Course descriptions index


ANTH F100X Individual, Society and Culture (s)

3 Credits

An examination of the complex social arrangements guiding individual behavior and common human concerns in contrasting cultural contexts. Prerequisites: Placement in ENGL F111X or higher or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F101 Introduction to Anthropology (s)

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Human societies and cultures based on the findings of the four subfields of the discipline: archaeological, biological, cultural and linguistic. Also available via Independent Learning. (3+0)

ANTH F105 Introduction to the History and Culture of the Seward Peninsula

1 Credit     Offered As Demand Warrants

Cultural history of the Seward Peninsula peoples for the last 10,000 years using physical anthropology, ethnography, ethnohistory, linguistics, archaeology, ecology and climatology. Eskimo and Euroamerican cultures which have existed in western Alaska. (Cross-listed with HIST F105.) (1+0)

ANTH F111 Ancient Civilizations (s)

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Major civilizations of the Old and New World from a comparative, anthropological perspective. Antecedents and influences of these civilizations on their neighbors. Economics, science, religion and social organization of these civilizations. (3+0)

ANTH F211 Fundamentals of Archaeology (s)

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methods and techniques of archaeological field and laboratory research. (2+3)

ANTH F214 World Prehistory (s)

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Explores the archaeological evidence from the Old and New Worlds for the development of human culture, from the very beginning of humankind to the rise of ancient urban societies. Prerequisites: ANTH F100X or ANTH F111 or ANTH F211 or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F215 Fundamentals of Social/Cultural Anthropology (s)

3 Credits     Offered Spring

Introduction to the basic concepts, subfields and techniques of social/cultural anthropology. Includes non-Western and Western ethnographic topics, and discussion of career options. Recommended: ANTH F211. (3+0)

ANTH F221 Introduction to Biological Anthropology

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Survey of genetics, evolutionary mechanisms, adaptation, primate studies, the human fossil record and human variation. Provides a basic understanding of humans from a biological, evolutionary and temporal perspective. (3+0)

ANTH F230 The Oral Tradition: Folklore and Oral History (h)

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Study and collection of folklore and oral history. Importance of oral tradition in human communication and the advantages and disadvantages of recording and studying it. Sociocultural anthropology and anthropological linguistics in relation to oral traditions. Methods of folklorists, historians and academicians. Field project required. (3+0)

ANTH F242 Native Cultures of Alaska (s)

3 Credits

The traditional Aleut, Eskimo and Indian (Athabascan and Tlingit) cultures of Alaska. Eskimo and Indian cultures in Canada. Linguistic and cultural groupings, population changes, subsistence patterns, social organization and religion in terms of local ecology. Pre-contact interaction between groups. Also available via Independent Learning. (Cross-listed with ANS F242.) (3+0)

ANTH F245 Culture and Global Issues (s)

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Introduces students to the anthropological study of globalization and global issues including the deterritorialization of culture, global social movements, culture and capital, immigration and culture, and modern and postmodern approaches to the study of culture and society. Begins with the history of global ethnography, but focuses primarily on contemporary issues. Prerequisites: ANTH F100X. (3+0)

ANTH F301 World Ethnography (s)

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Survey of ethnographic research on peoples and cultures of selected geographic regions of the world, in both historical and contemporary perspective. Content of the course varies and is contingent on available faculty expertise. Course may be repeated once for credit when content varies. Prerequisites: ANTH F100X or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F302 Ethnography of Siberia (s)

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Survey of ethnographic research on peoples and cultures of Siberia, including the Russian Far East, in both historical and contemporary perspective. Prerequisites: ANTH F100X or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F308W,O Language and Gender (s)

3 Credits     Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years

Examination of relationships between language and gender, drawing on both ethnographic and linguistic sources. Topics include power, socialization and sexism. Prerequisites: COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with LING F308; WMS F308.) (3+0)

ANTH F309 Circumpolar Archaeology (s)

3 Credits     Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years

Archaeology of the circumpolar world from initial occupations through the historic period. Cultural and chronological variability in human adaptation to high latitudes. Causes and consequences of population movement, environmental change and cultural interaction in the Old and New World, as understood through archaeology. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F313 Ethnography of Alaska (s)

3 Credits     Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years

Survey of ethnographic research on peoples and cultures of Alaska, in both historical and contemporary perspective. Content of the course varies and may cover Aleuts and other peoples of the Alaskan Southwest; Inupiaq and Inuit peoples; peoples of the Alaskan Southeast; or Athabascan peoples. Prerequisites: ANTH F100X or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F315 Human Biology (n)

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Biology of recent and modern human populations, including systematics, behavior, ecology and inter - and intrapopulation genetic and morphological variations. Human adaptations to heat, cold, high altitudes and changing nutritional and disease patterns. Human skeletal biology, including metrical and non-metrical variation, aging and sexing skeletal remains, and paleopathology. Prerequisites: ANTH F221 or BIOL F103X. (2+3)

ANTH F317 Human Growth and Development

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Life-span approach to physiological (and cognitive) growth and development in fossil through modern humans. Begins with a summary of human biology and genetics. Proceeds through major phases in life: prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adult and old age. Includes detailed soft and hard tissue developments in these phases of life. Prerequisites: ANTH F221. (3+0)

ANTH F320W Language and Culture: Applications to Alaska (s)

3 Credits     Offered Spring

Language, ethnicity and their interrelationships. Communicating ethnic identity. Patterns of language use which affect communication between ethnic groups. Applicability of these concepts to Native/non-Native communication patterns. Prerequisites: ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; LING F101; or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with ANS F320.) (3+0)

ANTH F360 Indigenous Art and Culture (h)

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Overview of the aesthetic expressions of the cultures of Africa, Oceania and Native North America. Cultural and social factors will be studied through visual art from these areas. (Cross-listed with ART F360.) (3+0)

ANTH F365 Native Art of Alaska (h)

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Art forms of the Eskimo, Indian and Aleut from prehistory to the present. Changes in forms through the centuries. Prerequisites: Advanced standing or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with ANS F365; ART F365.) (3+0)

ANTH F366 Northwest Coast Indian Art (h)

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Arts of the Northwest Coast Indians and the place of art in their culture. (Cross-listed with ANS F366; ART F366.) (3+0)

ANTH F367 Eskimo Art (h)

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Eskimo art from Alaska, Canada and Siberia beginning with the earliest known pieces to the beginning of the 20th century. (Cross-listed with ANS F367; ART F367.) (3+0)

ANTH F382 The People of Alaskan Southeast (s)

3 Credits

Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian societies in the framework of Northwest Coast culture-area. Impact of Russian penetration and historical factors. Prerequisites: ANTH F242 or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F383 Athabascan Peoples of Alaska and Adjacent Canada (s)

3 Credits     Offered Fall Even-numbered Years

Contemporary conditions and traditional heritage of the Athabascan populations of Alaska and Canada. Impact of Euroamericans on these populations and cultures. Prerequisites: ANTH F242 or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F384 History of Anthropology

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Major theoretical approaches in anthropology chronologically from formulation of the discipline of anthropology to current theory. Nature of the discipline, its goals and methods, and the relevance of theoretical perspectives to interpretations in anthropology. Prerequisites: ANTH F215 or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F402 Anthropology of Art (s)

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Anthropological study of art in cross-cultural perspective. Social context of art production and use and cross-cultural variations in definition of an artist's role. Prerequisites: Senior standing or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with ART F402. Stacked with ANTH F602.) (3+0)

ANTH F403W,O Political Anthropology (s)

3 Credits     Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years

Political systems and the law. Case studies from nonindustrial societies, developing nations and parapolitical systems or encapsulated societies, such as Native peoples in the U.S. Political structures and institutions; social conflict, dispute settlement, social control and the law, political competition over critical resources; and ethnicity. Prerequisites: ANTH F215; COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F603.) (3+0)

ANTH F405 Archaeological Method and Theory (s)

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Archaeological methods and analysis as the framework for different perspectives in archaeology. Application to specific research problems. Prerequisites: ANTH F211. (Stacked with ANTH F605.) (3+0)

ANTH F407 Kinship and Social Organization (s)

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Forms and function of family and household organization, kinship and marriage in diverse human sociocultural systems. Case studies from tribal and complex societies including contemporary United States. Prerequisites: ANTH F215 or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F607.) (3+0)

ANTH F409 Anthropology of Religion (s)

3 Credits     Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years

Religion or supernatural belief from the perspective of anthropology. Religion in the context of "primitive" society as well as its role in complex society. Religious practitioners, ritual, belief systems and the relationship of religious behavior to other aspects of social behavior. Prerequisites: ANTH F100X; ANTH F215; or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F609.) (3+0)

ANTH F411O Senior Seminar in Anthropology (s)

3 Credits     Offered Spring

The integrated nature of anthropological inquiry. Includes a four-field approach to anthropology in a discussion-intensive setting. Student may focus on an interdisciplinary theme or a topic other than their own specialization. Prerequisites: COMM F131X or COMM F141X, Anthropology major with senior standing, or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F415 Zooarchaeology and Taphonomy

3 Credits     Offered Fall Even-numbered Years

Identification of bones, how vertebrate bone remains may be used to study archaeological site formation processes, site organization, subsistence practices and animal procurement strategies. Preservation in modern depositional environments, paleoecology, vertebrate mortality profiles and demographic structure, site seasonality, bone breakage, taphonomy and faunal remains, and human land use practices. (2+3)

ANTH F422 Human Osteology

3 Credits

Human skeletal analysis: bone biology, skeletal anatomy, aging and sexing, metric and non-metric traits of skeleton and dentition, paleopathology and paleodemography. Inferences on genetic relationships between and patterned behavior within prehistoric groups derived from skeletal material. Prerequisites: ANTH F221 or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F625.) (0+0)

ANTH F423 Paleoanthropology

3 Credits     Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years

Analysis of the Plio-Pleistocene hominid fossil record, including comparative primate and hominid skeletal and dental anatomy, systematics, taphonomy and long-term biobehavioral adaptations. Prerequisites: ANTH F212 or ANTH F221 or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F623.) (2+3)

ANTH F424 Analytical Techniques

3 Credits     Offered Fall Even-numbered Years

Classification, sampling, collection and analysis of anthropological data: parametric and nonparametric significance tests and measures of association, analysis of frequency data, estimating resemblance using multiple variables, computer simulations and analysis. Prerequisites: ANTH F211 or ANTH F221; any college level mathematics course; or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F624.) (3+0)

ANTH F426 Bioarchaeology

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Innovative methods for studying past interactions between biological and cultural factors, as revealed through human and faunal skeletal and plant remains. From these data sources, health, diet, social organization and interactions and life histories of past populations, as well as the environments in which they lived, are reconstructed and examined. Prerequistes: ANTH F211 or equivalent; ANTH F221. (Stacked with ANTH F626.) (3+0)

ANTH F428 Ecological Anthropology and Regional Sustainability

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Biological, environmental and cultural factors and their interplay in defining the human condition, with examples from the Arctic and other populations. Prerequisites: ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; junior standing; or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F432 Field Methods in Descriptive Linguistics (h)

3 Credits     Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years

Introduction to general issues in language field work and to issues specific to working with little studied and/or endangered languages in particular. Focus on introduction to writing systems, making recordings, computers and transcriptions, planning consultant sessions, working with consultants, interviewing and ethics in the field. Projects include making transcriptions of familiar language, and later, working on unfamiliar language with a language consultant, selecting and carrying out a well-defined project, resulting in a term paper. Prerequisites: LING F318; LING F320; or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with LING F431. Stacked with ANTH F632; LING F631.) (3+0)

ANTH F434 Field Methods in Descriptive Linguistics II

3 Credits     Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years

Second semester of Field Methods sequence. Plan a linguistic field project, including field trip, caring for equipment, data handling, community contacts, intellectual property and repatriation. Course work includes lectures and group elicitation with a speaker of a non-Indo-European language. Projects may involve either the traditional field work involving finding and working with a consultant, or work involving research in archival materials on languages no longer spoken. Prerequisites: LING F431 or ANTH F432. (Cross-listed with LING F434. Stacked with LING F634; ANTH F634.) (3+0)

ANTH F445 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (s)

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Gender as both cultural construction and social relationship is examined through readings in comparative ethnographies portraying gender roles in a broad variety of societies, from hunter-gatherer to industrial. New theoretical and methodological approaches in anthropology for exploring and understanding the experiences of women and men in their cultural variety are presented Prerequisites: ANTH F215 or WMS F201 or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with WMS F445. Stacked with ANTH F645.) (3+0)

ANTH F446 Economic Anthropology (s)

3 Credits     Offered Fall Even-numbered Years

Relationships between economic and other social relations. Pre-industrial societies. Relevance of formal economics to small-scale societies and developing nations. Exchange, formal and substantive economics, market economics, rationality, political economy and the economics of development. Prerequisites: A cultural anthropology class or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F646.) (3+0)

ANTH F451 Quaternary Seminar

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Discussion of the Quaternary Period (relatively recent past - spanning the past two million years) in order to gain a better understanding of the landscape, biota and climate of the present day. Quaternary studies are concerned with the historical dimension of the natural sciences. This seminar will range widely over diverse interdisciplinary subjects of Quaternary interest, such as paleoclimatology, paleobiogeography, vertebrate paleontology, and sedimentology. Prerequisites: GEOS F315; GEOS F304; GEOS F322. (Cross-listed with GEOS F452. Stacked with ANTH F651; GEOS F651.) (3+0)

ANTH F465 Geoarchaeology

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Geological context of archaeological sites and the geologic factors that affect their preservation, with emphasis on Alaska. Includes a one or two-day weekend field trip in late April or early May. Special fees apply. Prerequisites: GEOS F101X, an introductory course in archaeology, or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with GEOS F465.) (3+0)

ANTH F470 Oral Sources: Issues in Documentation (h)

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Preparation for recording and use of oral resources. Examines how meaning is conveyed through oral traditions and personal narratives and the issues involved with recording and reproducing narratives. Includes management of oral recordings, ethical and legal considerations, issues of interpretation and censorship, and the use of new technologies to access and deliver recordings. Prerequisites: At least one undergraduate ANTH course and one undergraduate HIST course, or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with NORS F470. Stacked with ANTH F670; NORS F670.) (3+0)

ANTH F472 Culture and History in the North Atlantic (s)

3 Credits     Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years

Ancient Norse culture and society. Includes readings of Old Norse poetry and Icelandic sagas in translation, with secondary analyses and archaeological background. Includes Greenlandic myths and contemporary ethnographic accounts of Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Prerequisites: ANTH F100X. Recommended: ANTH F215. (Stacked with ANTH F672; NORS F672.) (3+0)

ANTH F602 Anthropology of Art

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Anthropological study of art in a cross-cultural perspective. Social context of art production and use, cross-cultural variations in definition of an artist's role. Prerequisites: Senior standing or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F402; ART F402.) (3+0)

ANTH F603 Political Anthropology

3 Credits     Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years

Political systems and the law. Case studies from nonindustrial societies, developing nations and parapolitical systems or encapsulated societies, such as Native peoples in the U.S. Political structures and institutions; social conflict, dispute settlement, social control and the law, political competition over critical resources; and ethnicity. Prerequisites: Graduate standing. (Stacked with ANTH F403.) (3+0)

ANTH F605 Archaeological Method and Theory

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Archaeological methods and analysis as the framework for different perspectives in archaeology. Application to specific research problems. Prerequisites: ANTH F211 or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F405.) (3+0)

ANTH F606 Folklore and Mythology: Anthropological Perspective

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Intensive introduction to anthropological theory concerning oral traditions and the verbal arts. Attention is paid to classic historical approaches, but discussion of contemporary focus on context and performance is highlighted. Students will research topics of individual interest. Prerequisites: Upper-division undergraduate anthropology course or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F607 Kinship and Social Organization

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Forms and function of family and household organization, kinship and marriage in diverse human sociocultural systems. Case studies from tribal and complex societies including contemporary United States. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F407.) (3+0)

ANTH F609 Anthropology of Religion

3 Credits     Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years

Religion or supernatural belief from the perspective of anthropology. Religion in the context of "primitive" society as well as its role in complex society. Religious practitioners, ritual, belief systems and the relationship of religious behavior to other aspects of social behavior. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F409.) (3+0)

ANTH F610 Northern Indigenous Peoples and Contemporary Issues

3 Credits     Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years

This course examines a number of issues affecting northern indigenous peoples from a comparative perspective, including perspectives from Alaska, Canada, Greenland and the Soviet Union. Issues include the impact of the alienation of land on which these peoples depend; the relationship between their small, rural microeconomies and the larger agroindustrial market economies of which they are a part; education, language loss and cultural transmission; alternative governmental policies towards indigenous peoples; and contrasting world views. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or upper-division standing with permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with NORS F610.) (3+0)

ANTH F612 Paleoecology

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Advanced study of Quaternary environments. The influences of climatic change and the interrelationships of physical and biological factors on the distribution and evolution of biota, including humans, will be discussed. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F617 Resilience Internship

2 Credits

Students of the Resilience and Adaptation Program participate in internships to broaden their interdisciplinary training, develop new research tools and build expertise outside their home disciplines. Internships are for eight to ten weeks of full time commitment and take place during the student's first summer in the program. In autumn students meet to discuss their internship experiences and make public presentations. Prerequisites: ANTH/BIOL/ECON/NRM F667; ANTH/BIOL/ECON/NRM F668; or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with BIOL F613; ECON F613; NRM F613.) (2+0)

ANTH F618 Historical Archaeology

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Historical archaeology of the Americas examines colonial and frontier archaeology as experienced by Euroamericans, in addition to contact and post contact archaeology of Native North Americans. Current perspectives in American historical archaeology, including a review of goals, problem orientation and the manner in which archaeological and documentary data are used for anthropological interpretation. Prerequisites: ANTH F405 or ANTH F605 or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F623 Paleoanthropology

3 Credits     Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years

Analysis of the Plio-Pleistocene hominid fossil record, including comparative primate and hominid skeletal and dental anatomy, systematics, taphonomy and long-term biobehavioral adaptations. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F423.) (2+3)

ANTH F624 Analytical Techniques

3 Credits     Offered Fall Even-numbered Years

Classification, sampling, collection and analysis of anthropological data: parametric and nonparametric significance tests and measures of association, analysis of frequency data, estimating resemblance using multiple variables, computer simulations and analysis. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Anthropology. (Stacked with ANTH F424.) (3+0)

ANTH F625 Human Osteology

3 Credits     Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years

Human skeletal analysis: bone biology, skeletal anatomy, aging and sexing, metric and non-metric traits of skeleton and dentition, paleopathology, and paleodemography. Inferences on genetic relationships between and patterned behavior within prehistoric groups derived from skeletal material. Prerequisites: ANTH F315; graduate standing; or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F422.) (3+0)

ANTH F626 Bioarchaeology

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Innovative methods for studying past interactions between biological and cultural factors as revealed through human and faunal skeletal and plant remains. From these data sources, health, diet, social organization and interactions and life histories of past populations, as well as the environments in which they lived, are reconstructed and examined. Prerequisites: Graduate standing; or permission of instructor. Recommended: ANTH F415; ANTH F625. (Stacked with ANTH F426.) (3+0)

ANTH F629 Structures of Anthropological Argument

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Reading and analysis of examples from various paradigms in anthropology, past and present. Presents a thorough grounding in forms of anthropological argument and preparation for the research and writing process. Includes evolutionary, Boasian, structural-functional, structural as well as subdisciplinary linguistic, archaeological and biological forms of argument. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F630 Anthropological Field Methods

3 Credits     Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years

Concentration on the practical concerns and aspects of conducting anthropological field research. Includes the relevant literature and significant discussions on the different aspects of fieldwork. In addition, students will gain practical experience in the problems, techniques and methods of fieldwork involving people from similar or distinct cultural backgrounds. The preparation of research proposals is also given attention. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Anthropology or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F631 Language and Culture Seminar

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

In-depth examination of the interrelation between language and culture in the context of the theories of human communication, semiotics and maintenance of cultural boundaries. In particular, the influence of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in anthropological thinking today and the field of ethnoscience will be examined, as well as language change in contact situations with emphasis on emergence of pidgin and Creole languages and effects of the introduction of writing. Prerequisites: Graduate standing; previous credit in anthropological or descriptive linguistics; or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F632 Field Methods in Descriptive Linguistics

3 Credits     Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years

Introduction to general issues in language field work and to issues specific to working with little studied and/or endangered languages in particular. Focus on introduction to writing systems, making recordings, computers and transcriptions, planning consultant sessions, working with consultants, interviewing, and ethics in the field. Projects include making transcriptions of familiar language, and later, working on unfamiliar language with a language consultant, selecting and carrying out a well-defined project, resulting in a term paper. Prerequisites: LING F318; LING F320; or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with LING F631. Stacked with ANTH F432; LING F431.) (3+0)

ANTH F634 Field Methods in Descriptive Linguistics II

3 Credits     Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years

Second semester of Field Methods sequence. Plan linguistic field project, including field trip, caring for equipment, data handling, community contacts, intellectual property and repatriation. Course work includes lectures and group elicitation with a speaker of non-Indo-European language. Projects may involve either the traditional field work involving finding and working with a consultant, or work involving research of archival materials on languages no longer spoken. Prerequisites: ANTH F632 or LING F631. (Cross-listed with LING F634. Stacked with ANTH F434; LING F434.) (3+0)

ANTH F637 Methods in Ethnohistorical Research

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Students of anthropology are introduced to the methods of historical research, particularly the critical evaluation of written documents, problems of archaic language and paleography, and methods for assessing art and folklorist tradition as sources of history. Oral history and the data of language and archaeology are considered. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in anthropology or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F645 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective

3 Credits     Offered Spring Even-numbered Years

Gender as both cultural construction and social ethnographies relationship is examined through readings in comparative ethnographies portraying gender roles in a broad variety of societies, from hunter-gatherer to industrial. New theoretical and methodological approaches in anthropology for exploring and understanding women's and men's experiences in their cultural variety are presented. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F445; WMS F445.) (3+0)

ANTH F646 Economic Anthropology

3 Credits     Offered Fall Even-numbered Years

Relationships between economic and other social relations. Pre-industrial societies. Relevance of formal economics to small-scale societies and developing nations. Exchange, formal and substantive economics, market economics, rationality, political economy and the economics of development. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (Stacked with ANTH F446.) (3+0)

ANTH F647 Regional Sustainability

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Explores the basic principles that govern resilience and change of ecological and social systems. The principles are applied at the level of populations, communities, regions and the globe. Working within and across each of these scales, students address the processes that influence ecological, cultural and economic sustainability, with an emphasis on Alaskan examples. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with BIOL F647; ECON F647; NRM F647.) (3+0)

ANTH F648 Integrative Modeling of Natural and Social Systems

4 Credits     Offered Fall

Provides a modeling approach to structuring knowledge from natural and social scientific disciplines so that relevant aspects of a complex societal problem are considered for the purpose of making management and policy decisions. Designed to help graduate students use models to integrate understanding about interactions among natural and social systems for the purpose of managing biological and human resources. Prerequisites: STAT F200X or equivalent; graduate standing in a natural science, social science, humanities or interdisciplinary program at UAF or another university, or permission of instructor. The course is designed to fit into the sequence of the Resilience and Adaptation program's core courses. Recommended: ANTH/BIOL/ECON/NRM F647. (Cross-listed with BIOL F648; ECON F648; NRM F648.) (3+3)

ANTH F649 Integrated Assessment and Adaptive Management

3 Credits     Offered Spring

An interdisciplinary exploration of the theoretical and practical considerations of integrated assessment and adaptive management. Students survey concepts important in understanding societal and professional-level decision-making. Students work as individuals and as a team to undertake case studies with relevance to integrated assessment and adaptive management. Collectively, the class builds a portfolio of cases and conducts an integrated assessment. Note: In case of enrollment limit, priority will be given to graduate students in the Resilience and Adaptation Program in order for them to be able to meet their core requirements. Prerequisites: Graduate student standing in a natural science, social science, or interdisciplinary program at UAF or another university or permission of instructor. The course is designed to fit into the sequence of Resilience and Adaptation Program's core courses. It is open to other graduate students interested in and prepared to conduct interdisciplinary studies relating to sustainability. Recommended: ANTH/BIOL/ECON/NRM F647; ANTH/BIOL/ECON/NRM F648; ANTH/BIOL/ECON/NRM F667. (Cross-listed with BIOL F649; ECON F649; NRM F649.) (3+0)

ANTH F652 Research Design and Professional Development Seminar

3 Credits     Offered Spring

How to develop problem-based research in anthropology and prepare research proposals, grant proposals and publications along with critical evaluations of similar material. Topics include preparation of oral presentations for professional meetings, lectures and seminars; curriculum vitae preparation; and project budgeting. Prerequisites: Upper-division anthropology course or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F653 Current Perspectives in Cultural Resource Management

3 Credits     Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years

Cultural resource management. Includes historic preservation and environmental law. Reviews pertinent legislation pertaining to the protection of historic properties and presents a series of real world problems confronted by archaeologists. Cultural resource management will be treated historically within a context of the development of American archaeology. Emphasis on practical aspects of career development. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (3+0)

ANTH F667 Resilience Seminar I

1 Credit     Offered Fall

Provides a forum for new students of the Resilience and Adaptation graduate program to explore issues of interdisciplinary research that are relevant to sustainability. A considerable portion of the seminar is student-directed, with students assuming leadership in planning seminar activities with the instructor. Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisites: Enrolled in Resilience and Adaptation Graduate Program or permission of instructor. Recommended: ANTH/BIOL/ECON/NRM F647. (Cross-listed with BIOL F667; ECON F667; NRM F667.) (2+0)

ANTH F668 Resilience Seminar II

1 Credit     Offered Spring

Provides a forum for new students of the Resilience and Adaptation graduate program to explore issues of interdisciplinary research relevant to sustainability. The seminar provides support to each student planning his/her summer internship and preparing and presenting a thesis research prospectus. Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisites: ANTH/BIOL/ECON/NRM F647; ANTH/BIOL/ECON/NRM F667; or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with BIOL F668; ECON F668; NRM F668.) (2+0)

ANTH F670 Oral Sources: Issues in Documentation

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Preparation for recording and use of oral resources. Examines how meaning is conveyed through oral traditions and personal narratives and the issues involved with recording and reproducing narratives. Includes management of oral recordings, ethical and legal considerations, issues of interpretation and censorship and the use of new technologies to access and deliver recordings. Prerequisites: At least one undergraduate ANTH course and one undergraduate HIST course, or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with NORS F670. Stacked with ANTH F470; NORS F470.) (3+0)

ANTH F672 Culture and History in the North Atlantic

3 Credits     Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years

Study of ancient Norse culture and society. Includes readings of Old Norse poetry and Icelandic sagas in translation, with secondary analyses and archaeological background. Includes Greenlandic myths and contemporary ethnographic accounts of Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with NORS F672. Stacked with ANTH F472.) (3+0)