Degrees and Program Index


PSY 101 3 Credits
Introduction to Psychology (s)
Principles of general psychology emphasizing natural science and social science orientation. Cultural, environment, heredity and psychological basis for integrated behavior; visual, audition and the other senses; motivation and emotion; basic processes in learning, problem solving and thinking; personality; psychological disorders—their prevention and treatment, and therapeutic strategies. Also available via Independent Learning or via television as a self-paced, computer-aided course. (3 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring

PSY 240 3 Credits
Lifespan Developmental Psychology (s)
The psychology of human development from conception to death. Critical emphasis on theory and research within the field of developmental psychology with attention paid to similarities and differences in development across cultures. Topics include the psychological ramifications of physical development along with cognitive, personality and social development across the lifespan. Also available via Independent Learning. (Prerequisite: PSY 101.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring

PSY 245 3 Credits
Child Development
(Cross-listed with ED 245)
A study of the physical, cultural, emotional, cognitive and social aspects of a child’s development from the prenatal period through early adolescence. Focus on developmental theories including Erickson, Gardner, Gilligan, Kagen, Sternberg, Vygotsky and other contemporary theories of child and adolescent development. (Prerequisite: PSY 101 or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring

PSY 250 3 Credits
Introductory Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
(Cross-listed with SOC 250)
Basic overview of the following, applied to social scientific topics: descriptive statistics, frequency distributions, sampling distributions, elementary probability, estimation of population parameters, hypothesis testing (one and two sample problems), correlation, simple linear regression and one-way analysis of variance. Also available via Independent Learning. (Prerequisite: MATH 107X or 131X or 200X.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring

PSY 275 3 Credits
Introduction to Social Science Research Methods (s)
Introduction to research methods in psychology. Includes the scientific process, developing research ideas, experimental and non-experimental designs, sampling, surveys and data analysis. (Prerequisite: PSY 101.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

PSY 304 3 Credits
Personality (s)
Psychological and social/cultural determinants of personality formation including appropriate theories in both areas. Also available via Independent Learning. (Prerequisite: PSY 101.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

PSY 310O 3 Credits
Cross-Cultural Psychology (s)
Major theories and research related to understanding the impact of culture on psychological development, cognition, social behavior, perception, and models for the conceptualization of distress and disease. Models for research and inquiry across culture will be discussed in the context of examining the cross-cultural research on selected topics. Meets departmental community service requirement for psychology major. (Prerequisite: COMM 131X or COMM 141X; PSY 101 and PSY 240.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

PSY 320 3 Credits
History and Systems of Psychology (s)
The history of present psychology from associationism to humanism with attention to both the philosophical and physiological foundations of psychology, the most important theorists and movements, and paradigmatic shifts in the evolution of contemporary psychological systems. Also available via Independent Learning. (Prerequisite: PSY 101.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 330 3 Credits
Social Psychology (s)
(Cross-listed with SOC 330)
Analysis of intergroup relationships in terms of process and value orientation, their influences on the personality, and aspects of collective behavior on group and person. Aspects of social interaction that have cultural and intercultural variation. (Prerequisite: PSY 101 or SOC 101.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

PSY 333 3 Credits
Human Sexuality Across Cultures (s)
(Cross-listed with SOC 333 and WMS 332)
Exploration of how people in a variety of cultures experience and express themselves as sexual beings. Sexuality includes awareness of gender, and capacity for erotic experiences and responses. Interdisciplinary study includes psychology, anthropology, sociology, biology and related fields. Includes how sexual behavior and experience reflect our biological capabilities, psychological characteristics, and social and cultural influences. Also available via Independent Learning. (Prerequisite: Junior standing. Next offered 2005-06.) (3 + 0) Offered Alternate Fall

PSY 335 3 Credits
Physiological Psychology (n)
Study of the biological bases of human behavior. Emphasis on functional anatomy of the nervous system to understand normal behavior and behavioral disorders in terms of their psychology, development, evolution and function. (Prerequisites: PSY 101. Recommended: BIOL 105X and 106X; or BIOL 111X and 112X.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

PSY 337W 3 Credits
Sport Psychology
Theoretical and practical applications of psychological issues related to participation in physical activities, including exercise adherence, performance enhancement, group dynamics, leadership and coaching behaviors, arousal/anxiety, intervention strategies and lifespan participation. (Prerequisites: ENGL 111X, ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X, PSY 101, or permission or instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 345 3 Credits
Abnormal Psychology (s)
A study of abnormal behavior, its causes, treatment and social impact. The major classifications of disorders are presented. Also available via Independent Learning. Meets departmental community service requirement for psychology major. (Prerequisite: PSY 101.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

PSY 350 3 Credits
Comparative Psychology (n)
An integrated multidisciplinary behavioral approach emphasizing basic premises, causal factors, functional consequences and interrelationships. Synthesis of animal behavior and ethology in development and maintenance of behavioral patterns in individual organisms and social groups. (Prerequisites: PSY 101, BIOL 105X and 106X; or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2005-06.) (3 + 0) Offered Alternate Spring

PSY 360O 3 Credits
Psychology of Women Across Cultures (s)
(Cross-listed with WMS 360O)
Major theories, research and empirical data which describe the psychology of women as a discrete field, philosophical values of feminism and history of women’s roles in society. The impact of culture on women interpersonally and intrapsychically examined across cultures. (Prerequisite: COMM 131X or 141X; PSY 101; or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2004-05.) (3 + 0) Offered Alternate Spring

PSY 370 3 Credits
Drugs and Drug Dependence (s)
(Cross-listed with SOC 370)
A multidisciplinary approach emphasizing acute and chronic alcoholism, commonly abused drugs, law enforcement and legal aspects of drug abuse, medical uses of drugs, physiological, psychological and sociological aspects of drug abuse, recommended drug education alternatives and plans, and treatment and rehabilitation of acute and chronic drug users. Also available via Independent Learning. (Prerequisite: PSY 101 or SOC 101 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 2004-05.) (3 + 0) Offered Alternate Fall

PSY 380 3 Credits
Environmental Psychology (s)
Human behavioral responses to the physical environment, such as stress, darkness and isolation. Didactic methods include empirical methods related to behavioral research. (Prerequisite: PSY 101. Recommended: PSY 335.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 390W,O 3 Credits
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (s)
Application of psychological principles, theories and methods to issues related to work processes and work organizations. Includes employee selection, motivation, performance appraisal, decision-making, group dynamics, power and leadership, job design, and organizational change and development. (Prerequisite: COMM 131X or 141X; ENGL 111X; ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X or permission of instructor; PSY 101; PSY 250 or equivalent; PSY 275 or equivalent. Next offered: 2005-06.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 436 3 Credits
Consumer Behavior (s)
(Cross-listed with BA 436)
Effects of nationality, culture, social class, family, personality, symbolism and persuasion on consumptive behavior. Qualitative methodologies such as focus groups covered. (Prerequisites: Upper division standing.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall or Spring

PSY 440 3 Credits
Learning and Cognition (s)
Theory and research on the fundamentals of learning. Topics include information-processing, attention and consciousness, learning processes, memory structures, retrieval, and the biological and cultural considerations relevant to each. Also available via Independent Learning. Meets departmental community service requirement for psychology major. (Prerequisite: PSY 101 and PSY 275. Next offered: 200405.) (3 + 0) Offered Alternate Spring

PSY 445W 3 Credits
Community Psychology (s)
Survey of principles and applications of community psychology, emphasizing person-environment interactions and societal and cultural impacts upon individual and community functioning. Attention given to interventions which facilitate psychological competence and empowerment, prevent disorder, and promote social change. Experiential learning emphasized through community experience/volunteer lab requirement. Meets departmental community service requirement for psychology major. (Prerequisites: ENGL 111X; ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X or permission of instructor; PSY 101 and PSY 275.) (2 + 3) Offered Fall

PSY 455 3 Credits
Clinical Psychology
Survey of clinical psychology methods and approaches with consideration of psychological assessment and treatment. Topics include specific counseling strategies, such as psychoanalysis, behavior therapy, crisis intervention, rational-emotive and humanistic approaches, along with ethics in clinical practice and issues in cross-cultural counseling and psychological assessment and treatment. A clinical lab will allow students to apply their classroom learning and acquire hands-on experience in clinical skills. (Prerequisites: PSY 240, PSY 275 and PSY 345.) (2 + 3) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 460 4 Credits
Neural Foundations of Behavior (n)
An integrated multidisciplinary approach to the study of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology emphasizing the basic principles, cortical and subcortical organization, functional mechanisms, and the physical-chemical foundations in physiological bases of behavior with special reference to neuroanatomy, neurochemistry and electrophysiological measures employed in the study of behavior and brain activity. Research topics include brain dynamics, the neural bases of learning, the neural substrates of emotion and motivation, states of consciousness, and stress and psychosomatic relationships. (Prerequisites: PSY 101, PSY 275 and PSY 335; or BIOL 111X and BIOL 112X; or permission of instructor.) (3 + 3) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 469 3 Credits
Health Psychology (n)
(Stacked with PSY 669)
Scientific study of behaviors that relate to health enhancement, disease and injury prevention, safety and rehabilitation. While mental health is included, the emphasis is on physical health. Also available via Independent Learning. (Prerequisites: PSY 101, PSY 275 and junior standing.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

PSY 470 3 Credits
Sensation and Perception (n)
An integrated psychological and physiological approach to sensation, including the fundamental mechanisms of vision, hearing, taste, smell and movement. Emphasis will include theoretical models and systems of perception and how they are influenced by cultural, developmental, hereditary, physiological, psychological and social factors. Meets departmental community service requirement for psychology major. (Prerequisites: PSY 101 and PSY 275. Next offered: 2005–06.) (3 + 0) Offered Alternate Spring

PSY 475W 3 Credits
Research Design and Analysis in Psychology (s)
An integrated approach to the study of research design and analysis in psychology. Emphasis on research methodologies and techniques. Design, execution and analysis of social science research. (Prerequisites: ENGL 111X; ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X; PSY 101; PSY/SOC 250 or STAT 200; PSY 275. Permission of instructor is required if prerequisites have not been met. Next offered: 2004-05.) (2 + 3) Offered Alternate Fall

PSY 480W 3 Credits
Qualitative Social Science Research (s)
(Cross-listed with SOC 480W)
Introduction to classical and contemporary research within the qualitative (or interpretive) paradigm of social science. Discusses the theoretical frameworks, historical traditions, epistemological and ethical issues of qualitative approaches. Uses hands-on experience in the practicalities and excitement of a variety of methods for gathering qualitative data and conducting qualitative analyses. (Prerequisites: ENGL 111X, ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X, one lower-division social science research methods course, or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

PSY 485 3 Credits
Senior Seminar (s)
Synthesis and integration of knowledge and skills developed by psychology majors. Includes a general knowledge of psychology, a basic knowledge of the research process and methods, insights into the way culture, gender, ethnicity, social class and other diversity issues influencing research and practice in psychology. (Prerequisite: PSY 275 and Psychology major with senior standing.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

PSY 488 1-6 Credits
Practicum in Psychology (s)
Individual practice and training that provide an opportunity to work in a setting or experience the work of a psychologist. Faculty supervision on campus or on site. Requires 50 clock hours per credit hour. Placement must be arranged before registering for course. (Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Graded Pass/Fail.) (1 + arranged) Offered Fall, Spring

PSY 610 3 Credits
Alcohol: Pharmacology and Behavior
A multidisciplinary approach to the study of alcohol abuse and alcoholism which incorporates the biomedical, epidemiological, genetic, pharmacological, psychological, social and cultural bases. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 614 3 Credits
Human Adaptation to the Circumpolar North
(Cross-listed with NORS 614)
Examines patterns of individual and family adaptation to the stresses and opportunities of northern regions. Focuses on successful and unsuccessful responses to northern conditions—the arctic climate, the northern economy, cultural diversity, and the professional opportunities and stress factors of sparsely populated frontier settings. Students will complete an original research paper. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 615 3 Credits
Drug Action: Physiology and Behavior
Multidisciplinary approach to the study of drugs and drug abuse which emphasizes the biomedical, epidemiological, genetic, pharmacological, psychological and sociological factors extant in drug use and misuse. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 618 3 Credits
Community Treatment Alternatives
Examination of the role of community in the treatment of mental health problems among indigenous or ethnic groups. Focus on bringing to bear the resources of the community on the healing process. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 620 3 Credits
Treatment of Drug and Alcohol Dependency
Examination of the treatments available for drug and alcohol abuse. Medical and psychological treatments will be studied. Medical treatments include abrupt, gradual and substituting techniques. Psychological techniques include traditional Western therapies as well as less traditional approaches. (Prerequisite: PSY 610 or PSY 615; graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 625 3 Credits
Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Dependency
Study of the various ways to prevent alcohol dependency, especially among indigenous peoples or in ethnic groups. Emphasis on cross-cultural approaches to the prevention of dependency. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 630 3 Credits
Community Psychology
Current status of community psychology, focusing on person-environment interactions and societal and cultural impacts upon individual and community functioning. An advanced-level overview of theory, research and practice of community psychology with particular emphasis on cross-cultural themes. Students are expected to apply their learning in a community-based experience. Aim is to empower students to contribute to effective change in their communities. (Prerequisite: Admittance to the Community Psychology program or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

PSY 631 3 Credits
Community Psychology: Cross-Cultural Applications and the Ethics of Change
Advanced study of the application of community psychology with an emphasis on the design and evaluation of interventions which facilitate psychological competence and empowerment, prevent disorder, and promote social change. Value-context of community psychology and the ethics of intervention are examined with particular emphasis on applications to cross-cultural settings and indigenous approaches to change. Students are expected to continue and broaden their community-based experience. (Prerequisites: PSY 630 or permission of instructor) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

PSY 635 3 Credits
Field-Based Research Methods
A presentation of methods used in doing cross-cultural research in community settings. The emphasis is on the formal descriptions of the interaction between persons and their environments. The course will present a wide variety of designs, analyses and conceptual approaches appropriate to improving our general understanding of behavior in communities. Both quantitative and qualitative methods will be presented in the context of carrying out individual research projects. (Prerequisite: Admittance to the Community Psychology program or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

PSY 636 3 Credits
Program Evaluation
Advanced introduction to theory, methods and techniques of program evaluation with specific relevance to the conduct of evaluation in Alaska. Papers, in-class exercises and discussions will cover all phases of program evaluation, including conceptualization, role of the evaluator, planning and implementing an evaluation, methodological and ethical issues, and analyzing and reporting results to stakeholders and participants. The course will emphasize awarenes of and sensitivity to potential cultural, class and gender differences in the evaluation process. (Prerequisites: PSY 635 or comparable graduate level social science research methods course, admittance to the Community Psychology program or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

PSY 638 3 Credits
Proseminar in Community Psychology
(Cross-listed with SOC 638)
Analysis of important topics in community psychology including community mental health, empowerment, social change, cross-cultural issues and intervention program development in rural contexts. Particular attention placed on policy issues as they relate to changing community mental health concerns. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

PSY 644 3 Credits
Advanced Multicultural Lifespan Development (s)
Advanced study of the cultural influences on human lifespan development with particular attention to the peoples and cultures of Alaska. Exploration of classical and contemporary research and theories. Emphasis on practical and professional application. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Next offered: 2004-05.) (3 + 0) Offered Alternate Spring

PSY 645 3 Credits
Prevention Theories and Strategies
(Cross-listed with SOC 645)
Environmental and psychosocial approaches in the prevention of mental and emotional disturbances. Theories that focus on situational stress are examined, as well as methods and coping situations that can be used to reduce stress. The unique environmental problems of rural areas and problems in cases of cultural conflict are particularly noted. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 646 3 Credits
School Counseling
(Cross-listed with COUN 646)
Topics related to the role of the school counselor such as consultation, career guidance and culturally appropriate assessment. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 3) Offered Summer, As Demand Warrants

PSY 647 3 Credits
Professional Ethics
(Cross-listed with COUN 647)
The ethical standards of the American Psychological Association, the American Association of Counseling and Development and the National Associations of Social Workers will be examined, discussed and compared. Students will be provided with opportunities to apply these general principles to specific cases. Students will be expected to demonstrate a knowledge of the principles of these three ethical codes and an ability to apply them to their reality-based manifestations. (Prerequisites: Admittance to master’s program in Psychology or Counseling, or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Alternate Summer, As Demand Warrants

PSY 650 3 Credits
Cross-Cultural Psychopathology
Overview of contemporary perspectives on child and adult psychological disorders from the perspective of cultural psychology. Fundamentals of therapeutic interviewing. Training in use of the DSM-IV diagnostic system. Examination of the role of culture, ethnicity, gender and social class in symptom formation and the experience of illness, and critical examination of these issues in clinical application of the DSM-IV. Training in the DSM-IV cultural formulation. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Community Psychology or Counseling program; PSY 345 or equivalent; or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

PSY 655 3 Credits
Cross-Cultural Healing: Implications for Clinical/ Community Practice
A presentation of healing across a variety of cultures: Native American, Western, African, Polynesian and Oriental. The course will emphasize the preparation and education of healers, their roles and work, and integration within a community. Analyses and implications for the practice of preparation for community psychology roles will be stressed. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 660 3 Credits
Counseling Theories and Applications I
(Cross-listed with COUN 623)
A survey of the major theoretical systems of counseling and psychotherapy combined with a laboratory experience focused on building microskills in counseling. Specific application of theoretical principles will be investigated, analyzed and described. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the Community Psychology program, or guidance and counseling program; COUN 615 for counseling students and an abnormal psychology course for psychology students; and/or permission of instructor.) (3 + 2) Offered Fall

PSY 661 3 Credits
Cross-Cultural Counseling
(Cross-listed with COUN 660)
An examination of cultural and ethnic variables in human nature and their effect on the counseling process. Specific focus will be placed on the nature and function of culture, cultural variables in the context of the human experience, universal and culture-specific aspects of the counseling process, barriers to effective cross-cultural counseling, specific ethnic and cultural considerations, and methods of intellectual training with special emphasis on Alaskan applications. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Alternate Summer, As Demand Warrants

PSY 662 3 Credits
Clinical Team/Practice
This course supplements PSY 660 by increasing depth in applying theory to the practice and improving skills as a therapist. Requires supervised clinical practice in psychotherapy with clients. Topics include ethics in counseling and psychotherapy practice, specific and non-specific factors in psychotherapy, goal setting and termination, managing transference and countertransference, treatment planning, and analysis and assessment of therapist understanding of their therapeutic work and client progress. Cultural factors are considered in each of these issues. (Prerequisite: PSY 660; graduate standing in the Community Psychology program; or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

PSY 663 3 Credits
Clinical Methods and Assessment
Fundamentals of therapeutic interviewing. Assessment of personality style and classification of psychopathology. Introduction survey of, and experience with, psychological tests. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the Community Psychology program or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 664 3 Credits
Behavior Therapy
A comprehensive examination of behavior therapy and its associated techniques. The philosophical and scientific basis for behavior and therapy are studied as well as specified procedures such as systematic desensitization, assertive training, behavior modification and others. Includes practice of techniques to gain facility with the skills involved. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 665 3 Credits
Psychoanalytic Theory and Clinical Method
Psychoanalytic theory and the study of lives are presented to acquaint the student with the analysis of life histories or psychoanalytic perspective. Study the therapeutic procedures of Freud, Jung, Searles, Sullivan, Lacan and object relations theorists. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 666 3 Credits
Family and Network Therapy
Survey of concepts and theories of function and dysfunction in the area of couples and families as social networks. In addition, it provides an introduction to the skills necessary for one who would intervene in these systems. (Prerequisite: Admittance to the community psychology program or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 667 3 Credits
Existential Psychotherapy
Focus on ultimate concerns rooted in the individual’s existence. Theoretical and therapeutic approaches to existential issues such as death, freedom, isolation/relationship, meaning/meaninglessness and suffering. Euro-American, Native American and Eastern concepts and practices are examined. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 668 3 Credits
Crisis Intervention
An overview of the development of crisis theory that examines major assumptions, characteristics and stages of a crisis situation. Counselor training issues and descriptive intervention techniques with respect to assessing individuals in crisis will be discussed. Examining specific types of crises encountered within the community and strategies for handling those crises situations will be focused upon in depth. Class activities will include utilizing skills in brief treatment through role-playing of crises situations. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 669 3 Credits
Health Psychology (n)
(Stacked with PSY 469)
Scientific study of behaviors that relate to health enhancement, disease and injury prevention, safety and rehabilitation. While mental health is included, the emphasis is on physical health. (Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

PSY 674 3 Credits
Group Counseling
(Cross-listed with COUN 674)
Kinds and types of groups with emphasis on methods, problems and needed skills in working with groups in a counseling situation. (Prerequisite: PSY 660; admittance to the Community Psychology program or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Alternate Summer, Spring, As Demand Warrants

PSY 677 3 Credits
Psychological Assessment-Intelligence
Focus on methods of psychological assessment concerning intelligence. Survey of the concept of intelligence and its many multicultural implications. Widely-used intelligence assessments procedures will be examined with particular concern to minority issues and the concept of intelligence. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

PSY 678 3 Credits
Multicultural Psychological Assessment
Introduction to administration, scoring, and interpretation of selected intelligence and personality instruments for children and adults. Integration of test findings and report writing are reviewed. Basic psychometric theory and test validity are explored. A particular focus is multicultural assessment practice, with emphasis upon practice with Alaska Native people (Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the Community Psychology Program or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

PSY 688 3 Credits
Practicum in Community Psychology
Practicums provide for supervised experiences and weekly seminars with course instructor. The supervised experience is at an agency that will provide direct and/or participant observation and interactions for the beginning counselor along with immediate feedback concerning the experience. The weekly seminars will cover actual and role-playing situations and skills appropriate to the specific practicum, i.e., alcohol or drug abuse, community, or clinical. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.) (2 + 7) Offered Fall, Spring

PSY 690 3–112 Credits
Pre-Master's Internship in Community Psychology
Supervised practice experience in community and/or clinical psychology setting. Student spends 40 supervised clock hours for every credit. Internship may involve more than one site. (Prerequisite: Completed permission to enroll form and internship plan signed by program director.) (0 + 40) Offered Fall, Spring, Summer, and As Demand Warrants