2002-2003 UAF Catalog

Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index

Rural Development

RD 200 (3 Credits) Fall
Community Development in the North (3+0) s

Examines sustainable community development efforts in Alaska and the circumpolar North. Provides an overview of community development processes and case studies with an emphasis on indigenous communities and peoples.

RD 245 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Fisheries Development in Rural Alaska (3+0)s

Introduction to fisheries development issues in rural Alaska communities, including basic concepts, strategies, and contemporary cases. Topics include management of salmon and other fisheries, community development quotas (CDQs), and sustainable development efforts. Emphasis on environmental and cultural impacts of fisheries development. (Prerequisite: ENGL 111X.)

RD 250 (1 - 3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Grant Writing for Community Development (1 - 3+0)

Focuses on basic elements of grant proposals and processes of preparing proposals for governmental and private funding sources. Emphasis on applied skills through preparation of actual grant proposals.

RD 255 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Rural Alaska Land Issues (3+0)s

Introduction to land and resource management issues affecting rural Alaska. Provides a history of aboriginal use and occupancy of land and an overview of land provisions in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) and the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA). Topics addressed include using maps and land records, Native allotments, navigability, trespass and management of Native lands.

RD 256 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Co-Management of Renewable Resources (1.5+Arranged) s

Examines efforts of cooperative management of natural resources among users and federal and state management agencies. Recent initiatives in Alaska and Canada involving salmon, migratory birds, marine mammals, and brown bear discussed.

RD 265 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Perspectives on Subsistence in Alaska (3+0) s

Examines the socioeconomic, cultural, legal and political dimensions of subsistence in Alaska.

RD 268 (1 - 3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Rural Tourism: Planning and Principles (3+0)
(Cross-listed with ABUS 268)

Introduction to rural tourism planning and principles. Students examine rural tourism attractions and trends, tourism planning and policy formation, quality standards, and cultural and environmental impacts of tourism.

RD 280 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Resource Management Research Techniques (3+0)

Overview of standard methods of field-based scientific research conducted by resource management agencies in rural Alaska including elementary statistical concepts, survey techniques, and tools used in land and renewable resources research. (Prerequisites: NRM 101 and BIOL 104X.)

RD 300 (3 Credits) Fall
Rural Development in a Global Perspective (3+0) s

Explores the relationship between rural communities and the global economy, with an emphasis on sustainable development. Highlights the multiple meanings of "development" and issues of population growth, environmental change, gender, and indigenous peoples as they relate to rural development. Includes an introduction to the basic concepts and theories of development. (Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor.)

RD 315 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Tribal People and Development (3+0) s

Comparative examination of socioeconomic development processes on tribal peoples in third and fourth world societies. Attention to implications of these processes for Alaska Native people. (Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor.)

RD 325 (3 Credits) Spring
Community Development Strategies (3+0) s

Examines principles and strategies of asset-based development in rural communities throughout the world. Explores the history of community development ideas and case studies of specific strategies in Alaska and beyond. Topics include community healing, economic renewal, and collaborative decision-making approaches.

RD 350O (3 Credits) Fall
Community Research Techniques (3+0)

Provides students with an understanding of community research approaches and techniques. Emphasis on the role and need for community-based research and ethical issues associated with it. Students use a hands-on approach to learning about oral history documentation, surveys of community assets and needs, and basic community survey techniques.

RD 351 (3 Credits) Spring
Community Planning and Grant Writing Techniques (3+0)

Examination of the major components of planning and grant writing processes as they relate to community level land use, business and social service projects. (Junior standing or permission of instructor.)

RD 375 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Women and Development (3+0) s
(Cross-listed with WMS 375)

The effect of modernization and development processes on the role of women in a variety of Third World and tribal world contexts as well as the increasingly important "new" role women play in these complex processes.

RD 400 (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Rural Development Internship

Structured experience in an appropriate educational, agency or corporate setting. Approved project required. Enrollment only by prior arrangement with the instructor.

RD 401 (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Cultural Knowledge of Native Elders (3+0) h
(Cross-listed with ANS 401)

Study with prominent Native tradition-bearers in Native philosophies, values, and oral traditions. Traditional knowledge elicited through the cultural heritage documentation process. Analysis of existing interactions between cultural traditions and contemporary American life as experienced by Native elders. (Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.)

RD 425 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Cultural Impact Analysis (3+0)s

An examination of the potential impacts of development projects on cultural systems; use of impact data to shape the actual project in positive directions. Data gathering and analysis techniques related to impact predictions. Student impact analysis required. (Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor.)

RD 450 (3 Credits) Fall
Managing Community Development Programs (3+0)

Examines appropriate management and accountability approaches for small-scale, community-based programs and projects, particularly those found in rural and/or cross-cultural contexts. (Prerequisite: RD 350 and RD 351 or permission of instructor.)

RD 475W (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Rural Development Senior Project

Under faculty supervision, the student completes a major theoretical, research and/or applied project which relates the student's applied emphasis area to rural development considerations. (Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of instructor.)

RD 492 (1 - 3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Rural Development Seminar (3+0)

Various topics of current interest and importance to the Rural Development major. Topics announced prior to each offering and course may be repeated for credit. Enrollment priority given to Rural Development majors.

RD 600 (3 Credits) Fall
Circumpolar Indigenous Leadership Symposium (3+0)

Symposium participation with three goals: to build an integrated and lifelong learning community among new and continuing students in the Rural Development program, to explore the qualities of indigenous leadership in dynamic cross-cultural settings, and to incorporate the insights and wisdom of experienced rural development practitioners. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Note: RD 600 is required of all graduate students in the Rural Development program. May be repeated once for credit.)

RD 601 (3 Credits) Fall
Political Economy of the Circumpolar North (3+0)

Overview of interrelationships between rural communities in the circumpolar North and global socioeconomic, political, and ecological systems. Includes major theoretical advances in our understanding of the development in the 20th century. Uses a comparative case study approach to understand rapid socioeconomically and cultural change in the north. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

RD 625 (3 Credits) Spring
Community Development Strategies: Principles and Practices (3+0)

Strategies, principles and practice of community development in rural Alaska and throughout the circumpolar North. Topics explore how rural communities in diverse cultural, political, and economic settings build on local assets, skills and capacities to improve the lives of indigenous and other Northern residents. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

RD 650 (3 Credits) Spring
Community-Based Research Methods (3+0)

Exploration of community-based research principles and practices. Emphasis on developing a thorough understanding of the community research process from conceptualization to implementation and evaluation. Includes skill development for both quantitative and qualitative research. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

RD 651 (3 Credits) Spring
Management Strategies for Rural Development (3+0)

Managing change and development among indigenous communities. Emphasis on rural development in the circumpolar North. Includes recent management strategies implemented in Alaska such as co-management of renewable resources, land management of Alaska Native corporations, cultural resource management, and the management of Alaska Native tribal governments, corporations and other organizations. Utilizes comparative case studies and effects of cultural and traditional values on management practices in different northern sociocultural environments. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

RD 652 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Indigenous Organization Management (3+0)

Purposes, structure and methods of management of indigenous organizations with an emphasis on the North. Historical overview of Alaska Native organizations,, including those established to pursue Native rights, land claims and government services. Case studies of corporations established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act will be examined, as well as regional tribal organizations. Management of Alaska Native organizations is compared with formal organizations established by indigenous peoples throughout the circumpolar North. Western and indigenous organizational cultures, and perceptions, will be reviewed. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)

RD 655 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Circumpolar Health Issues (3+0)

Circumpolar health issues affecting Northern residents. Review of health and traditional healing practices prior to contact with Euroamericans, and efforts to combine traditional healing practices and Western medicine. Includes environmental health issues, including water, sewer, and food contamination. Overview of health care systems and public health infrastructure in the North. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.)