Degrees and Program Index

For information on studying in Spanish-speaking countries, see Study Abroad; on compulsory placement tests, see Course Placement; on "bonus credit,” see Alternative Ways to Earn Credit.

SPAN 100A 3 Credits
SPAN 100B 3 Credits
Beginning Spanish I and II (h)
An introductory course in the Spanish language and culture with an emphasis on spoken and written language. After completion of SPAN 100A and 100B the student will be able to continue on to SPAN 102. Note: Both SPAN 100A and SPAN 100B must be taken to equal one semester of the foreign language core requirement. (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

SPAN 100C 3 Credits
SPAN 100D 3 Credits
Beginning Spanish III and IV (h)
Courses C and D are a continuation of SPAN 100A and 100B. An introductory course in the Spanish language and culture with an emphasis on spoken and written language. Note: Both SPAN 100C and SPAN 100D must be taken to equal one semester of the foreign language core requirement. (Prerequisites: SPAN 100A and SPAN 100B; or SPAN 101.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

SPAN 101 5 Credits
SPAN 102 5 Credits
Elementary Spanish I and II
Introduction to the language and culture: development of competence and performance in the language through understanding, recognition and use of linguistic structures; increasing emphasis on listening comprehension and speaking; basic vocabulary of approximately 1000 words; exploration of the cultural dimension, implicitly through language and explicitly through texts and audiovisual materials. (Prerequisite for SPAN 102: SPAN 101 or SPAN 100A and 100B or the equivalent.) (5 + 0) 101 Offered Fall, 102 Offered Spring

SPAN 103 3 Credits
Conversational Spanish I (h)
Verbal skills improvement. Includes role playing, problem solving and situational conversation. Conducted entirely in Spanish. (Prerequisites: SPAN 100 A and B, or SPAN 101 or permission of instructor. Does not satisfy core curriculum or foreign language major requirements.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall, Summer, As Demand Warrants

SPAN 201 3 Credits
Intensive Grammar Review (h)
Continuation of SPAN 102. Focus on more difficult grammatical concepts. Conducted in Spanish. Final exam for course will be the Spanish Proficiency Exam, required to enroll in any subsequent course. (Prerequisite: SPAN 102 or equivalent; or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

SPAN 202 3 Credits
Intermediate Conversation and Composition (h)
Continuation of SPAN 201. Increasing focus on oral and written proficiency. Conducted in Spanish. Note: A grade of 70 on the Spanish Proficiency exam (to be administered on the first day of class) is necessary to take this course. Students receiving less than 70 will be placed in SPAN 201. (Prerequisite: SPAN 102 or equivalent; or permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

SPAN 203 3 Credits
Conversational Spanish II (h)
Verbal skills improvement. Includes role playing, problem solving and situational conversation. Conducted entirely in Spanish. (Prerequisites: SPAN 100 A and B, or SPAN 101 or permission of instructor. Does not satisfy core curriculum or foreign language major requirements.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall, Summer, As Demand Warrants

SPAN 301O 3 Credits
Advanced Comprehension and Conversation (h)
Focus in increasing comprehension of written and aural material. Discussions, presentations and exercises to enhance oral competence. Conducted in Spanish. Note: a grade of 70 on the Spanish Proficiency exam (to be administered on the first day of class) is necessary to take this course. Students receiving less than 70 will be placed in SPAN 201. (Prerequisites: COMM 131X or 141X; and SPAN 202.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

SPAN 302W 3 Credits
Introduction to Literary Comprehension (h)
An introduction to the understanding and analysis of Hispanic literature, with emphasis on the forms of written Spanish. Conducted in Spanish. Note: A grade of 70 on the Spanish Proficiency exam (to be administered on the first day of class) is necessary to take this course. Students receiving less than 70 will be placed in SPAN 201. (Prerequisite: ENGL 111X; ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X or permission of instructor; and SPAN 301.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

SPAN 431 3 Credits
Senior Seminar (h)
Topics may include literature, arts and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Conducted in Spanish. Note: a grade of 70 on the Spanish Proficiency Exam (to be administered before course work begins) is necessary to take this course. (Prerequisites: COMM 131X or 141X; SPAN 302 or equivalent; senior standing or permission of instructor. Course may repeated for credit if topic varies.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

SPAN 432W 3 Credits
Studies of Hispanic Literature (h)
Intensive study of authors, literary texts, movements, genres, themes and/or critical approaches. Note: A grade of 70 on the Spanish Proficiency exam (to be administered on the first day of class) is necessary to take this course. Students receiving less than 70 will be placed in SPAN 201. (Prerequisites: ENGL 111X; ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X; SPAN 302 or equivalent; junior standing; or permission of instructor. Course may be repeated for credit if topic varies.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

SPAN 482 3 Credits
Selected Topics in Spanish (h)
Intensive course focusing on topics not covered in SPAN 431 or SPAN 432. Note: a grade of 70 on the Spanish Proficiency exam (to be administered on the first day of class) is necessary to take this course. Students receiving less than 70 will be placed in SPAN 201. (Prerequisites: SPAN 302 or equivalent; junior standing, or permission of instructor. Course may be repeated for credit if topic varies.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

SPAN 488 3 Credits
Individual Study: Senior Project (h)
Designed for the student to demonstrate ability with the language and the culture through the analysis and presentation, in Spanish, of a problem chosen by the student in consultation with the department. The student must apply for senior project and submit a project outline by the end of the 6th week of the semester preceding the semester of graduation. Offered normally in the semester preceding the student’s graduation. Conducted in Spanish. Note: A grade of 70 on the Spanish Proficiency exam (to be administered on the first day of class) is necessary to take this course. Students receiving less than 70 will be placed in SPAN 201. (Prerequisite: At least 10 credits in upper division Spanish or permission of instructor.) Offered As Demand Warrants