Upward Bound Program
The goal of the Upward Bound Program is improving the graduation rates of high school students and increasing the number of UB graduates who enter colleges and universities. UB offers two strands: a school year program that works with 13 high schools in Alaska, called "target schools," along with a six-week summer residential program held on the UAF campus, and the Pathways-2-College bridging program.
Upward Bound serves 140 low-income first generation college students who demonstrate potential for academic success and whose parents have not earned college degrees. Services offered in UB target schools include tutorial sessions; educational, recreational or cultural events; group activities; exploration of postsecondary education opportunities and visits to campuses; financial aid application assistance; and participation in the six-week summer program on the UAF campus. The residential summer program emphasizes academic development for 40 target school students selected for participation and strengthens opportunities for enrollment in postsecondary education programs. The summer experience helps UB students become familiar with the UAF campus, residence life, services provided and, most importantly, places an emphasis on academics.
The Pathways-2-College strand is the newest Upward Bound program. Students are selected on their level of UB participation and demonstrated commitment to attend college as a full-time student within a year following high school graduation. P-2-C students have a unique opportunity to begin their academic postsecondary experience and gain a better understanding of the rigors of college life. These 10 students each year will have an early opportunity to experience residential campus life and university level studies with the support and guidance of UB staff mentors. P-2-C students will earn 7 - 8 college credits during the six-week summer session at UAF. This program is only available to active Upward Bound Target School participants.
For more information, call 907-474-5685, e-mail fyub@uaf.edu or visit online at www.ub.uaf.edu.