2002-2003 UAF Catalog

Degrees and Programs

Cross-Cultural Studies

College of Liberal Arts
Department of Alaska Native Studies
(907) 474-1902

Degree: M.A.

Minimum Requirements for Degree: M.A. 36 Credits

The cross-cultural studies M.A. degree program emphasizes indigenous knowledge systems. The program is designed to provide graduate students, from various fields of interest, an opportunity to pursue in-depth study of the role and contributions of indigenous knowledge in the contemporary world. Students are expected to demonstrate the ability to work effectively with indigenous people in their studies.

Graduate Program

Cross-Cultural Studies -- M.S. Degree

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete the master's degree requirements.
  3. Complete at least 6 credits in a field setting, including minimum of one week camp w/Elders.
  4. Complete at least 36 semester hours beyond the bachelor's degree level. (Students may transfer a maximum of 9 hours from another university into their program.)
  5. Complete at least 30 of the 36 semester hours at the 600-level.
  6. Complete a satisfactory performance on a comprehensive examination.
  7. Complete the following core courses:
    CCS 601 -- Documenting Indigenous Knowledge (3 credits)
    CCS 608 -- Indigenous Knowledge Systems (3 credits)
    CCS 612 -- Traditional Ecological Knowledge (3 credits)
    CCS/ED 690 -- Seminar in Cross-Cultural Studies (3 credits)
  8. Complete at least 1 of the following cross-cultural studies specialization courses:
    ANS/ED 461 -- Native Ways of Knowing (3 credits)
    CCS/ED 610 -- Education and Cultural Processes (3 credits)
    RD 425 -- Cultural Impact Analysis (3 credits)
  9. Complete a minimum of 15 credits of approved electives to provide specialization depth. Example of approved electives include the following:
    ANS 475 -- Alaska Native Social Change (3 credits)
    CCS 602 -- Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights (3 credits)
    CCS/ED 603 -- Field Study Research Methods (3 credits)
    CCS/ED 611 -- Cultural, Cognition and Knowledge Acquisition (3 credits)
    CCS/ED 613 -- Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools (3 credits)
  10. Complete CCS 698 -- Field Study/Elder Apprenticeship (6 credits)
  11. Minimum credits required 36