Welcome to UAF
This catalog offers you a complete guide to studying at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. It includes information on admission and graduation requirements, as well as program and course listings for certificate, associate, bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. This catalog offers clarification on what's required of you as a UAF student and specific information about what's offered at UAF. Programs approved after this catalog was published are online at www.uaf.edu/catalog/current/addendum.html. If you're a current or enrolling student, you should also refer to the class schedule, which lists classes offered, their locations and when they meet. Fairbanks campus schedules are available a few weeks before semesters begin and can be found online at www.uaf.edu/reg/schedule/. For a schedule of classes at one of UAF's rural campuses, contact the campus directly. If you need more information, refer to the directory for a list of UAF offices and telephone numbers.