Statistics Courses
STAT 200 (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Elementary Probability and Statistics (3+0)
Descriptive statistics, frequency distributions, sampling distributions,
elementary probability, estimation of population parameters, hypothesis testing
(one and two sample problems), correlation, simple linear regression, and
one-way analysis of variance. Parametric and nonparametric methods. Materials
fee: $10.00. (Prerequisites: MATH 107, 161, 181 or consent of instructor)
STAT 300 (3 Credits) Spring
Statistics (3+0)
A calculus-based course emphasizing applications. Topics include
probability, point and interval estimation including maximum likelihood, one and
two sample hypothesis tests including likelihood ratio tests, simple linear
regression, and one-way analysis of variance. A student may not use STAT 200
and 300 to meet the requirement of a year's sequence course in statistics.
(Prerequisite: MATH 200, 262, 272 or equivalent.)
STAT 401 (4 Credits) Fairbanks, Juneau
Regression and Analysis of Variance (3+3)
A thorough study of multiple regression including multiple and partial
correlation, the extra sum of square principle, indicator variables, and model
selection techniques. Analysis of variance and covariance for multifactor
studies in completely random and randomized complete block designs, multiple
comparisons and orthogonal contrasts. Materials fee: $10.00. (Prerequisite:
STAT 200 [STAT 373-J] or STAT 300 or consent of the instructor.)
STAT 402 (3 Credits) Fall
Scientific Sampling (3+0)
Sampling methods, including simple random, stratified and systematic;
estimation procedures, including ratio and regression methods; special area and
point sampling procedures; optimum allocation. Materials fee: $10.00.
(Prerequisite: STAT 200 or 300 or consent of the instructor.)
STAT 461 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Applied Multivariate Statistics (3+0)
Estimation and hypothesis testing, multivariate normality and its
assessment, multivariate one and two sample tests, confidence regions,
multivariate analysis of variance, discrimination and classification, principal
components, factor analysis clustering techniques, and graphical presentation.
Statistical computing packages utilized in assignments. Materials fee: $10.00.
(Prerequisite: STAT 401 or consent of instructor. Next offered: 1997-98.)
STAT 602 (3 Credits) Fairbanks, Alternate Spring
Experimental Design (3+0) Juneau, As Demand Warrants
Constructing and analyzing designs for experimental investigations;
completely randomized, randomized block and Latin-square designs, split-plot
design, incomplete block design, confounded factorial designs, nested designs,
treatment of missing data, comparison of designs. Materials fee: $10.00.
(Prerequisites: STAT 401 or permission of instructor.) Next offered: Spring
STAT 605 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Spatial Statistics (3+0)
Stochastic processes and variograms. Geostatistics including kriging and
spatial design of experiments. Point processes including model selection and
K-functions. Lattice process models and image analysis. Computer intensive
statistical methods. (Prerequisite: STAT 401 and MATH 200-202 or equivalent, or
permission of instructor.)
STAT 611 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Time Series (3+0)
An applied course in time series and repeated measure analysis.
Autoregression and moving average models. Estimation of parameters and tests.
Prediction. Spectral analysis. Analysis of repeated measures data.
(Prerequisite: STAT 401 or permission of instructor.)
STAT 621 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Distribution-Free Statistics (3+0)
Methods for distribution-free (nonparametric) statistical estimation and
testing. These methods apply to many practical situations including small
samples and non-Gaussian error structures. Univariate, bivariate, and
multivariate tests will be presented and illustrated using a variety of
applications and data sets. (Prerequisite: STAT 301 [Juneau STAT 373], STAT 401
STAT 631 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Categorical Data Analysis (3+0)
Statistical methods designed for count and categorical data. Contingency
tables. Logistic and related models. Loglinear models. Repeated categorical
responses. Survival data. (Prerequisite: STAT 401 or permission of Instructor.)
Next Offered: 1997-98.
STAT 640 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Exploratory Data Analysis (2+2)
Quantitative and graphical methods for explaining data and for presenting
data to others. Computer-aided detection and analysis of patterns in data.
Methods for analysis of patterns in data. Methods for validating the
assumptions of common statistical tests and models. Use of computer graphics in
statistical analysis. (Prerequisite: STAT 200 [Juneau STAT 273]. STAT 401
recommended, or permission of instructor.)
STAT 651 (3 Credits) Fall
Statistical Theory I (3+0)
Probability, distribution of random variables. Conditional probability and
stochastic independence. Distribution of functions of random variables.
Expected values. Limiting distributions. Distributions derived from the
normal distribution. Designed to combine mathematical statistics with
applications from a variety of fields. Students from any field of study with
strong quantitative skills are encouraged to enroll. (Prerequisites: MATH 202,
MATH 314, previous statistics course, or permission of instructor.)
STAT 652 (4 Credits) Spring
Statistical Theory II
Estimation of parameters. Efficiency and sufficiency. Hypothesis testing.
The Neyman-Pearson paradigm and likelihood ratio tests. Data summaries.
Bootstrap. Comparison of two samples. Linear least sequences. Analysis of
categorical data. Bagesian inference. Designed to combine mathematical
statistics with applications from a variety of fields. Students from any field
of study with strong quantitative skills are encouraged to enroll.
(Prerequisite: STAT 651.)
STAT 653 (3 Credits) Fall
Statistical Theory III - Linear Models (3+0)
Best linear unbiased estimation, Gauss-Markov theory and applications,
maximum likelihood estimation for linear models, multivariate normal
distributions, linear regression and analysis of variance, weighted regression,
robust and nonlinear regression, logistic regression, Poisson regression, and
autoregressive models. Designed to combine mathematical statistics with
applications from a variety of fields. Students from any field of study with
strong quantitative skills are encouraged to enroll. (Prerequisite: STAT 651
and STAT 652.)
STAT 654 (1 Credit) Spring
Statistical Consulting Seminar (1+0)
Introduction to the practice of statistical consulting and data analysis.
Emphasis on interaction with researchers and identification of scientific and
statistical issues relevant to the research problem. Includes regular class
meetings as well as supervised meetings with researchers. Designed to combine
mathematical statistics with applications from a variety of fields. Students
from any field of study with strong quantitative skills are encouraged to
enroll. May be repeated for a total of three credits. (Prerequisites: STAT
200/300, STAT 401, and completion of or concurrent enrollment in STAT 651, 652
or 653 and permission of instructor.)
STAT 661 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Sampling Theory (3+0) Juneau, As Demand Warrants
Statistical theory for sampling and sample surveys. Choice of method, power
and sample size considerations, treatment of sampling and non-sampling biases.
Sampling methods based on detectability. Adaptive sampling. Spatial sampling.
Mark and recapture methods. The jackknife, the bootstrap, and resampling plans.
(Prerequisite: STAT 200 [Juneau STAT 273]. STAT 401 recommended, or permission
of instructor. ) Next Offered: 1996-97.
STAT 680 (4 Credits) Alternate Fall
Data Analysis in Biology (2+3)
(Same as BIOL 680 and WLF 680)
Biological applications of nonparametric statistics, including tests based
on binomial and Poisson distributions, analysis of two-way and multiway
contingency tables, and tests based on ranks; multivariate statistics, including
principle component analysis, ordination techniques, cluster analysis, and
discriminate analysis; and time-series analyses. Introduction to the use of the
computer, and use of statistical packages. Each student will analyze a data set
appropriate to the student's research interests. (Prerequisites: STAT 300, 401
and either graduate standing in a biologically oriented field or permission of
instructor.) Next Offered: 1997-98.
Note: The following courses are statistical in orientation. A course description and listing of prerequisites may be found in the appropriate departmental course listings.
- ANTH. 424/624 Analytical Techniques
- BA 360 Operations Management
- GEOS 430 Statistical and Data Analysis Geology
- ECON 227 Statistical Methods
- ECON 626 Econometrics
- ESM. 621 Operations Research
- FISH 601 Quantitative Fisheries Science
- MATH 371 Probability
- MATH 408 Mathematical Statistics
- PSY 250 Introduction to Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
- WLF 621 Vertebrate Population Dynamics