JUST 110 3
Introduction to Justice (s)
Survey of the structure and process of the agencies of
criminal justice. Includes introduction to criminology, criminal law, police,
courts and corrections. Also available via Independent Learning.
(3 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring
JUST 125 3
Introduction to Addictive Processes
(Cross-listed with HUMS 125)
Focus on gaining knowledge of the psycho-social aspects of
addiction. Historic and behavioral approaches, disease concept and current
trends relating to addiction presented. Twelve step and self-help approaches
explored. (3 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring
JUST 222 3
Research Methods (s)
Application of social science research methods to solving
scientific and nonscientific questions arising in justice or political science.
Basic methods include statistical analysis, survey research and Internet
applications. (Prerequisite: JUST 110.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall
JUST 251 3
Criminology (s)
The study of the major areas of deviant behavior and its
relationship to society, law and law enforcement, including the theories of
crime causation. (Prerequisite: JUST 110.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring
JUST 300X 3
Ethics and Justice (h)
An examination of ethical and moral concepts and their
relationship to criminal justice issues. Applies ethics theories to the
criminal justice institutions of police, courts and corrections. Examines
ethical and moral dilemmas which confront crime control policy makers.
(Prerequisite: Junior standing.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring
JUST 310 3
Principles of Corrections (s)
An introduction to adult institutions, community-based
programs and theories of incarceration. Correctional programs are examined.
(Prerequisite: JUST 110 and junior standing. Next offered: 2007-08.)
(3 + 0) Offered Alternate Spring
JUST 320 Variable Credit
A research-oriented exercise directed at the resolution of a
specific problem within an agency of the criminal justice system. May be
repeated to a maximum of 6 credits. (Prerequisites: JUST 110 and junior
JUST 335W 3
Gender and Crime
(Cross-listed with WMS 335W)
An exploration of gender and crime including the extent of
female crime, victimization, masculinity and violence, and women professionals
in the justice system. (Prerequisites: ENGL 111X, ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X, JUST
110, and junior standing.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring
JUST 340 3
Rural Justice in Alaska (s)
An examination of the application of the western justice
system to remote northern Native villages including issues arising from
cultural conflicts, difficulties associated with a centralized justice system
serving distant roadless communities, the federal/Indian relationship and a description
of crime occurring in the villages. (Prerequisites: JUST 110 and junior
standing.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall
JUST 345W 3
Police Problems
Analysis of the nature of coercive power and the special
problems faced by people who assume the responsibility of coercing others; how
coercive power affects personality and how personality affects the way
different types of people respond to the challenge and responsibilities of
using coercive means; conditions that discourage excessive use of coercive means
and encourage police officers to develop in morally and politically mature
ways. (Prerequisites: ENGL 111X; ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X or permission
of instructor; JUST 110, and junior standing.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall
JUST 352 3
Criminal Law
A study of elements, purposes and functions of the
substantive criminal law with emphasis upon historical and philosophical
concepts. (Prerequisite: JUST 110 and junior standing.) (3 + 0)
Offered Spring
JUST 354 3
Procedural Law
Emphasis upon the legal limitations of the police and the
right of the people to be secure from the government under the protections of
the Constitution and the Rules of Evidence. (Prerequisite: JUST 110, and junior
standing.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall
JUST 358 3
Juvenile Delinquency (s)
Theories of delinquency, the extent of delinquency, the
historical development of juvenile justice, the juvenile system and how it
impacts youth in relation to police, courts, institutions and community
programs. Includes youth violence, gangs, gender, race and class.
(Prerequisite: JUST 110 and JUST 251, or permission of instructor.)
(3 + 0) Offered Fall
JUST 404 3
Introduction to Legal Research and Writing
(Cross-listed with PS 404)
Methods of legal research and preparation of legal materials.
Introduction to the resources of law libraries and the techniques of presenting
issues in legal form. (Prerequisites: PS 101 or JUST 110, PS 303, junior
standing, and permission of instructor.) (3 + 0) Offered Spring
JUST 452 3
Comparative Criminology (s)
An issue-based approach to crime within selected countries
including such topics as restorative justice, violence against women, drugs,
punishment, juvenile justice and the death penalty. The structure and operation
of the justice systems, as well as the influence of culture, will be considered
with various developed and underdeveloped nations. (Prerequisites: JUST 110 and
junior standing. Next offered: 2007-08.) (3 + 0) Offered
Alternate Spring
JUST 454W 3
Advanced Problems in Procedural Law
Advanced study of the elements of criminal procedural law.
Emphasis on the legal limitations of the police and the right of people to be
secure from the government under protections of the U.S. Constitution and
"rules of evidence." (Prerequisites: JUST 110, JUST 354 and junior standing;
ENGL 111X, ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X; or permission of instructor.)
(3 + 0) Offered Spring
JUST 460O 3
American Crime Control (s)
Major concepts of the structure and process of criminal
justice revisited with emphasis on current issues. (Prerequisite: COMM 131X or
141X; JUST 110, 222 and 251; and senior standing. Restricted to Justice majors
only.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall
JUST 475 3-9 Credits
Supervised work experience in criminal justice agencies.
(Prerequisite: Permission of director of intern program. Note: Department
approval required for 9 credits.) Offered Fall, Spring
JUST 492 Variable Credit
Various topics of current interest and importance to the
justice major will be presented. Topics will be announced prior to each
offering. (Prerequisites: JUST 110, junior standing, and permission of
instructor.) Offered Fall, Spring
JUST 605 3
Administration and Management of Criminal Justice
Comprehensive overview of management and administration of
criminal justice agencies with an emphasis on organizational behavior. Includes
management theories, leadership roles and the development of human resources
within the organizational context. (Prerequisite: Admission to the M.A. degree
program in Justice. Recommended: B.A. or B.S. degree in relevant area. Offered
via the Internet.) (3 + 0 + 6) Offered Fall
JUST 610 3
Ethics in Criminal Justice Management
Ethical situations that may arise in the management of
criminal justice organizations. Examination of the ethical and moral
foundations of our criminal justice system to help make decisions in keeping
with the goals of justice. (Prerequisite: Admission to the M.A. degree program
in Justice. Recommended: B.A. or B.S. degree in relevant area. Offered via the
Internet.) (3 + 0 + 6) Offered Summer, As Demand Warrants
JUST 615 3
Justice Program Planning/Evaluation and Grant Writing
Program planning and evaluation. Includes grant proposal
writing with emphasis on Federal sources of grant funding. (Prerequisite:
Admission to the M.A. degree program in Justice. Recommended: B.A. or B.S.
degree in relevant area. Offered via the Internet.)
(3 + 0 + 6) Offered Spring
JUST 620 3
Personnel Management in Criminal Justice
Foundation for effective management of personnel in criminal
justice by supervisors. Includes recruiting, selection, training, on-site
supervision, termination and replacement of subordinates. (Prerequisite:
Admission to the M.A. degree program in Justice. Recommended: B.A. or B.S.
degree in relevant area. Offered via the Internet.)
(3 + 0 + 6) Offered Summer, As Demand Warrants
JUST 625 3
Legal Aspect of Criminal Justice Management
Basic legal issues faced by criminal justice managers and
administrators. Includes the legal considerations surrounding recruitment and
hiring practices, sexual harassment, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act,
the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Fair Labor Standards act.
(Prerequisite: Admission to the M.A. degree program in Justice. Recommended:
B.A. or B.S. degree in relevant area. Offered via the Internet.)
(3 + 0 + 6) Offered Spring
JUST 630 3
Media Relations and Public Relations
Understanding the role of the media in modern society and how
to effectively represent an organization to the media. Includes First Amendment
and Freedom of Information Act case law and administrative decisions involving
the broadcast media. The primary focus is upon preparing justice administrators
to effectively meet their legal obligations with regard to the dissemination of
information to the media and the public. (Prerequisite: Admission to the M.A.
degree program in Justice. Recommended: B.A. or B.S. degree in relevant area.
Offered via the Internet.) (3 + 0 + 6) Offered As Demand
JUST 640 3
Community/Restorative Justice
Community resources to address public safety concerns.
Includes recent developments and an emerging awareness that public safety
solutions can be achieved efficiently through cooperative efforts among justice
agencies and community resources. (Prerequisite: Admission to the M.A. degree
program in Justice. Recommended: B.A. or B.S. degree in relevant area. Offered
via the Internet.) (3 + 0 + 6) Offered Fall
JUST 650 3
Analysis Techniques for the Criminal Justice Administrator
Common techniques used to analyze numerical data commonly
found occurring in small to large agencies. Emphasis on issues of data quality
such as reliability and validity, methods of graphical presentations,
inferential techniques, forecasting models, sampling techniques and computer
analysis programs such as Statistical Programs for the Social Sciences.
(Prerequisite: JUST 605 and admission to the M.A. degree program in Justice.
Offered via the internet.) (3 + 0 + 6) Offered As Demand
JUST 670 3
Seminar in the Administration of Juvenile Justice
Focus on the legal and administrative aspects of the juvenile
justice system. Emphasis on developing an applied knowledge regarding the
administration of juvenile justice within the legal framework. Includes
hypothetical situations to enhance the ability to apply theoretical concepts to
real life situations. (Prerequisite: JUST 605 and admission to the M.A. degree
program in Justice. Offered via the Internet.) (3 + 0 + 6)
Offered Spring
JUST 690 3
Seminar in Critical Issues and Criminal Justice Policy
Topics of current interest. Candidates in standing for the
M.A. degree in Justice will make presentations. Attendance is required on the
UAF campus. (Prerequisite: Admission to the M.A. degree program in Justice.
Recommended: B.A. or B.S. degree in relevant area. Offered via the Internet.)
(3 + 0 + 6) Offered Summer, As Demand Warrants