Course descriptions index

Software Engineering

Math placement information is in the front of this catalog in the Undergraduate: Applying for Admission section. No student will be permitted to enroll in a course having prerequisites if a grade lower than a C (2.0) is received in the prerequisite course.

A per semester fee to support the Mathematics and Statistics Tutorial Lab will be assessed for one or more of the following courses: MATH F103, F107, F108, F161, F200, F201, F202, F262, F272, STAT F200X. A per semester fee to provide access to computer software and hardware will be assessed for one or more of MATH F310, F460; any STAT course except STAT F200X; and any CS course. Please see the class schedule for details.

SWE F471W Software Engineering (m)

3 Credits     Offered Fall

Introduction to basic software engineering principles, techniques, methods and standards as applied to the engineering of complex software systems. Topics from software system development process models, multiple view system modeling and specification using UML, classification of software systems, project management and legal issues. Prerequisites: CS F311; ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with CS F471.) (3+0)

SWE F670 Computer Science for Software Engineers

3 Credits

An overview and survey of the theoretical underpinnings of computer science. Topics are taken from the areas of algorithms and data structures; computer architecture; computer networks, communications and operating systems; computability and formal languages; languages and compilation. Also available via Independent Learning. Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Software Engineering degree program. Not required for students with a B.S. degree in Computer Science. (Cross-listed with CS F670.) (3+0)

SWE F671 Advanced Software Engineering

3 Credits     Offered Spring

Advanced software development as an engineering discipline. Includes investigation of current tools, standards, foundation and trends in software engineering, from component-ware, software system composition, e-systems, software architecture and CASE tools. Prerequisites: SWE F471 and acceptance into the Master of Software Engineering degree program; or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with CS F671.) (3+0)

SWE F672 Software Process Improvement

3 Credits     Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years

Commonly applied methods for improving the software development process. Emphasis on the Software Engineering Institute's capability maturity model, and specifically on the key process areas of level 2 and level 3 of that model. These include software software standards. Prerequisites: SWE F671 or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with CS F672.) (3+0)

SWE F673 Software Requirements Engineering

3 Credits     Offered As Demand Warrants

Focus on the requirements analysis phase of the software development life cycle. Ways to obtain, analyze and specify complete and correct sets of requirements. Critique of selected requirements analysis models. Study of current large scale software developments that have failed or are failing. Development of software requirements specifications for large and real software systems via team efforts. Also available via Independent Learning. Prerequisites: SWE F671 or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed with CS F673.) (3+0)

SWE F674 Software Architecture

3 Credits     Offered Spring

Software architectural styles are introduced and defined as structural descriptions of software systems. Methods for constructing and binding software systems are introduced and specified as operational views. The architectural approach, as a classical engineering method for describing structure and behavior of technical artifacts, will be applied for the composition of software systems. Prerequisites: SWE F671. (Cross-listed with CS F674.) (3+0)

SWE F690 Graduate Seminar and Project

1 - 6 Credits     Offered Fall

First semester of a two-semester seminar in which students will, individually or in teams, work on and present the results of major programming or literature survey projects in computer science and software engineering. Written and oral reports will be required. Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisites: 12 credits in graduate CS or SWE courses or permission of Computer Science or Software Engineering graduate advisor. (Cross-listed with CS F690.) (1 - 6+0)

SWE F691 Graduate Seminar and Project

3 Credits     Offered Spring

Second semester of a two-semester seminar in which students will, individually or in teams, work on and present the results of major programming or literature survey projects in computer science. Written and oral reports will be required. Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisites: SWE F690, 12 credits in graduate CS or SWE courses; or permission of Computer Science or Software Engineering graduate advisor. (Cross-listed with CS F691.) (3+0)