2007-2008 Academic Catalog

Course descriptions

Course descriptions index

Educator Para-Professional

EDPA 110      2 Credits
Introduction to Para-Professional Education
The roles and responsibilities of the para-professional educator, including requirements of confidentiality, school policies and procedures, and rights and responsibilities of parents, students and school staff. (Recommended: ABUS 170, DEVS 104, ENGL 111X.) (2 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

EDPA 120      2 Credits
Classroom Management
Comprehensive course to observe and document a variety of strategies for effective classroom organization, management and communication. Students will discuss and reflect upon the relationship between classroom management and student learning, and learn strategies for establishing a positive classroom environment. (Recommended: ABUS 170, DEVS 104, ENGL 111X or above.) (2 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

EDPA 130      2 Credits
Differentiating Instruction
Different modalities of learning and teaching strategies necessary for meeting individual learners' needs. Course may be repeated once for credit. (Recommended: ABUS 170, DEVS 104, ENGL 111X or above.) (2 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

EDPA 140      1 Credit
Developing Children as Writers
How to assist teachers in assessing student writing skills and developing children as writers. Para-professionals will become skilled in linking writing to the culture and environment of the child. Course may be repeated twice for credit. (Recommended: ABUS 170, DEVS 104, ENGL 111X or above.) (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

EDPA 150      1 Credit
Developing Children as Readers
Developing skills necessary for assisting teachers in using best practices in teaching reading in the elementary classroom. Para-professionals will become skilled in linking reading to the culture and environment of the child. Course may be repeated twice for credit. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

EDPA 160      1 Credit
Primary Math Methods
Developing the skills necessary for assisting teachers in using best practices in teaching math in the primary classroom. Para-professionals will become skilled in linking mathematics to the culture and environment of the child. Course may be repeated twice for credit. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

EDPA 170      1 Credit
Upper Elementary Math Methods
Developing the skills necessary for assisting teachers in using best practices in teaching math in the elementary classroom. Para-professionals will become skilled in linking mathematics to the culture and environment of the child. Course may be repeated three times for credit. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

EDPA 190      1 Credit
Integrating Local Knowledge into the Curriculum
Learn the prehistory, history and culture of the students' communities and regions, and strategies for integrating this knowledge into the school curriculum. Course may be repeated three times for credit. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

EDPA 199      1 Credit
Practicum I
Individualized work experience. The student will work as a para-professional in the classroom with a teacher or para-professional over a sustained period of at least three weeks. Course may be repeated once for credit. (Recommended: EDPA 110.) Offered As Demand Warrants

EDPA 210      1 Credit
Technology in the Classroom
Comprehensive introduction to various ways that technology can be utilized in the classroom. Students will be exposed to practical computer use such as exploring software, electronic grade books, lesson plans, graphics, digital photography, internet use and Internet safety. Course may be repeated once for credit. (Prerequisite: CIOS 100) (.5 + 1) Offered As Demand Warrants

EDPA 250      1 Credit
Current Topics for Educators
Focus on in-service training offered through school districts to update and train para-professionals and teachers on the use of district curriculum, policies, procedures etc. Course may be repeated three times for credit. (1 + 0) Offered As Demand Warrants

EDPA 299      1 Credit
Practicum II
Individualized work experience. The student will work as a para-professional in the classroom with a teacher or a para-professional over a sustained period of at least three weeks. (Recommended: EDPA 110.) Course may be repeated once for credit. Offered As Demand Warrants