2002-2003 UAF Catalog

Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index

Food Science and Nutrition

FSN 460-K (3 - 6 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Food Science and Technology Internship (1+0+3) n

(Cross-listed with FISH 460-K)
A combination of traditional and industrial training opportunities. Assigned required readings and discussion of appropriate topics in food science and technology. Information applied during hands-on experience in a food processing plant. Discussion includes fundamental information and solutions to industrial problems. Faculty mentor assigned to each intern. Required written evaluation of internship. 30 hours in-plant work experience for 12 - 24 weeks. (Prerequisites: 16 credits in natural sciences, MATH 200X or MATH 272 or permission of instructor.) Course offered only in Kodiak.

FSN 661-K (3 Credits) Spring
Seafood Processing and Preservation (3+0)
(Cross-listed with FISH 661-F)

FSN 662-K (3 Credits) Fall
Seafood Composition and Analysis (3+0)
(Cross-listed with FISH 662)

FSN 663-K (3 Credits) Alternate Years
Statistical Quality Control and Sensory Evaluation (3+0)

FSN 671-K (4 Credits) Alternate Years
Unit Operations in Food Processing (3+3)

FSN 672-K (4 Credits) Alternate Years
Laboratory Methods in Food Science and Nutrition (2+6)

FSN 673-K (3 Credits) Alternate Years
Current Topics in Food Science and Nutrition (3+0)

FSN 674-K (4 Credits) Alternate Years
Research and Development Projects in Food Science and Nutrition (2+6)

FSN 692-K (1 Credit) As Demand Warrants
Food Science and Nutrition Seminar (1+0)