2007-2008 Academic Catalog

Degree Programs

Biological Sciences

College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Department of Biology and Wildlife
(907) 474-7671

B.A., B.S., Ph.D. Degrees

Minimum Requirements for Degrees: 130 credits

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The biological sciences program provides a broad education and sound foundation in the basic principles of biology. Students who major in biological sciences may pursue either a B.A. or B.S. degree. The B.A. requires fewer credits in the major field than the B.S., but it gives greater emphasis in the social sciences and humanities and allows a greater breadth of subject matter.

The B.S. degree includes a foundation in the basic sciences and stronger requirements within the biological sciences than the B.A. Candidates who expect to teach in public secondary schools must be sure that they meet education requirements.

Major--B.A. Degree

  1. Complete the general university requirements. (As part of the core curriculum requirements, complete: CHEM 105X* and 106X*.)
  2. Complete the B.A. degree requirements.
  3. Complete the following program (major) requirements:*
    BIOL 105X--Fundamentals of Biology I--4 credits
    BIOL 106X--Fundamentals of Biology II--4 credits
    BIOL 271--Principles of Ecology--4 credits
    BIOL 303--Principles of Metabolism and Biochemistry (4)
         or CHEM 321--Organic Chemistry (3)
         and CHEM 322--Organic Chemistry (3)--4-6 credits
    BIOL 310--Animal Physiology (4)
         or BIOL 111X and 112X--Human Anatomy and--Physiology I & II (8)
         or BIOL 334W--Structure and Function of Vascular Plants (4)
         or BIOL 342--Microbiology (4)--4-8 credits
    BIOL 362--Principles of Genetics--4 credits
    BIOL 481--Principles of Evolution--4 credits
    BIOL elective--3 credits
    STAT 200X--Elementary Probability and Statistics--3 credits
  4. Minimum credits required--130 credits

Major--B.S. Degree

  1. Complete the general university requirements. (As part of the core curriculum requirements, complete: MATH 200X* or MATH 272X*; and CHEM 105X* and 106X*.)
  2. Complete the B.S. degree requirements. (As part of the B.S. degree requirements, complete STAT 200X* or STAT 300*. Biology foundation courses may be used toward partial fulfillment of the natural science requirement.)
  3. Complete the following program (major) requirements:*
    1. Complete the following:
      BIOL 105X--Fundamentals of Biology I--4 credits
      BIOL 106X--Fundamentals of Biology II--4 credits
      BIOL 261--Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology--4 credits
      BIOL 271--Principles of Ecology--4 credits
      BIOL 303--Principles of Metabolism and Biochemistry (4)
           or CHEM 321     organic Chemistry (3)
           and CHEM 322     organic Chemistry (3)--4-6 credits
      BIOL 310--Animal Physiology (4) or BIOL 111X and 112X--Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II (8)
           or BIOL 334W--Structure and Function in Vascular Plants (4)
           or BIOL 342--Microbiology (4)--4-8 credits
      BIOL 362--Principles of Genetics--4 credits
      BIOL 481--Principles of Evolution--4 credits
    2. Complete biology electives**--20 credits
    3. In addition to all other requirements, complete two electives (6 or more credits) from the following:
      Chemistry (200-level or above)
      Marine Science
      Mathematics (200-level or above)
      Space Physics and Atmospheric Sciences
  4. Minimum credits required--130 credits

* Student must earn a C grade or better in each course.
** A maximum of 6 credits of independent study (course numbers ending in 97) may be applied to this requirement. Students may petition to substitute chemistry courses (up to 10 credits for the biology electives required for the B.S. degree.)
Note: A foreign language is encouraged by the department in meeting requirements of the core curriculum.
Note: Biology foundation courses may be used toward partial fulfillment of the natural science requirement for the B.S. degree with a major in biological sciences.
Note: Candidates for the bachelor of science degree in general science wishing to major in biological sciences must satisfy both the requirements of their major curriculum and those listed above for a B.A. degree with a major in biological sciences.

Requirements for Biology Teachers (grades 7-12)*

  1. Complete all the requirements of the biological sciences B.A. or B.S. degree.
  2. Complete the following:
    BIOL 310--Animal Physiology (4)
         or BIOL 111X and BIOL 112X--Human Anatomy and Physiology (8) 4-8 credits
    BIOL 239--Introduction to Plant Biology (4)
         or BIOL 334--Structure and Function in Vascular Plants (4)--4 credits
    BIOL 342--Microbiology--4 credits
    Complete one of the following:
    BIOL 305--Invertebrate Zoology (5)
         or BIOL 406--Entomology (4)
         or BIOL 425--Mammalogy (3)
         or BIOL 426W,O/2     ornithology (3)
         or BIOL 427--Ichthyology (4)--3-5 credits
  3. Complete one of the following:
    PHIL 380--Conceptual Foundations of Science (3)
         or PHIL 382--Science & Technological Limits (3)
         or PHIL 481--Philosophy of Science (3)--3 credits

*We strongly recommend that prospective secondary science teachers seek advising from the UAF School of Education early in your undergraduate degree program, so that you can be appropriately advised of the state of Alaska requirements for teacher licensure. You will apply for admission to the UAF School of Education's post-baccalaureate teacher preparation program, a one-year intensive program, during your senior year. Above requirements apply to all candidates who apply to the UAF School of Education Spring 2006 or later, for licensure in biology.


  1. Complete the following:
    BIOL 105X--Fundamentals of Biology I--4 credits
    BIOL 106X--Fundamentals of Biology II--4 credits
  2. Complete three of the following:
    BIOL 310--Animal Physiology (4)
         or BIOL 111X and 112X--Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II (8)--4-8 credits
    BIOL 271--Principles of Ecology--4 credits
    BIOL 303--Principles of Metabolism and Biochemistry--4 credits
    BIOL 334W--Structure and Function in Vascular Plants--4 credits
    BIOL 342--Microbiology--4 credits
    BIOL 362--Principles of Genetics--4 credits
    BIOL 481--Principles of Evolution--4 credits
  3. Minimum credits required--20 credits