TABLE 9 Math, Statistics and Developmental Math Placement Scores
Courses ALEKS
MATH F200X, MATH 272X 78–100
MATH F205, MATH F262X 70–100
MATH F108 65–77
STAT F200X 60–100
MATH F107X, MATH 161X 55–77
DEVM F105, DEVM F106, MATH F103X 30–54
DEVM F060 (DEVM F066, HLTH F116, TTCH F131) 15–29
DEVM F050 (DEVM F056) 0–14

Note: In cases where a student has multiple placement test scores, placement recommendations will be made using the test scores that provide the highest placement.

Students, in consultation with their academic advisor or course instructor, may opt to take a course lower than their placement.