2002-2003 UAF Catalog

Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index

Mechanical Engineering

A $25.00 per semester student computing facility user fee is assessed for CSEM engineering courses. This fee is in addition to any material/laboratory fees.

ME 302 (4 Credits) Fall
Mechanical Design I (3+3)

Kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms. Analysis and design of displacements, velocities, accelerations, and forces in linkages, cams, and gear systems by analytical, experimental, and computer methods. (Prerequisites: ES 208, 210. Co-requisite: ES 301.)

ME 308 (3 Credits) Spring
Instrumentation and Measurement (2+3)
(Cross-listed with ES 308)

Instrumentation theory and concepts of digital and analog devices, transducers, data sensing transmission, recording, and display, instrumentation system, remote sensing, and hostile environmental conditions. (Prerequisite: ES 307.)

ME 313 (3 Credits) Spring
Mechanical Engineering Thermodynamics (3+0)

Continuation of ES 346 including power and refrigeration cycles (Rankine, Brayton, Otto, and Diesel), compressible flow (isentropic, shock waves, and flow in ducts with friction), combustion and gas vapor mixtures. (Prerequisites: CHEM 106X, ES 346. Co-requisite: ES 341.).

ME 321 (3 Credits) Fall
Industrial Processes (2+3)

Manufacturing processes used in modern industry. Primary and secondary manufacturing processes, casting, hot and cold forming, machining, welding, and mass production tools and techniques as related to economic and efficient product design.

ME 334 (3 Credits) Spring
Elements of Material Science/Engineering (2+3)
(Cross-listed with ES 334)

Properties of engineering materials. Crystal structure, defect structure, structure and properties, aspects of metal processing, heat treatment, joining, testing, and failure analysis for engineering applications and design. (Prerequisites: CHEM 106X and PHYS 212.)

ME 401 (3 Credits) Every Third Semester
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (1+4)

Engineering knowledge applied to concepts of computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM). Includes use of entry-level software in the areas of solid modeling, FEM, dynamics, rapid prototyping, CNC, etc. Hardware includes a CNC machine tool and a rapid prototyping machine. (Prerequisites: ME 321, ES 210 and 331.)

ME 403 (3 Credits) Spring
Mechanical Design II (3+0)

Design and analysis of machines by analytical, experimental and computer methods. Identification of requirements and conceptual design of mechanical systems, detailed design of components, strength, life, reliability, and cost analysis. (Prerequisites: ES 331.)

ME 404 (3 Credits) Spring
Stress Analysis (3+0)

Analysis of the strength, stability and rigidity of machine components by analytical and computer methods. (Prerequisites: ES 331, MATH 302, ES 201.)

ME 408 (3 Credits) Fall
Dynamics of Systems (2+2)

Response of mechanical systems to internal and external forces. Free and forced vibration, random vibration. Discrete and continuous systems. Vibration parameter measurements and stability criteria. (Prerequisites: ES 201, 301.)

ME 409 (3 Credits) Spring
Controls (2+2)

Analysis and design of control systems. Block diagrams, transfer functions, and frequency analysis. Closed loop systems and system stability. Industrial controllers and system compensation. (Prerequisites: ES 201, 301. Co-requisite: ME 408.)

ME 414 (3 Credits) Fall
Thermal Systems Design (3+0)

Introduction to the design of power and space conditioning systems, energy conversion, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, total energy systems, and introduction to thermal system simulation and optimization. (Prerequisite: ES 346.)

ME 415W (3 Credits) Spring
Thermal Systems Laboratory (1.5+4.5)

Testing and evaluation of components and energy systems such as pumps, fans, engines, heat exchangers, refrigerators, and heating/power plants. (Prerequisites: ES 341, ME 313, ME 441.)

ME 416 (3 Credits) Fall
Design of Mechanical Equipment for the Petroleum Industry (3+0)

Design, selection, and operation of equipment used in production and processing of crude oil and gas. Instrumentation and control systems used with mechanical equipment. (Prerequisites: ES 341, 346.)

ME 441 (3 Credits) Fall
Heat and Mass Transfer (3+0)

Fundamental concepts of heat and mass transfer including steady state and transient conduction, laminar and turbulent free and forced convection, evaporation, condensation, ice and frost formation, black body and real surface radiation, and heat exchangers. (Prerequisite: ES 301, 341, 346.)

ME 450 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Theory of Flight (3+0)

Airfoil theory in subsonic flow. Performance, stability and control of aircraft. Aircraft design. (Prerequisite: ES 346. Co-requisite: ES 341.)

ME 451 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Aerodynamics (3+0)

Aerodynamics of non-lifting and lifting airfoils in incompressible irrotational flow, wings of finite span, the Navier-Stokes equations, boundary layers, numerical methods, supersonic and transonic flow past airfoils, rocket aerodynamics, rocket drag. (Prerequisites: ES 301, 341, ES 346, ME 313. Next offered: 2002-03.)

ME 452 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Introduction to Astrodynamics (3+0)

Geometry of the solar system, detailed analysis of two-body dynamics and introduction to artificial satellite orbits; Hohmann transfer and patched conics for lunar and interplanetary trajectories. Elements of orbit determination. (Prerequisite: ES 208 or 210; and ES 301. Next offered: 2003-04.)

ME 453 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Propulsion Systems (3+0)

Basic principles of propulsion: turbojet, turboprop and rocket engines. Fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of flow in nozzles, compressors, combustors and turbines. Liquid and solid propellant rockets. Heat transfer in rocket motors and nozzles. Design and testing methods for components of propulsion systems. (Prerequisites: ES 341 and ME 313. Next offered: 2003 - 04.)

ME 458 (3 Credits) Fall
Energy and the Environment (3+0)

(Stacked with ME 658 and ENVE 658 and cross-listed with ENVE 458)
Overview of basic concepts of energy supply, demand, production of heat and power impacts of energy use on the environment. Extensive discussion of mitigation technologies and strategies for meeting energy needs while preserving environmental quality. (Prerequisites: MATH 201, PHYS 103, CHEM 106X and junior standing.)

ME 464 (3 Credits) Spring
Corrosion Engineering (3+0)

Principles and forms of corrosion and factors that affect it. Methods of testing and measurement, control and prevention are examined. (Prerequisite: ME 334.)

ME 487W,O (3 Credits) Spring
Design Project

A real or simulated engineering design project selected jointly by student and instructor. Emphasis on design of practical mechanical engineering systems and/or components which integrate students' engineering knowledge and skills. (Prerequisite: Senior standing.)

ME 601 (3 Credits) Every Third Semester
Finite Element Analysis in Engineering (3+0)

Formulation of the finite element method. Applications to problems of engineering in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. Use and development of codes for computer solution of problems. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing in engineering, ES 201 and MATH 302 or equivalent. Next offered: Spring 2003.)

ME 604 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Experimental Mechanics (2+3)

Theory and application of the methods of experimental mechanics. Primary emphasis on photoelasticity, strain gages and brittle coating. Methods of collecting and processing data, and calculation of stresses and strains from such data. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing in engineering.)

ME 608 (3 Credits) Every Third Semester
Advanced Dynamics (3+0)

Kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies, introduction to analytical mechanics, Lagrange's equations and Hamiltonian mechanics. Applications to engineering problems. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing in engineering, ES 210, MATH 302 or equivalent. Next offered: Fall 2002.)

ME 609 (3 Credits) Every Third Semester
Advanced Vibrations (3+0)

Analysis of discrete and continuous vibrations via energy methods, free and forced response of linear systems, stability criteria, and introduction to random and nonlinear vibration. Applications to engineering problems. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing in engineering, ME 408, MATH 302 or equivalent. Next offered: Spring 2003.)

ME 617 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Power Analysis (3+0)

Fundamentals of power generation including piping, pumps, fuels and combustion, steam generators, condensers, deaerators, evaporators, feedwater treatment and heating, regeneration, fuel handling, heat balance, equipment, economics, and plant layout. (Prerequisite: ME 313.)

ME 631 (3 Credits) Every Third Semester
Advanced Mechanics of Materials (3+0)

Theories of elasticity and plasticity for small and large deformations. Applications to engineering problems. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing in engineering, ES 331 or equivalent. Next offered: Fall 2002.)

ME 634 (3 Credits) Every Third Semester
Advanced Materials Engineering (3+0)

Atomic bonding, crystal structure, crystal imperfections, phases and interfaces, microstructures, phase diagrams, phase transformation, transport and diffusion, metal deformation, fracture of materials, deterioration of materials, electronic and physical properties of materials. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing in engineering, ES 334, MATH 302 or equivalent. Next offered: Spring 2002.)

ME 641 (3 Credits) Every Third Semester
Advanced Fluid Mechanics (3+0)

Introduction to viscous flows, laminar boundary layers, turbulent boundary layers, turbulent jets and wakes, applications to heat transfer and drag. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing in engineering. Next offered: Fall 2002.)

ME 642 (3 Credits) Every Third Semester
Advanced Heat Transfer (3+0)

Heat conduction in two and three dimensions under steady and transient conditions. Free and forced convection in internal and external flows. Radiation from black and gray surfaces and gas-filled enclosures. Both analytical and numerical methods are covered. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing in engineering. Next offered: Spring 2002.)

ME 656 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Space Systems Engineering (3+0)
(Cross-listed with EE 656 and ESM 656)

A multidisciplinary team of students will perform a preliminary design study of a major space system. Design considerations will include requirements for project management, spacecraft design, power, attitude control, thermal control, communications, computer control and data handling. The students will present their final design in a written report and a public seminar. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

ME 658 (3 Credits) Fall
Energy and the Environment (3+0)
(Stacked with ME 458 and ENVE 458 and cross-listed with 658)

Basic concepts of energy supply, demand, production of heat, and power impacts of energy use on the environment. Extensive discussion of mitigation technologies and strategies for meeting energy needs while preserving environmental quality. (Prerequisites: MATH 201, PHYS 103, CHEM 106X, and junior standing.)

ME 685 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Arctic Heat and Mass Transfer (3+0)

An introduction to the principles of heat and mass transfer with special emphasis on application to problems encountered in the Arctic such as ice and frost formation, permafrost, condensation, and heat loss in structures. (Prerequisite: CE 603.)

ME 687 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Arctic Materials Engineering (3+0)

A study of engineering material performance at low temperatures. (Prerequisites: Senior or graduate standing in science or engineering and CE 603 or equivalent.)