Tribal Management

College of Rural and Community Development
Interior Alaska Campus

Certificate; A.A.S. Degree

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Minimum Requirements for Certificate: 30 credits; for A.A.S. Degree: 60 credits

The tribal management program teaches the job-related skills and knowledge needed for positions within tribal and local governments and other organizations in rural Alaska. In response to the broad variety of job-related skills needed by tribal councils, administrators and staff, the tribal management certificate and A.A.S. degree programs are designed to allow students to specialize their education to target specific employment related skills. Students perform specific tasks, learn basic management rationale and explore issues in tribal government. The tribal management program provides students with fundamental knowledge of tribal governance and finance as well as hands-on education and training in subject areas important to tribal governments. Students work closely with their academic advisor to choose courses that target their employment based needs and are encouraged to specialize their education to a specific area of study, or take courses from multiple areas of study.

Students entering either the certificate or A.A.S. degree program will meet with a faculty advisor to discuss program content, requirements and planning.

Certificate Program

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete the certificate requirements.
  3. Complete the following program requirements:
    TM F101--Introduction to Tribal Management--3 credits
    TM F105--Introduction to Tribal Finance Applications--3 credits
    TM F199--Tribal Management Practicum I--3 credits
  4. Complete 12 credits from the following courses. Students can specialize in one area of study or can choose from multiple areas of study. Course substitutions relevant to Tribal Management may be made with the approval of the Tribal Management faculty advisor.
    Environmental and Natural Resource Management
    BIOL F104X--Natural History of Alaska--4 credits
    ENVI F101--Introduction to Environmental Science--3 credits
    FISH F101--Introduction to Fisheries--3 credits
    NRM F101--Natural Resources Conservation and Policy--3 credits
    RD F265--Perspectives on Subsistence in Alaska--3 credits
    TM F120--Introduction to Tribal Natural Resource Management--3 credits
    TM F140--Introduction to Geospatial Data--1 credit
    TM F141--Practical GIS for Rural Alaska--2 credits
    TM F182--Introduction to NEPA for Rural Transportation--1 credit

    Community Health and Wellness
    ANS F242--Native Cultures of Alaska--3 credits
    HUMS F101--Introduction to Human Services--3 credits
    HUMS F105--Personal Awareness and Growth--3 credits
    HUMS F260--History of Alcohol in Alaska--1 credit
    PSY F101--Introduction to Psychology--3 credits
    RHS F130--Process of Community Change--2 credits
    RHS F140--Alaska Native Values and Principles--1 credit
    RNS F101--Rural Nutrition and Health Change--1 credit
    RNS F105--Nutritional Science for the Generations--3 credits
    RNS F120--Alaska Native Food Systems--3 credits
    RNS F201--Community Nutrition Interventions--2 credits
    RNS F210--Introduction to Rural Nutrition Counseling--2 credits

    Tribal Governance and Law
    PS F100X--Political Economy--3 credits
    PS/NORS F205--Leadership, Citizenship and Choice--3 credits
    PS F263--Alaska Native Politics--3 credits
    RD F110--ANCSA: Land Claims in the 21st Century--1 credit
    TM F110--Tribal Court Development for Alaska Tribes--1 credit
    TM F111--Children's Topics in Tribal Justice--1 credit
    TM F112--Federal Indian Law for Alaska Tribes--1 credit
    TM F114--Tribal Justice Responses to Community and Domestic Violence--1 credit
    TM F115--Tribal Court Administration--1 credit
    TM F250--Current Topics in Tribal Government--1 credit

    Community and Economic Development
    ABUS F101--Principles of Accounting I--3 credits
    ABUS F151--Village Based Entrepreneurship--1-3 credits
    ABUS F158--Introduction to Tourism--1-3 credits
    ABUS F179--Fundamentals of Supervision--3 credits
    ABUS F235--Fund Accounting for Nonprofits--3 credits
    BA F151--Introduction to Business--3 credits
    CTT F104--Basic Communication and Employability Skills--2 credits
    ECON F100X--Political Economy--3 credits
    ECON F111--Economics of Rural Alaska--3 credits
    RD F250--Grant Writing for Community Development--1-3 credits
    TM F130--Introduction to Utility Management--2 credits
    TM F131--Organizational Management for Utilities--2 credits
    TM F134--Financial Management for Utilities--2 credits

    Tribal Planning
    ABUS F179--Fundamentals of Supervision--3 credits
    ABUS F272--Small-Business Planning--3 credits
    CTT F240--Introduction to Project Development for Tribal Residential Construction--3 credits
    RD F250--Grant Writing for Community Development--3 credits
    RD F268--Rural Tourism: Planning and Principles--1-3 credits
    TM F138--Planning for Utilities--2 credits
    TM F271--Rural Transportation Planning--1 credit

    Tribal Transportation
    TM F170--Fundamentals of Rural Transportation--3 credits
    TM F171--Introduction to Indian Reservations Road Program--1 credit
    TM F172--Conducting a Transportation Inventory--1 credit
    TM F173--Traffic Monitoring for Rural Transportation--1 credit
    TM F174--Basics of a Good Gravel Road--1 credit
    TM F182--Introduction to NEPA for Rural Transportation--1 credit
    TM F271--Rural Transportation Planning--1 credit
    TM F272--Finance Applications for Rural Transportation--1 credit
    TM F273--Transportation Improvement Programs and Control Schedules--1 credit
    TM F274--Road Inventory Field Data Systems--1 credit
    TM F276--Project Management for Rural Transportation--4 credits
  5. Minimum credits required--30 credits

Major -- A.A.S. Degree

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete the A.A.S. degree requirements.
  3. Complete the following program (major) requirements:
    TM F101--Introduction to Tribal Management--3 credits
    TM F105--Introduction to Tribal Finance Applications--3 credits
    TM F199--Tribal Management Practicum I--3 credits
    TM F201--Advanced Tribal Management--3 credits
    TM F205--Advanced Tribal Finance Applications--3 credits
    TM F299--Tribal Management Practicum II--3 credits
  4. Complete 27 credits from the following courses:
    Students can specialize in one area of study or can choose from multiple areas of study. Course substitutions relevant to tribal management may be made with the approval of the tribal management faculty advisor.
    Environmental and Natural Resource Management
    BIOL F104X--Natural History of Alaska--4 credits
    ENVI F101--Introduction to Environmental Science--3 credits
    FISH F101--Introduction to Fisheries--3 credits
    FISH F261--Introduction to Fisheries Utilization--3 credits
    NRM F101--Natural Resources Conservation and Policy--3 credits
    NRM F204--Public Lands Law and Policy--3 credits
    RD F245--Fisheries Development in Rural Alaska--3 credits
    RD F255--Rural Alaska Land Issues--3 credits
    RD F265--Perspectives on Subsistence in Alaska--3 credits
    RD F280--Resource Management Research Techniques--3 credits
    TM F120--Introduction to Tribal Natural Resource Management--3 credits
    TM F140--Introduction to Geospatial Data--1 credit
    TM F141--Practical GIS for Rural Alaska--2 credits
    TM F142--Practical GIS Project Design--2 credits
    TM F182--Introduction to NEPA for Rural Transportation--1 credit
    TM F225--Cross Connections: Adapting and Integrating Principles of Management and Conservation--3 credits

    Community Health and Wellness
    ANS F242--Native Cultures of Alaska--3 credits
    ANS F330--Yup'ik Parenting and Development--1-3 credits
    HUMS F105--Personal Awareness and Growth--3 credits
    HUMS F120--Cultural Diversity in Human Services--3 credits
    HUMS F205--Basic Principles of Group Counseling--3 credits
    HUMS F260--History of Alcohol in Alaska--1 credit
    HUMS F265--Substance Abuse and the Family--1-2 credits
    PSY F101--Introduction to Psychology--3 credits
    RHS F130--Process of Community Change--2 credits
    RHS F140--Alaska Native Values and Principles--1 credit
    RHS F150--Introduction to Rural Counseling--2 credits
    RHS F275--Introduction to Recovery and Mental Illness--2 credits
    RHS F280--Case Management--2 credits
    RNS F101--Rural Nutrition and Health Change--1 credit
    RNS F105--Nutritional Science for the Generations--3 credits
    RNS F120--Alaska Native Food Systems--3 credits
    RNS F201--Community Nutrition Interventions--2 credits
    RNS F210--Introduction to Rural Nutrition Counseling--2 credits
    SWK F103--Introduction to Social Work--3 credits
    SWK F220--Ethics, Values and Social Work Practice--3 credits
    SWK F320W--Rural Social Work--3 credits

    Tribal Governance and Law
    ANS F310--Indigenous Land Settlements--3 credits
    ANS F325--Native Self Government--3 credits
    PS F100X--Political Economy--3 credits
    PS/NORS F205--Leadership, Citizenship and Choice--3 credits
    PS F212--Introduction to Public Administration--3 credits
    PS F263--Alaska Native Politics--3 credits
    RD F110--ANCSA: Land Claims in the 21st Century--1 credit
    RD F265--Perspectives on Subsistence in Alaska--3 credits
    TM F110--Tribal Court Development for Alaska Tribes--1 credit
    TM F111--Children's Topics in Tribal Justice--1 credit
    TM F112--Federal Indian Law for Alaska Tribes--1 credit
    TM F113--Tribal Code Development--1 credit
    TM F114--Tribal Justice Responses to Community and Domestic Violence--1 credit
    TM F115--Tribal Court Administration--1 credit
    TM F116--Juvenile Justice in Tribal Court--1 credit
    TM F117--Tribal Court Enforcement of Decisions--1 credit
    TM F118--Tribal Community and Restorative Justice--1 credit
    TM F250--Current Topics in Tribal Government--1 credit

    Community and Economic Development
    ABUS F101--Principles of Accounting I--3 credits
    ABUS F151--Village Based Entrepreneurship--1-3 credits
    ABUS F158--Introduction to Tourism--1-3 credits
    ABUS F161--Personal and Business Finance--3 credits
    ABUS F179--Fundamentals of Supervision--3 credits
    ABUS F235--Fund Accounting for Nonprofits--3 credits
    ABUS F263--Public Relations--3 credits
    BA F151--Introduction to Business--3 credits
    CTT F104--Basic Communication and Employability Skills--2 credits
    ECON F100X--Political Economy--3 credits
    ECON F111--Economics of Rural Alaska--3 credits
    RD F110--ANCSA: Land Claims in the 21st Century--1 credit
    RD F250--Grant Writing for Community Development--1-3 credits
    TM F130--Introduction to Utility Management--2 credits
    TM F131--Organizational Management for Utilities--2 credits
    TM F134--Financial Management for Utilities--2 credits
    TM F136--Personnel Management for Utilities--2 credits

    Tribal Planning
    ABUS F179--Fundamentals of Supervision--3 credits
    ABUS F272--Small-Business Planning--3 credits
    CTT F240--Introduction to Project Development for Tribal Residential Construction--3 credits
    RD F250--Grant Writing for Community Development--3 credits
    RD F268--Rural Tourism: Planning and Principles--1-3 credits
    RD F351--Strategic Planning for Rural Communities--3 credits
    TM F138--Planning for Utilities--2 credits
    TM F271--Rural Transportation Planning--1 credit

    Tribal Transportation
    TM F170--Fundamentals of Rural Transportation--3 credits
    TM F171--Introduction to Indian Reservations Road Program--1 credit
    TM F172--Conducting a Transportation Inventory--1 credit
    TM F173--Traffic Monitoring for Rural Transportation--1 credit
    TM F174--Basics of a Good Gravel Road--1 credit
    TM F182--Introduction to NEPA for Rural Transportation--1 credit
    TM F271--Rural Transportation Planning--1 credit
    TM F272--Finance Applications for Rural Transportation--1 credit
    TM F273--Transportation Improvement Programs and Control Schedules--1 credit
    TM F274--Road Inventory Field Data Systems--1 credit
    TM F276--Project Management for Rural Transportation--4 credits
  5. Minimum credits required--60 credits