Course descriptions index


HUM F101 The Humanities: A Cultural Perspective (h)

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Examination of humanities using a non-Yup'ik culture and the Yup'ik culture as bases. Introduction of fundamental principles of Yup'ik and non-Yup'ik performing and visual arts, ideas and cultural developments that have stirred and enriched civilization, and aspects of Yup'ik and non-Yup'ik culture to help students develop greater awareness of forces that affect them. Offered only at the Kuskokwim campus. (3+0)

HUM F201X Unity in the Arts (h)

3 Credits

Concentration on the interdependence of the visual arts, the performing arts, and literature, as set against a specific social, political and cultural background of selected eras. Prerequisites: Placement in ENGL F111X or higher; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor. (3+0)

HUM F332 Varieties of Visual Expression: Art as Image and Idea (h)

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Discussion of the visual elements of art, principles of visual organization, the process of artistic perception and its evaluation by the viewer. Prerequisites: 3 credits in the visual arts or permission of instructor. (3+0)

HUM F469W Architecture: Art, Design, Technology and Social Impact (h)

3 Credits     Offered Fall Even-numbered Years

Concepts of environmental, urban and industrial design. Relationship of human and natural environment is stressed in this history of architecture with special attention given to contemporary conditions in urban areas and effects of industrialization and mechanization on human living and working spaces, artistic design and aesthetics. Prerequisites: ART F261 and ART F262 OR HUM F201X; ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with ART F469.) (3+0)

HUM F492 Senior Seminar (h)

3 Credits     Offered Fall Even-numbered Years

Consideration of the humanities at the University of Alaska and on alternate approaches elsewhere. Student project paper required with oral presentation and defense. Prerequisites: Open requirements or permission of instructor. (3+0)