. Faculty mentor assigned to each intern. Required written evaluation of internship. 30 hours in-plant work experience for 12 - 24 weeks. (Prerequisites: 16 credits in natural sciences, MATH 200X or MATH 272 or permission of instructor.) Course offered only in Kodiak.

FISH 601-F (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Quantitative Fishery Science (2+3)
FISH 602 (3 Credits) Juneau, Alternate Fall
Advanced Fisheries Management (2+3) Fairbanks, Alternate Spring
FISH 621-J (4 Credits) Alternate Fall
Advanced Fish Population Dynamics I (3+2)

Estimation of abundance of fish and other aquatic populations, using mark-recapture, line-transect, catch-effort and change-in-ratio techniques. Population growth and mortality models. Theory of fishing and stock productivity. Computer lab work and homework with data from actual and simulated populations. (Prerequisites: MATH 201, STAT 401, familiarity with PC's including word processing and spreadsheets. Recommended: FISH 421, MATH 302, MATH 314.)

FISH 622-J (4 Credits) Alternate Spring
Advanced Fish Population Dynamics II (3+2)

Modeling of fish recruitment, individual growth and fecundity. Population models and assessment techniques for age- and length-structured populations. Biological reference points and management strategies derived from population and harvesting parameters. Computer lab work and homework with data from actual and simulated populations. (Prerequisite: FISH 621.)

FISH 625 (4 Credits) Alternate Spring
Analysis of Vertebrate Population (3+3)
(Cross-listed with WLF 625)

Contemporary methods of estimation of fundamental population parameters, abundance, and survival with their implication for management. Focus will be on assumptions and methodology of estimation techniques. State-of-the-art computer applications will be employed in laboratory exercises of actual and simulated data. (Prerequisites: BIOL 271 and an advanced course in statistics.)

FISH 633-J (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Pacific Salmon Life Histories (3+3)

Life history patterns of species and stocks of Pacific salmon compared. Evolutionary models to explain the variety of patterns. Effects of human activities on species and stock; conservation of salmon resources. Discussion and analysis of readings from the literature. (Prerequisite: FISH 427.)

FISH 650 (3 Credits) Fairbanks: Alternate Fall
Fish Ecology (2+3) Juneau: As Demand Warrants
(Cross-listed with BIOL 650)

The ecology of fish is examined from the community aspect. Current literature on inter- and intraspecific relationships, influence of the environment on community structure, behavior and production is emphasized. (Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.)

FISH 651-J (4 Credits) Alternate Spring
Fishery Genetics (4+0)

Application of genetics to fisheries. Focus on Alaskan fisheries including introduction to the theory of electrophoresis, stock separation, population genetics and quantitative genetics.

FISH 653-J (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Zooplankton Ecology (3+0)
(Cross-listed with MSL 653-J)

Survey of marine zooplankton including processes and variables which influence their production and dynamics. Emphasis on the northeast Pacific ocean zooplankton community. Field and lab methods for sampling include fixing, preserving, subsampling, identifying and quantifying zooplankton collections. Laboratory techniques for culture of zooplankton include physiological measurements of bioenergetic parameters. (Prerequisites: invertebrate zoology course, MSL 610, or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

FISH 654-J (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Benthic Ecology (3+0)
(Cross-listed with MSL 654-J)

Ecology of marine benthos, from subtidal to hadal zone. Methods of collecting, sorting, narcotizing, preserving and analyzing bethnic assemblages, including video analytical techniques from submersibles and ROV's. Hydrothermal vent and cold seep assemblages. Physiology/energetics of benthic organisms, including animal-sediment relationships, feeding, reproduction and growth. Depth, spatial and latitudinal distribution patterns. (Prerequisites: Invertebrate zoology course, marine biology course, or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2002-03.)

FISH 661-F (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Seafood Processing and Preservation (3+0)
(Cross-listed with FSN 661-K)

FISH 662-F (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Seafood Composition and Analysis (3+0)
(Cross-listed with FSN 662-K)

FISH 666-J (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Biological Assessment in Fisheries and Aquatic Environments (3+0)