Basic Student Fees (per semester unless otherwise indicated) |
$35 |
Athletics Fee |
$8/credit to a maximum of $96 |
Course Fees |
varies |
Health Insurance Semester (9 credits or more; may be waived if the student has insurance) Annual (may be waived if the student has insurance) |
fall $424/spring $421 spring/summer $740 summer $319 annual $1,164 |
Parking Decal 8 credits or fewer 9 or more credits annual permit |
fall $37/spring $39 fall $71/spring $74 $130 |
Student Health and Counseling Center Summer semester (6 or more credits) |
$105 $66 |
Student Recreation Center | $75 |
Student Sustainability | $20 |
Technology | $5/credit to a maximum of $60 |
Transportation 1 - 3 credits 4 or more credits |
none $13 |
UA Network 2 percent of tuition |
varies |
Wood Center Student Life 1 - 8 credits 9 or more credits |
none $25 |
All fees are subject to change.