Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station

The Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station conducts research to enhance the quality of life in Alaska through development of natural, economic and human resources. Research emphasizes factors typical of high latitudes and is designed to provide the information and technology needed to manage renewable resources for the economic and social well-being of Alaskans. This work includes studies of natural and manipulated ecosystems, sustainable soil productivity, food production, food security, genetics for improved plant and animal productivity, and enhanced livestock production. Additional research involves economic and legal aspects of resource use, silviculture and forest management, resource use for tourism and recreation, and education and communications in resources management.

AFES, in cooperation with state and federal agencies, conducts research at sites in Fairbanks, Palmer, Delta Junction and Nome. AFES faculty have a leadership role in the Long-Term Ecological Research program funded by the National Science Foundation. This research, which is determining the structure and function of northern boreal forest ecosystems, forms the basis for sustainable forest management practices.

AFES faculty represent the disciplines of agronomy, animal science, economics, forestry, horticulture, land use planning, outdoor recreation, plant pathology, range science, resource policy and law, and soil science. For more information, visit or call 907-474-7083.