Course descriptions index

Education: Secondary

EDSC F205 Introduction to Secondary Education

3 Credits     Offered Spring

Introduction to the profession of teaching in middle/high school. Incorporates historical, cultural and sociological factors, with attention to the Alaska context influencing current practice. Students will have the opportunity to explore current issues and reform facing educators today and to observe master teachers in the field. Prerequisites: ENGL F111X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor. (3+0+2)

EDSC F402 Methods of Teaching in the Secondary School

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Focus on methodologies appropriate for teaching middle and high school students in a variety of settings. Candidates explore the structure of schools, the nature of their audiences and will plan, implement and assess both teacher and student centered instructional strategies. Includes Alaska Content/Performance Standards. Prerequisites: Admission to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (3+0)

EDSC F407 Developing Literacy in the Content Areas

3 Credits     Offered Summer or As Demand Warrants

Preparation for secondary teachers (middle school, junior, and senior high school) to integrate listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing strategies into a content area of the classroom. Candidates examine and evaluate learning theories related to literacy development and varied methods of instruction and assessment to help design and develop an appropriate pedagogical model for teaching. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or EDSC F205 or EDSC F415; or permission of instructor. (3+0)

EDSC F414 Learning, Development and Special Needs Instruction

3 Credits     Offered Summer

Survey of learning theory, adolescent development and special needs instruction. Attention will be given to the cognitive, social and moral theories of development, and to current theories of learning. Consideration will be given to cultural and individual differences among learners including those with special needs. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or EDSC F205 or EDSC F415; or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F614.) (3+0)

EDSC F415 Foundations of Modern Educational Practice

3 Credits     Offered Summer

Historical, political, sociological and curricular foundations of secondary education in the U.S. with particular attention to Alaska. For pre-service teachers to understand and reflect on the teaching profession at the secondary level and to explore current issues and controversies confronting education at national, state and local levels. Prerequisites: Admission to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (3+0)

EDSC F424 Culturally Responsive Small School Programs for Alaska

3 Credits     Offered Spring

Exploration of effective programs in small rural schools and in urban schools using school-within-a-school and multi-age models. Emphasis on interdisciplinary models and innovative programs with multi-cultural perspectives. Prerequisites: Admission to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (3+0)

EDSC F431 Secondary Instruction and Assessment in the Content Area

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in the candidate's specific content area. Course is taught by content specialists. Discusses current issues, methodologies and teaching strategies specific to the various disciplines. A maximum of nine credits may be earned. Prerequisites: Admission to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F631.) (3+0)

EDSC F432 English/Language Arts Secondary Instruction and Assessment

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in English/language arts. Course is taught by content specialists. Includes discussion of current issues, methodologies and teaching strategies specific to English/language arts. Prerequisites: Admission to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F632.) (3+0)

EDSC F433 Mathematics Secondary Instruction and Assessment

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in mathematics. Course is taught by content specialists. Includes discussion of current issues, diverse methodologies and practical application lessons for teaching mathematics. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F633.) (3+0)

EDSC F434 Science Secondary Instruction and Assessment

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in science. Course is taught by content specialists. Includes discussion of current issues, diverse methodologies, inquiry-based lessons, laboratory experiences and field trips for teaching science. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program; or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F634.) (3+0)

EDSC F435 Social Studies Secondary Instruction and Assessment

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in social studies. Course is taught by content specialists. Includes discussion of current issues, diverse methodologies, project-based activities and community-as-laboratory experiences for teaching social studies. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F635.) (3+0)

EDSC F436 Art Secondary Instruction and Assessment

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in art. Course is taught by content specialists. Includes discussion of current issues, methodologies and teaching strategies specific to arts. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F636.) (3+0)

EDSC F437 World Language Secondary Instruction and Assessment

3 Credits     Offered Fall, As Demand Warrants

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in world languages. Course is taught by content specialists. Includes discussion of current issues, diverse methodologies, and current application of teaching strategies and assessment specific to world languages. Prerequisites: Admission to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F637.) (3+0)

EDSC F442 Portfolio Preparation: Integrating Theory and Practice

2 Credits     Offered Spring

Continued systematic collection of selected work. Portfolios document and provide evidence of professional development and achievement as beginning teachers relative to Alaska Teacher Standards and Alaska Student Content Standards, integrated with Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools. Portfolios show a wide range of knowledge, dispositions and skills using a variety of technologies including digital storage on CD. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F642.) (2+0)

EDSC F457 Multicultural Education and School-Community Relations

4 Credits     Offered Spring

Focuses on the philosophy and theories underlying multicultural education as well as the development of positive school community relationships. Encourages pre-service educators to identify their own philosophy and culture and to recognize their cultural background as they instruct, assess and manage their students. Helps educators clarify the value of diversity in the classroom setting. Candidates discern the influence of diversity factors on students' educational careers and the value of diversity to the Alaskan community. Acquaints candidates with teaching in rural Alaska. Explores models for effective teaching, means of village socialization, cultural information and programs that are particularly effective in rural and small school settings. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F657.) (3+0+1)

EDSC F458 Classroom Organization and Management

3 Credits     Offered Summer

Focus on establishment of a positive learning environment, development of a successful discipline plan consistent with an educator's philosophy of education and a review of the major discipline models. Candidates will examine the role that factors such as culture, gender, interest, ability and exceptionality play in student's behavior. Techniques to maintain positive student-teacher interactions in the classroom and establish a positive relationship with parents. Developing strategies to incorporate local knowledge and community culture in to classroom practice. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program, or completion of EDSC F205 or EDSC F415; or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F658.) (3+0)

EDSC F471 Secondary Teaching: School Internship I and Seminar

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Supervised observation and teaching in secondary schools approved by the School of Education. Seminar topics may include special attention to school-community relations, special needs, curriculum development, teaching strategies and the integration of technology across the curriculum. The School of Education may limit enrollment, determine assignments and cancel registration of candidates doing unsatisfactory work. Graded Pass/Fail. Special fees apply. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (1+0+25)

EDSC F472 Secondary Teaching: School Internship II and Seminar

3 Credits     Offered Spring

Supervised observation and teaching in secondary schools approved by the School of Education. Seminar topics may include special attention to school-community relations, special needs, curriculum development, teaching strategies and the integration of technology across the curriculum. The School of Education may limit enrollment, determine assignments and cancel registration of candidates doing unsatisfactory work. Graded Pass/Fail. Special fees apply. Prerequisites: Admission to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (1+0+35)

EDSC F614 Learning, Development and Special Needs Instruction

3 Credits     Offered Summer

Survey of learning theory, adolescent development and special needs instruction. Attention will be given to the cognitive, social and moral theories of development, and to current theories of learning. Consideration will be given to cultural and individual differences among learners including those with special needs. Prerequisites: Admission to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or EDSC F205 or EDSC F415; or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F414.) (3+0)

EDSC F631 Secondary Instruction and Assessment in the Content Area

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in the candidate's specific content area. Course is taught by content specialists. Discusses current issues, methodologies and teaching strategies specific to the various disciplines. A maximum of nine credits may be earned. Prerequisites: Admission to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F431.) (3+0)

EDSC F632 English/Language Arts Secondary Instruction and Assessment

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in English/language arts. Course is taught by content specialists. Includes discussion of current issues, methodologies, and teaching strategies specific to English/language arts. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F432.) (3+0)

EDSC F633 Mathematics Secondary Instruction and Assessment

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in mathematics. Course is taught by content specialists. Includes discussion of current issues, diverse methodologies and practical application lessons for teaching mathematics. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F433.) (3+0)

EDSC F634 Science Secondary Instruction and Assessment

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in science. Course is taught by content specialists. Includes discussion of current issues, diverse methodologies, inquiry-based lessons, laboratory experiences and field trips for teaching science. Prerequisites: Admission to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F434.) (3+0)

EDSC F635 Social Studies Secondary Instruction and Assessment

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in social studies. Course is taught by content specialists. Includes discussion of current issues, diverse methodologies, project-based activities and community associated laboratory experiences for teaching social studies. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F435.) (3+0)

EDSC F636 Art Secondary Instruction and Assessment

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in art. Course is taught by content specialists. Includes discussion of current issues, methodologies and teaching strategies specific to arts. Graduate candidates complete different requirements to justify graduate credit. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F436.) (3+0)

EDSC F637 World Language Secondary Instruction and Assessment

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Methodologies of instruction and assessment in world languages. Course is taught by content specialists. Includes discussion of current issues, diverse methodologies and current application of teaching strategies and assessment specific to world languages. Prerequisites: Admission to secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F437.) (3+0)

EDSC F642 Portfolio Preparation: Integrating Theory and Practice

2 Credits     Offered Spring

Continued systematic collection of selected work. Portfolios document and provide evidence of professional development and achievement as beginning teachers relative to Alaska Teacher Standards and Alaska Student Content Standards, integrated with Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools. Portfolios are to show a wide range of knowledge, dispositions and skills using a variety of technologies including digital storage on CD. Prerequisites: Admission to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F442.) (2+0)

EDSC F657 Multicultural Education and School-Community Relations

4 Credits     Offered Spring

Focuses on the philosophy and theories underlying multicultural education as well as the development of positive school community relationships. Encourages pre-service educators to identify their own philosophy and culture and to recognize their cultural background as they instruct, assess, and manage their students. Helps educators clarify the value of diversity in the classroom setting. Candidates discern the influence of diversity factors on students' educational careers and the value of diversity to the Alaskan community. Acquaints candidates with teaching in rural Alaska. Explore models for effective teaching, means of village socialization, cultural information and programs that are particularly effective in rural and small school settings. Prerequisites: Admitted to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program; or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F457.) (3+0+1)

EDSC F658 Classroom Organization and Management

3 Credits     Offered Summer

Focus on establishment of a positive learning environment, development of a successful discipline plan consistent with an educator's philosophy of education and a review of the major discipline models. Candidates will examine the role that factors such as culture, gender, interest, ability and exceptionality play in student's behavior. Candidates will study techniques to maintain positive student-teacher interactions in the classroom and establish a positive relationship with parents. Developing strategies to incorporate local knowledge and community culture into classroom practice. Prerequisites: Admission to the secondary post-baccalaureate licensure program; or EDSC F205; or EDSC F415; or permission of instructor. (Stacked with EDSC F458.) (3+0)