Post Office

The full-service campus post office is open 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday. Located in 107 Constitution Hall, the post office provides postal boxes for students wishing to receive mail on campus. Rent of $45 per semester per box is collected by the post office. When leaving UAF permanently, students are expected to close their box, return the key and provide a forwarding address or the box will be closed and mail returned.

Post office boxes are for individual or family use, they are not to be shared with other students. Mail not addressed to the box holder will be returned. U.S. Postal Service mail is delivered to box holders only through their post office boxes; UPS and FedEx will deliver to the Residence Life Office. There is a $15 charge for replacing a lost box key. Keeping your mailing address up to date will avoid delays and errors in the delivery of your mail.

For more information or to open a post office box, email, call 907-474-7215, fax 907-474-7884 or write UAF Campus Post Office, P.O. Box 750100, Fairbanks, AK 99775-0100.