Applied Mining Technology
AMIT 101 3 Credits
Introduction To Mining
Fundamentals of surface and underground mining, economic planning, proper exploration
designs, environmental concerns, safety factors. (3 + 0) Offered
As Demand Warrants
AMIT 109 1 Credit
Underground Mine Safety
Rights of miners, self rescue devices, introduction to the work environment,
escapeways, roof and ground control, ventilation, health, cleanup, hazard recognition,
first aid, mine gasses, electrical hazards. Course fulfills the Mine Safety
Health Administration requirements for new underground miner training. Students
are awarded MSHA certificate upon course completion. (1 + 0) Offered
As Demand Warrants
AMIT 110 3 Credits
New Underground Miner Training
Orientation to the mine environment, general mine inspection, scaling, staging,
drilling, rock bolting, blasting, mucking and mine rescue. Provides the inexperienced
underground miner with the mandatory MSHA federal training to become employable.
Materials fee: $50.00. (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 120 2 Credits
Explosives I
Theory and safe use of explosives with a focus on blasting agents used for
rock excavation. (2 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 125 3 Credits
Mineral Exploration Techniques
Modern, scientific exploration and prospecting techniques utilized
in Alaska since the 1970s. Exploration design, ore deposit models,
exploration geochemistry and geophysics, drilling sampling and geostatistics.
(3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 129 1 Credit
Surface Mine Safety
Rights of miners, introduction to the work environment, ground control, hazard
recognition, first aid and explosive safety. Course fulfills the Mine Safety
Health Administration requirements for surface miner training. Students are
awarded MSHA certificate upon completion of the class. (1 + 0) Offered
As Demand Warrants
AMIT 130 3 Credits
Surface Mining Operations
Safe operations of a surface mine. Placer gold, sand and gravel, coal, and
open pit metal mines. (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 140 3 Credits
Environmental Permitting
Mineral development permits required in Alaska. Students are encouraged to
provide their own case histories. (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 151 1 Credit
Settling Pond and Recycle Techniques
Design of settling ponds and recycle systems. Students will work with individual
case histories. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 152 1 Credit
Fire Assay Techniques
Sampling, theory and practice of fire assaying. Fluxes, oxidation and reduction
reactions, fusion of assay charges, cupellation, annealing, micro-weighing
and assay charge calculation. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 153 1 Credit
Laboratory Analysis
Production laboratory procedures for sample analysis, heap leaching and titrations.
Individual projects required. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 154 1 Credit
Water Quality and Flocculents
Water quality processes using flocculents; removal of total suspended solids
from placer mining waste water. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 155 1 Credit
Drilling Technology
Terminology and techniques used in exploration and production drilling. (1 + 0)
Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 156 1 Credit
Applied Cartography
Map and chart preparation. Drafting skills for prospecting maps, mine maps,
permits and data presentation. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 161 1 Credit
Alaska Ore Deposits
Geology, ore reserves and preliminary mining plans of significant Alaskan mineral
deposits. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 162 1 Credit
Geochemical Sampling
Hands-on scientific sampling methods for rock, soil, pan concentrates, stream
sediments, air and water. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 170 3 Credits
Fundamentals of Coal Mining
Origin and types of Alaskan and other coal deposits, exploration and planning
methods, extraction processes for underground and surface mines, mining safety,
coal preparation, and reclamation. Job requirements, safety and environmental
consideration. Optional field trip to an active coal mine. (3 + 0)
Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 180 3 Credits
Colored Stone Grading and Evaluation
Grading, appraisals and identification of colored stones. Formation and structure,
properties, deposits and production, and descriptions of major gemstones. (3 + 0)
Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 185 1 Credit
Diamond Evaluation and Grading
Colors and clarity grading of diamonds, mining of raw material and detection
of stimulants. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 205 1 Credit
Geomagnetic Surveying
Placer gold deposit prospecting using magnetic surveying. Student survey work
and data interpretation. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 206 1 Credit
Electromagnetic Surveying
Electromagnetic geophysical exploration methods and operations using the VLF-EM-16,
an exploration tool for gold and/or massive sulfide deposits. (1 + 0)
Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 210 3 Credits
Advanced Underground Mining
Skill training conducted in safety, drilling, blasting, ground support, mucking,
maintenance and utilities at the Silver Fox Mine. (3 + 0) Offered
As Demand Warrants
AMIT 220 1 Credit
Explosives II
Advanced techniques in safe use of explosives. Students get "hands-on” experience
in blasting. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 230 1 Credit
Field Methods
Topographic map reading using a compass and basic field procedures. (1 + 0)
Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 231 1 Credit
Heap Leaching
Heap leaching covering cyanide safety, leach pad construction and placement,
cyanide processing, thiourea, case histories, applications to Alaska and economics.
(1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 280 3 Credits
Colored Stone Evaluation II
Gemstones covered are garnet, pyroxene, organic, inorganic and specialty stones.
A continuation of Colored Stone Evaluation I. (Prerequisite: AMIT 180.) (3 + 0)
Offered As Demand Warrants
AMIT 282 12 Credits
Mining Coop Work Experience
Practical work experience in a professional mining environment. For the student
who has mastered basic mining techniques and terminology. Placement and work
assignments depend upon student experience. Offered As Demand Warrants