Process Technology
Students enrolled in one or more process technology courses will be assessed $125 each semester to cover the cost of utilizing upgraded state-of-the-art equipment with instructional aids and supplies that meet current industry requirements. This is in addition to any materials fees.
PRT 101 3
Introduction to Process Technology
Introduction to process operations in industry.
Non-mathematical overview of general information, processes, procedures and
equipment a process operator would be expected to know and use.
(3 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring
PRT 110 3
Introduction to Occupational Safety, Health and
Environmental Awareness
Introduction to the field of safety, health and environment
within the process industry. Overview includes plant hazards, safety,
environmental systems and equipment, and applicable government regulations and
industry standards. (3 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring
PRT 117 3
Drafting for Technicians
Introduction to the skills and techniques needed to produce
process piping and instrumentation drawings. Materials fee: $60.
(2 + 2) Offered As Demand Warrants
PRT 120 4
Water Quality Management for Process Industries
Designed to provide students with an overview of the
chemistry, biology, hydraulics and hydrology related to water management in industries.
Water distribution systems, water processing, operation of water works,
wastewater processing, advanced wastewater treatment and water reuse.
(3 + 3) Offered As Demand Warrants
PRT 130 4
Process Technology I: Equipment
In-depth treatment of selected process equipment including
rotating machinery and process units. Emphasis on equipment components,
construction, preventative maintenance and safety. Includes hands-on
experience. (Prerequisite: PRT 101.) (3 + 2) Offered Fall, Spring
PRT 135 4
Stationary Equipment
A detailed hands-on lecture/lab course covering stationary
equipment used in a variety of process industries. Piping, valves, vessels,
tanks, exchangers, heaters, boilers, mineral processing, mill equipment and
distillation equipment are covered. (3 + 2) Offered Fall
PRT 140 3
Industrial Process Instrumentation I
Physics of pressure, temperature, level and flow measurement;
mechanical and electrical aspects of instruments used to control dynamics of
processes. Includes dynamics of automatic control: proportional control,
automatic reset, derivative action and integral timing. (Prerequisite: DEVM 105
or permission of instructor.) (2 + 2) Offered Fall, Spring
PRT 144 3
Industrial Process Instrumentation II
Emphasis on repair, maintenance and calibration, including
hands-on physical training on a wide variety of process instruments.
Continuation of PRT 140. (Prerequisite: PRT 140 with a C grade or better.)
(2 + 2) Offered Fall, Spring
PRT 155 3
Mathematics for Technicians
Provides students with a basic foundation of math skills for
process and industrial work. Real-life work problems are addressed. Students
are challenged to embrace the "new" technologies of mathematics in the
industries and to think in a logical and organized way. (3 + 0)
Offered Fall, Spring
PRT 230 4
Process Technology II: Systems
Integration of equipment concepts to show how the individual
components interact as part of a system and how each system works within an
entire processing facility. Emphasis on the common systems found in each Alaska
process industry. Systems topics include upstream oil and gas productions,
petrochemicals and refinery processes, refrigeration, power generation,
milling, boilers and heaters, coolers and heat exchangers. (Prerequisite: PRT
130.) (3 + 2) Offered Fall, Spring
PRT 231 4
Process Technology III: Operations
Duties and responsibilities of the process operator on the
job. Includes details of normal operation, upset conditions, emergency action
plans, startups, shutdowns, operating modes, turnarounds and routing
maintenance activity. (Prerequisite: PRT 230.) (3 + 2) Offered Fall,
PRT 240 3
Industrial Process Instrumentation III
A study of digital and analog industrial measurement and
control instrumentation, including continuous analog control loops, relay logic
and programmable logic controllers. Emphasis is on commonly used process
measurement devices, control methods and strategies, and the proper selection,
identification, design, installation and operation of instrumentation.
(Recommended: PRT 155 or MATH 103X or higher. Prerequisite: PRT 140 and PRT 144
or permission of the instructor) (2 + 2) Offered As Demand Warrants
PRT 244 4
Industrial Process Instrumentation IV
Focus on specific advanced subjects of industrial process
instrumentation. Includes calibration, configuration, troubleshooting, use of
microcessor-based instrumentation, concepts of contemporary plant control systems,
commonly used industrial process measurement and control communication
protocols and topologies. (Recommended: PRT 140 and 144.) (3 + 2)
Offered As Demand Warrants
PRT 248 3
Valve Maintenance and Instrumentation
Focus is on specific advanced subjects of industrial process
valve maintenance and instrumentation. Includes calibration, configuration,
troubleshooting and use of valves with instrumentation. Concepts of
contemporary plant control systems, commonly used industrial process measurement,
control communication protocols and topologies related to valve control will be
discussed. Course covers maintenance and operation of gate, globe, ball, plug,
check and special-purpose valves. Details of actuators and various accessories
related to valve maintenance and control will be explained and related to valve
selection based on application. (Recommended: PRT 130.) (3 + 1)
Offered As Demand Warrants
PRT 250 3
Process Troubleshooting
The process of troubleshooting process operations and problems.
Includes the skills of using indicators, variables and controllers along with a
formalized process of troubleshooting. Troubleshooting examples present needs
of industry. (Prerequisite: PRT 231.) (3 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring
PRT 255 1
Quality Concepts for the Process Industry
Introduction to quality concepts applied to role of process
technician. Includes quality concepts with respect to the client and the role
of statistical processes used by the operator in achieving quality.
(1 + 0) Offered Fall, Spring
PRT 275 1-9
Process Technology Internship
Designed to give the student working experience in and
exposure to various stages and settings within the process industry. Endorsed
and promoted by Alaska Process Industry Careers Consortium (APICC), the
internship is an intensive exposure to the various duties and responsibilities
of the process operator in Alaska. A maximum of 9 credits may be earned.
(Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Recommended: PRT 101, PRT 110, PRT
140) Offered As Demand Warrants