
College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Department of Geology and Geophysics

B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Degrees; Minor

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Minimum Requirements for Degree: 130 credits

Graduates in geology have broad backgrounds in the earth sciences and firm foundations in mathematics, physics and chemistry. There are many concentrations available in the geological sciences, and the suggested curricula are intended to be flexible enough to allow students to pursue their own emphasis in the junior and senior years. The bachelor's degree prepares students for positions with industry or government or for graduate studies.

Major -- B.S. Degree

  1. Complete the general university requirements. (As part of the core curriculum requirements, complete MATH F200X, CHEM F105X and F106X.)
  2. Complete the B.S. degree requirements. (As part of the B.S. degree, complete: STAT F200X or F300; PHYS F103X and F104X, or PHYS F211X and F212X.)
  3. Complete the following program (major) requirements:*
    GEOS F101X--The Dynamic Earth--4 credits
    GEOS F112X--The History of Earth and Life--4 credits
    GEOS F213--Mineralogy--4 credits
    GEOS F214--Petrology and Petrography--4 credits
    GEOS F225--Field and Computer Methods in Geology--2 credits
    GEOS F304--Geomorphology--3 credits
    GEOS F314--Structural Geology--4 credits
    GEOS F315W--Paleobiology and Paleontology--4 credits
    GEOS F322--Stratigraphy and Sedimentation--4 credits
    GEOS F351W--Field Geology**--8 credits
    GEOS F430--Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology--3 credits
    MATH F201X--Calculus II--4 credits
    Electives open
  4. Complete 15 credits of upper-division GEOS courses or upper-division courses as approved by the undergraduate advisor.*
  5. Minimum credits required--130 credits

* Students must earn a C grade (2.0) or better in each GEOS course and in all courses that fulfill requirement 4.

** GEOS F351 is offered at UAF when there is sufficient demand. In years when GEOS F351 is not offered (decision made early in fall semester), students are required to take a 6-credit field geology class at another institution. The geology and geophysics undergraduate advisor will assist students in placement in a field geology class.

Note: Students interested in a program in geophysics are encouraged to pursue a major in geology which includes GEOS F418 and F416 with a minor in physics. Students should consult with the geology department regarding constructing a plan of study.


  1. Complete the following:
    GEOS F101X--The Dynamic Earth--4 credits
    Approved GEOS electives--12 credits
  2. Minimum credits required--16 credits