TABLE 10 English, Developmental English and Developmental Studies Course Placement Scores
English + Reading
Total Combined Score
Writing + Critical Reading
Total Combined Score
Sentence Skills + Reading Comprehension
Total Combined Score
Form B2 Writing Skills + Form B2 Reading Skills
Total Combined Score
UAF Writing Sample*
for use with ASSET form B2
Writing Skills + Reading Skills
Total combined score
ENGL F211X, ENGL F213X 60–72 1340–1600 N/A N/A N/A N/A
ENGL F111X* 36–59 860–1330 170–240 82–107 19–25 146–200
DEVE F109 30–35 760–850 140–169 76–81 16–18 116–145
DEVE F104* 26–29 680–750 110–139 70–75 12–15 98–115
DEVE F060 18–25 540–670 80–109 66–69 9–11 76–97
DEVS F105 26–29 680–750 110–139 70–75 12–15 98–115
DEVS F052 18–25 540–670 80–109 66–69 9–11 76–97
Adult Basic Education** 2–17 400–530 0–79 46–65 0–8 0–75

Note: DEVE F068 is a writing support group tutorial class, recommended based on the student's needs for writing assistance along with any DEVE or ENGL writing course listed in the table. Students may take up to 3 credits of DEVE F068 per semester for as many semesters as needed.

* ENGL F111X-plus pairs a section of ENGL F111X with DEVE F068. Qualifying students are those who have a combined ACCUPLACER 135–169 score and are referred by their academic advisor to the Director of University Writing to interview for the program.

** For an Adult Basic Education program listing, go to