Global Studies

College of Liberal Arts

Minor Only

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This interdisciplinary program enhances students' understanding of issues resulting from an increasingly interdependent world and giving students an opportunity to broaden their horizons beyond their chosen major and achieve a more integrated vision of contemporary global problems, alternative concepts of global society, and strategies for moving toward a more just and humane world order.

The program's flexibity allows students, in consultation with their advisor, to select an array of courses and co-curricular experiences that best complement their majors as well as their goals for their careers and/or postbaccalaureate education.

Global studies students are encouraged to pursue opportunities for study abroad and foreign language acquisition as part of their minor requirements. Working with their advisor and the UAF Office of International Programs and Initiatives, global studies students may discover ways to build on their UAF coursework and satisfy a significant portion of their global studies minor requirements at a foreign college or university.


  1. Complete one entry-level course from among the following:
    ANTH F245--Culture and Global Studies--3 credits
    ENGL F218--Themes in Literature: Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature--3 credits
    ENGL F280--Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature--3 credits
    GEOG F203--World Economic Geography--3 credits
    JUST F201--Dispute Resolution and Restorative Processes--3 credits
    LING F216--Languages of the World--3 credits
    PS F202--Democracy and Global Society--3 credits
  2. Complete four different courses from the following (12 credits) with no more than two courses (6 credits) from the same department:
    ANTH/RD F315--Tribal People and Development--3 credits
    ANTH F428--Ecological Anthropology and Regional Sustainability--3 credits
    ANTH/WGS F445--Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective--3 credits
    ANTH F446--Economic Anthropology--3 credits
    BIOL F476--Ecosystem Ecology--3 credits
    COMM F330--Intercultural Communication--3 credits
    COMM F353--Conflict, Mediation and Communication--3 credits
    ENGL F380--Topics in Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature--3 credits
    GEOG/NRM F338--Introduction to Geographic Information Systems--3 credits
    HIST F316--Europe since 1945--3 credits
    HIST F411--Environmental History--3 credits
    JUST F401--Cross Cultural Conflict Analysis and Intervention--3 credits
    JUST F405--Clinic in Mediation, Conferencing, and Circle Practices--3 credits
    PHIL/PS F472--Ethics and International Affairs--3 credits
    PS F201--Comparative Politics--3 credits
    PS F203--Peace, War and Security--3 credits
    PS F322O--International Law and Organization--3 credits
    PS F323--International Political Economy--3 credits
    PS F454--International Law and the Environment--3 credits
    PS F455O--Political Economy of the Global Environment--3 credits
    PS F456O--Science, Technology and Politics--3 credits
    RD F300W--Rural Development in a Global Perspective--3 credits
    SOC F405O--Social Movements and Social Change--3 credits
    SOC F460--Global Issues in Sociological Perspective--3 credits
  3. Complete a variable credit civic engagement/internship project working collaboratively with one of the faculty in the student's primary course interest. The number of credits will be determined by the student's advisor based on the number of hours worked in the nature of the academic component of the internship or project--1–3 credits
  4. Minimum credits required--16–18 credits

Note: The Program in Global Studies also strongly encourages students to study abroad for at least one semester, and to work toward fluency in a second language.

Because of the flexibility of the program and the internship requirement, it will be important for students to work closely with an advisor familiar with the program. Please contact the Program Coordinator with any questions you may have about the program.

For more information and advising:

Dr. Peter A. DeCaro
Program Coordinator