Education • (907) 474-7341
The UAF School of Education prepares professional educators for Alaska's unique geographic, cultural and linguistic conditions. Course work and fieldwork in a broad range of undergraduate and graduate programs are available to students on the Fairbanks campus and by distance delivery to rural areas. Programs offered respond to recent standards developed by the National Council of Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Alaska Teacher, Student and Cultural Standards.
Undergraduate degree programs and post-baccalaureate endorsement programs lead to State of Alaska "Type A" teaching certificates in elementary and secondary education. Our guidance and counseling program leads to a master's degree and a state of Alaska "Type C" certificate. Professional development programs leading to state of Alaska endorsements include K-12 Reading, Alaska Native Language Education, Bilingual/Multicultural Education, and World Language Education. Professional development programs leading to master of education (M.Ed.) degrees include cross-cultural education, curriculum and instruction, educational leadership, and language and literacy.
School of Education faculty are based on the Fairbanks, Bristol Bay, Chukchi, Interior-Aleutians, Kuskokwim and Northwest campuses. Research is focused on issues of formal and non-formal education directly related to Alaska Native people and communities, cross-cultural contexts, distance education, indigenous populations and rural issues.
The School of Education also offers several important support services. Rural Educator Preparation Partnerships is a statewide collaboration among rural school districts, businesses, education professionals and the UAF School of Education to assist Alaska Natives in becoming professional educators. The School of Education Advising Office offers experienced, full-time personnel who provide advice about SOE programs on a drop-in or appointment basis and provide appropriate referrals for financial aid and other information students and interns need.