Wildlife Biology and Conservation

College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Department of Biology and Wildlife

BS, MS Degrees; Minor

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Minimum Requirements for Degree: 30 credits

The geographic location of the university is particularly advantageous for the study of wildlife biology. Spruce forest, aspen-birch forest, alpine tundra, bogs and several types of aquatic habitats are within easy reach. Studies can be made in many other habitats ranging from the dense forests of southeastern Alaska to arctic tundra.

Adequate study collections of plants and animals are available, and a 2,000-acre study area is near the campus. Wildlife biology students have ample opportunity for close association with the personnel of the Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Institute of Arctic Biology and several local offices of federal and state conservation agencies. These agencies often provide support for graduate student projects, and program faculty usually hire a number of students for summer field work. Exceptional opportunities are available for students to gain experience and make job connections.

The Department of Biology and Wildlife, the Institute of Arctic Biology, and the Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit cooperate in offering graduate work leading to the MS degree. Detailed information on the graduate program in wildlife biology and management is available from the chair of the wildlife program.

The Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Institute of Arctic Biology offer a limited number of research assistantships. Teaching assistantships are available in the Department of Biology and Wildlife.

MS Degree

  1. Complete the following admission requirement:
    1. Submit scores from both the GRE general test (required) and the GRE subject test in biology (highly recommended).
    2. If English is not your native language, submit scores from both the Test of Spoken English and the Test of Written English, as well as TOEFL scores. Requests, including justification, for exceptions to this requirement should be made to the chair of the department.
  2. Complete the general university requirements.
  3. Complete the MS -- with Thesis degree requirements.
  4. As part of the MS degree requirements, complete and pass the departmental written and oral master's comprehensive examination.
  5. Minimum credits required--30 credits

See Biological Sciences.