TABLE 5 College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Exams Currently Accepted
Examination Name UAF Course Equivalent Credits
Algebra (College) MATH F122X or F151X 3/4
American Government PS F101 3
Calculus MATH F251X 4
Chemistry, General CHEM F105X/F106X 8
College Composition ENGL F111X 3
College Mathematics* Mathematics
elective credits
Financial Accounting ACCT F261 3
French (College level) FREN F101/F102
FREN F201/F202
German (College level) GER F101/F102
GER F201/F202
History of the U.S. I HIST F131 3
History of the U.S. II HIST F132 3
Human Growth and Development PSY F240 3
Humanities* Humanities
elective credits
Natural Sciences* Natural sciences
elective credits
Precalculus MATH F151X/F152X 4/3
Principles of Macroeconomics ECON F202 3
Principles of Microeconomics ECON F201 3
Psychology (Introductory) PSY F101 3
Social Sciences/History* Social sciences
elective credits
Sociology (Introductory) SOC F100X 3
Spanish (College level) SPAN F101/F102
SPAN F201/F202
Western Civilization I HIST F101 3
Western Civilization II HIST F102 3

X = Course meets baccalaureate core requirement.

* Students who have earned less than 6 credits in the discipline (or 3 credits for mathematics), from any source, will be awarded the difference in credits upon successful completion of the exam. Students who already have 6 or more credits in the discipline (or 3 credits for mathematics) will not receive credit for the exam.

Students should consult Table 3 or Table 4 (the tables of substitutions) to determine what other courses may meet baccalaureate core requirements.

Must have minimum score of 50 in order to receive UAF credit, with the exception of foreign language exams where score determines number of credits awarded.