Human Services

College of Rural and Community Development
Bristol Bay Campus 907-842-5109
Chukchi Campus 907-442-3400
Interior-Aleutians Campus 907-474-5439
Kuskokwim Campus 907-543-4500
Northwest Campus 907-443-2201
Community and Technical College, Human Services Program 907-455-2842

AAS Degree; Minor

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Minimum Requirements for Degree: 63 credits

Students in the human services program receive skills-based training within a foundation of theory. After completing foundation courses, students select an area of concentration from the following: addictions counseling, behavioral health, or interdisciplinary concentration. Students learn interviewing and assessment, case management, crisis intervention, group counseling techniques and other specific skills needed within their concentration area.

The program prepares students for entry-level positions in human services agencies. Persons with a strong desire to help others, a sincere respect for mankind and a commitment to their own personal growth may find this field rewarding. They must be emotionally stable, flexible and interested in working with people of diverse social, cultural and economic backgrounds. Recovery from life traumas and addictions can be a positive attribute if the student has successfully worked through specific issues and is willing to continue personal growth.

Students who complete an addictions concentration are eligible for certification as chemical dependency counselor technicians through the Alaska Commission for Behavioral Health Certification.

Each concentration is available to BA degree students as a minor. The BA degree student must complete the concentration and three HUMS elective credits. Concentrations provide students with skills needed for employment. See minor requirements.

This degree program is delivered collaboratively within the UA system.

Major -- AAS Degree

Concentrations: Addictions Counseling, Behavioral Health and Interdisciplinary Concentration

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete the AAS degree requirements.
  3. Complete the following:*
    HUMS F101--Introduction to Human Services--3 credits
    HUMS F102--Standards of Practice I--2 credits
    HUMS F120--Cultural Diversity in Human Services--3 credits
    HUMS F125--Introduction to Addictive Processes--3 credits
    HUMS F202--Standards of Practice II--1 credit
    HUMS F215--Individual Interviewing--3 credits
    HUMS F232--Human Service Practicum I--3 credits
    HUMS F233--Human Service Practicum II--3 credits
    HUMS F301--Ethics in Human Service--3 credits
    PSY F101--Introduction to Psychology-- 3 credits
  4. Complete one of the following family courses for Addictions Counseling and Interdisciplinary concentration:*
    ECE F342O--Family Relationships--3 credits
    HUMS F140--Family Dynamics--3 credits
    RHS F120--Family Systems I--2 credits
    PSY F240--Lifespan Developmental Psychology-- 3 credits
  5. Complete one of the following courses for Addictions Counseling and Interdisciplinary concentration:*
    HUMS F205--Basic Principles of Group Counseling--3 credits
    HUMS F210--Crisis and Grief Counseling-- 3 credits
  6. Complete the following for the Behavioral Health concentration:*
    HUMS F205--Basic Principles of Group Counseling--3 credits
    HUMS F210--Crisis and Grief Counseling-- 3 credits
  7. Complete one of the following concentrations*:
    Addictions Counseling
    1. Complete the following:
      HUMS F105--Personal Awareness and Growth--3 credits
      HUMS F205--Basic Principles of Group Counseling--3 credits
      HUMS F260--History of Alcohol in Alaska--1 credit
      HUMS F261--Substance Abuse Assessment: ASAM PPC II--1 credit
      HUMS F263--Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)--1 credit
      HUMS F266--Dual Diagnosis Intervention and Treatment--2 credits
      HUMS F305--Substance Abuse Counseling--3 credits
      HUMS F250--Current Issues in Human Services--1 credit
           or any 1 credit course approved by the Human Services Program--1 credit
    Behavioral Health
    1. Complete the following:
      HUMS F280--Foundations of Community Development and Prevention Practices for the Human Service Professional--3 credits
      HUMS F290--Case Management--3 credits
      HUMS F305--Substance Abuse Counseling--3 credits
      SOC F242--The Family: A Cross-Cultural Perspective-- 3 credits
    2. Complete 3 elective credits (approved by Human Services Program Coordinator)-- 3 credits
    3. If the student is a social work or justice major, then choose one of the following in place of an elective:
      Social Work Majors:
      SWK F103--Introduction to Social Work--3 credits
      Justice Majors:
      JUST F110--Introduction to Justice--3 credits
    Interdisciplinary Concentration
    1. The interdisciplinary concentration option is made available to students based on their individual needs and goals for specific vocational preparation. The interdisciplinary concentration will include 12 credits at the F200 level or above from the disciplines of social work, psychology, sociology, justice or human services. Three credits from these disciplines can be at the F100 level.
    2. The interdisciplinary concentration will be reviewed and approved by the Human Services Program Coordinator, another human services faculty member and a faculty member representing at least one other discipline. Criteria for the approval of the interdisciplinary concentration is based on the candidate's identified vocational and curricular needs.
      • Examples:
        HUMS or other acceptable courses that meet a student's specific need: Workforce Specialty, Family Specialty, Restorative Justice, etc.
      • Courses or a certificate from within the UA system (UAA, RHS, PWSCC, etc.) that are aligned with the human services degree program.
      • Example of possible interdisciplinary concentration of human services in restorative justice:
        HUMS F210--Crisis and Grief Counseling--3 credits
        HUMS F290--Case Management--3 credits
        JUST F110--Introduction to Justice--3 credits
        JUST F251--Criminology--3 credits
        SOC F201--Social Problems-- 3 credits
  8. Minimum credits required--63 credits

*Students must earn a C grade or better in each course.

For students with the Rural Human Services Certificate (up to 21 credits accepted as a block of courses):*

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete the AAS degree requirements.
  3. Complete the following:*
    HUMS F101--Introduction to Human Services--3 credits
    HUMS F102--Standards of Practice--2 credits
    HUMS F202--Standards of Practice II--1 credit
    HUMS F233--Human Service Practicum II--3 credits
    HUMS F301--Ethics in Human Service--3 credits
    PSY F101--Introduction to Psychology--3 credits
    PSY F240--Lifespan Developmental Psychology-- 3 credits
  4. Complete three of the following courses:*
    HUMS F280--Foundations of Community Development and Prevention Practices for the Human Services Professional--3 credits
    HUMS F290--Case Management--3 credits
    HUMS F305--Substance Abuse Counseling--3 credits
    HUMS F250--Current Issues in Human Services--3 credits
         or other approved course-- 3 credits
  5. Optional (for BA seeking students):
    • Social Work Majors:
      SWK F103--Introduction to Social Work--3 credits
           or other Social Work-approved course-- 3 credits
    • Justice Majors:
      JUST F110--Introduction to Justice-- 3 credits
  6. Minimum credits required--63 credits

*Students must earn a C grade or better in each course.


Option 1
  1. Complete one concentration in human services*--15 credits
  2. Complete HUMS elective credits*-- 3 credits
  3. Minimum credits required*--18 credits

Option 2
  1. Complete HUMS-approved** elective credits--18 credits
  2. Minimum credits required*--18 credits

*Students must earn a C grade or better in each course.

**Electives for Option 2 must be approved by the human services program coordinator.

Alaska Chemical Dependency Counselor Certification

The Alaska Commission for Behavioral Health Certification has approved the following courses for up to 45 training hours each toward certification or recertification of Chemical Dependency Counselors in the state of Alaska.
     HUMS F125--Introduction to Addictive Processes--3 credits
     HUMS F205--Basic Principles of Group Counseling--3 credits
     HUMS F210--Crisis and Grief Counseling--3 credits
     HUMS F215--Individual Interviewing--3 credits
     HUMS F260--History of Alcohol in Alaska--1 credit
     HUMS F301--Ethics in Human Service--3 credits
     HUMS F305--Substance Abuse Counseling--3 credits

Note: Chemical Dependency Counselors currently certified by the Alaska Commission for Behavioral Health Certification are eligible for transfer credit toward the human services degree. Contact the human services program coordinator at 907-455-2842 for more information.