Course descriptions index

Accounting and Information Systems

Admittance to 300- and 400-level School of Management courses will be granted only to students with upper-division standing. Others will be admitted only with the written permission of the appropriate department head. Students enrolling in School of Management courses are expected to have completed the necessary prerequisites for each course. A $25 per semester student computing facility user fee will be assessed for any student taking one or more School of Management courses (ACCT, AIS, BA and ECON except ECON 100X). This fee is in addition to any lab/materials fees.

AIS 101  3 Credits
Effective Personal Computer Use
Using and understanding advanced computing software applications. Course develops conceptual and practical knowledge of advanced presentation/communications software, database programs and operating systems. (3 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring

AIS 224  1 Credit
Advanced MS Excel
Advanced features of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program. Includes spreadsheet design and layout, customized graphics, customized reports using database features, optimization/statistical techniques and programming with the Excel macro language. (Prerequisite: AIS 101 or permission of instructor. Student is assumed to have basic proficiency with Microsoft Excel.) (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

AIS 225  1 Credit
Windows Networking and Administration
Network engineering skills required to implement and support the Microsoft Windows OS. Includes installation, configuration, peer-to-peer networking, interoperability with Novell Netware, tuning and troubleshooting. (Prerequisite: Experience using the Microsoft Windows OS; AIS 101 or permission of instructor.) (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

AIS 310  3 Credits
Management of Information Systems
The role information technology plays in organizations including its impact on information systems, management and business strategy. A conceptual model of system design is introduced and basic business internal controls are surveyed. (Prerequisite: Upper-division B.B.A. standing or permission of the SOM advisor.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring

AIS 312W  3 Credits
Information Systems Technology
Introduction to the hardware and systems software underlying information systems; provides background to understand computer marketing literature and to select among technology alternatives. (Prerequisites: ENGL 111X, ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X, upper-division B.B.A. standing or permission of the SOM advisor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

AIS 316  3 Credits
Accounting Information Systems (s)
Accounting systems for business and public entities. Emphasis on internal control functions and design concepts. (Prerequisite: Upper-division B.B.A. standing or permission of the SOM advisor.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring

AIS 410  3 Credits
Systems Analysis and Program Design
The system development life cycle for database-oriented information systems in both mainframe and microcomputer environments. Includes programming in one or more fourth generation languages and a term project. (Prerequisites: AIS 310, AIS 312, upper-division B.B.A. standing or permission of the SOM advisor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

AIS 414  3 Credits
Database Design for Management Information
Combines advanced systems analysis using modern techniques of data modelling with study of management and administrative problems in coordination and management of organization data resources; focusing on needs of medium-sized and large organizations. (Prerequisites: AIS 410 or CS 401, upper-division B.B.A. standing or permission of the SOM advisor.) (3 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

AIS 473  3 Credits
Applied System Design
Application of systems analysis and computer skills to build accounting oriented transaction-processing systems. (Prerequisite: AIS 310, ACCT 342 or 352, upper-division B.B.A. standing or permission of the SOM advisor.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall

AIS 673  3 Credits
Technology Management
Overview of what a manager needs to know to administer an information systems department, including extensive discussions of current trends in management of IS and the IS industry. (Prerequisite: M.B.A. standing.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall or Spring, As Demand Warrants