University of Alaska Fairbanks

1996-1997 catalog

Degrees and Programs


College of Liberal Arts
Department of Music
(907) 474-7555

Degrees: B.A., B.M., M.A

Minimum Requirements for Degrees: B.A.: 130 credits; B.Mus: 120-144 credits; M.A.: 30 additional credits

The curriculum is designed to satisfy cultural and professional objectives. The bachelor of arts degree in music is a curriculum planned for those desiring a broad, liberal education with a concentration in music. The bachelor of music degree in music education offers thorough preparation in teacher training with sufficient time to develop excellence in performance areas. The bachelor of music in performance degree offers intensive specialization for those desiring professional training in music performance.

The curriculum of the graduate degrees in music is designed to satisfy cultural and professional objectives. The master of arts degree offers advanced training in four areas of specialization: performance, music education, music theory/composition and music history. The program is determined by the student and the graduate committee. Each graduate student's program is individually tailored and is designed to meet the student's professional interests and aspirations, consistent with the requirements outlined below.

The various music organizations maintained by the department offer participation for students in all academic divisions of the university. Music majors will be required to earn a minimum of 8 credits in large ensembles MUS 101 (Choral Society), MUS 203 (Fairbanks Symphony Orchestra), MUS 205 (Concert Band), MUS 207 (UAF Jazz Band), or MUS 211 (Choir of the North). Students must be enrolled in one large ensemble during each semester of attendance at UAF.

Each student (Major or Non-Major) who enrolls in private applied or class lessons (excluding MUS 151K-Class Piano, MUS 151M-Class Voice, and MUS 151S-Class Guitar) must be concurrently enrolled in a large or small ensemble.

Attendance at recitals and concerts provides students with a variety of musical experiences which expand their regular curriculum; therefore, attendance is mandatory for all majors. All applied music students are expected to perform in student recitals during each semester of study.

At the end of the sophomore year, all music majors must demonstrate a satisfactory level of proficiency of performance in their applied major in order to advance to upper-division courses in music. A student may elect to continue study at the 200 level in attempting to pass requirements for admission to upper-division study.

A piano proficiency jury examination must be successfully completed by the end of the student's second year in the program. This examination will consist of (1) performance of a recital composition equivalent in difficulty to a Bach two-part invention, or Clementi or Kuhlau sonatina; (2) sight reading of Bach Chorales; (3) improvisation of a chordal accompaniment to a simple melody; and (4) transposition and harmonization of the same song to another key.

Students who desire to enroll in music theory courses will complete a placement examination and be allowed to enter at their appropriate level.

The music department of UAF is a full member of the National Association of Schools of Music, the national accrediting organization.

Undergraduate Degree Requirements

Music B.A. Degree

  1. Complete general university requirements and B.A. degree requirements.

  2. Complete the following program (major) requirements:
    MUS 131-132 Basic Theory (4)
    MUS 133-134 Basic Ear Training (4)
    MUS 221-222 History of Music (6)
    MUS 231-232 Advanced Theory (4)
    MUS 233-234 Advanced Ear Training (2)
    MUS 331 Form and Analysis (3)
    **MUS 190 Recital Attendance (0)
    Six credits to be selected from: (3)
    MUS 421 Music before 1620 (3)
    MUS 422 Music in the 17th and 18th Century (3)
    MUS 423 Music in the 19th Century (3)
    MUS 424 Music in the 20th Century (3)
    *MUS 161-462 Applied Music (major area) (8)
    Large Ensembles (may include up to 2 credits of MUS 307 Chamber Music) (6)
    MUS 253 Piano Proficiency (0)
    Minimum credits required 130

*The applied music credit minimums defined for the major area of performance may be distributed over more than one instrumental area provided that the required level of competency is achieved for one instrument.

**A half recital will be required in the junior year and a full recital in the senior year. The student, in his graduation recital, must demonstrate ability to perform satisfactorily in public a program of artistic merit. See music department's handbook for details.

Music B.M. Degree (Performance)

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete 3 credits of mathematics at the 100-level or above (in addition to the core).
  3. Complete the following degree and program (major) requirements:
    Required Music Courses:
    *MUS 161-462 Applied Music (major) (24)
    MUS 131-132 Basic Theory (4)
    MUS 133-134 Basic Ear Training (4)
    MUS 221-222 History of Music (6)
    MUS 231-232 Advanced Theory (4)
    MUS 233-234 Advanced Ear Training (2)
    MUS 351 Conducting (3)
    MUS 101, 203, 205, 207, or 211 (Large Ensembles minimum of 8 credits) (8)
    Secondary Area:
    Twenty-seven credits to be selected from the following:
    MUS 124 Music in World Cultures (3)
    1MUS 153 Functional Piano (1)
    2MUS 161-162, 261-262, 361-362, 461-462 Applied Music (Secondary Performance Area) (2 or 4)
    MUS 223 Alaskan Native Musics (3)
    1MUS 307 Chamber Music (1)
    1MUS 313 Opera Workshop (1-3)
    1MUS 317 Arctic Chamber Orchestra (1)
    5MUS 331 Form and Analysis (3)
    4MUS 421-424 Period History (6)
    5MUS 431 Counterpoint (3)
    5MUS 432 Orchestration (3)
    5MUS 433 Composition (3)
    3MUS 493 Special Topics (Arranged)
    **MUS 190 Recital Attendance (0)
    MUS 253 Piano Proficiency (0)
    Minimum credits required for degree 120-121

1Repeatable for credit MUS 153, 307, 313, 317

2Any level repeatable for credit MUS 161-162, 261-262, 361-362, 461-462. Maximum total of 6 credits.

3Repeatable for credit MUS 493. Maximum total of 6 credits.

4Minimum of 6 credits to be selected from MUS 421, 422, 423, 424.

5Minimum of 6 credits to be selected from MUS 331, 332, 431, 432, 433 and 434.

*The applied music credit minimums defined for the major area of performance may be distributed over more than one instrumental area provided that the required level of competency is achieved for one instrument.

**A half recital will be required in the junior year and a full recital in the senior year. The student, in his graduation recital, must demonstrate ability to perform satisfactorily in public a program of artistic merit. See music department's handbook for details.

Music B.M. Degree (Music Education Secondary)

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete 3 credits of mathematics at the 100-level or above (in addition to the core).
  3. Complete the following degree and program (major) requirements:
    Required Music Courses:
    *MUS 161-461 Applied Music (major) (14)
    MUS 131-132 Basic Theory (4)
    MUS 133-134 Basic Ear Training (4)
    MUS 221-222 History of Music (6)
    MUS 231-232 Advanced Theory (4)
    MUS 233-234 Advanced Ear Training (2)
    MUS 315 Music Methods and Techniques (10)
    MUS 331 Form and Analysis (3)
    MUS 351 Conducting (3)
    MUS 432 Orchestration (3)
    MUS 101, 203, 205, 207, or 211 (Large Ensembles minimum of 8 credits) (8)
    **MUS 190 Recital Attendance (0)
    MUS 253 Piano Proficiency (0)
  4. Secondary Education Requirements (36 credits or more)
    Complete the required education course requirements as determined by the School of Education. Student must contact the School of Education before beginning education courses.
    Minimum credits required 138

*The applied music credit minimums defined for the major area of performance may be distributed over more than one instrumental area provided that the required level of competency is achieved for one instrument.

**A half recital will be required in the junior year and a full recital in the senior year. The student, in his graduation recital, must demonstrate ability to perform satisfactorily in public a program of artistic merit. See music department's handbook for details.

Music B.M. Degree (Music Education Elementary)

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete 3 credits of mathematics at the 100-level or above (in addition to the core).
  3. Complete the following degree and program (major) requirements:
    Required Music Courses:
    *MUS 161-461 Applied Music (major) (14)
    MUS 131-132 Basic Theory (4)
    MUS 133-134 Basic Ear Training (4)
    MUS 221-222 History of Music (6)
    MUS 231-232 Advanced Theory (4)
    MUS 233-234 Advanced Ear Training (2)
    MUS/ED 309 Elementary School Music Methods (3)
    MUS 315 Music Methods and Techniques (10)
    MUS 331 Form and Analysis (3)
    MUS 351 Conducting (3)
    MUS 432 Orchestration and Arranging (3)
    MUS 101 203, 205, 207, or 211 (Large Ensembles minimum of 8 credits) (8)
    **MUS 190 Recital Attendance (0)
    MUS 253 Piano Proficiency (0)
  4. Elementary Education Requirements (36 or more) Complete the required education course requirements as determined by the School of Education. Student must contact the School of Education before beginning education courses.
    Minimum credits required 144

*The applied music credit minimums defined for the major area of performance may be distributed over more than one instrumental area provided that the required level of competency is achieved for one instrument.

**A half recital will be required in the junior year and a full recital in the senior year. The student, in his graduation recital, must demonstrate ability to perform satisfactorily in public a program of artistic merit. See music deaprtment's handbook for details.

Music B.M. Degree (Music Education K-12)

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete 3 credits of mathematics at the 100-level or above (in addition to the core).
  3. Complete the following degree and program (major) requirements:
    Required Music Courses:
    MUS 131-132 Basic Theory (4)
    MUS 133-134 Basic Ear Training (4)
    **MUS 190 Recital Attendance (0)
    MUS 221-222 History of Music (6)
    MUS 231-232 Advanced Theory (4)
    MUS 233-234 Advanced Ear Training (2)
    MUS 253 Piano Proficiency (0)
    MUS 331 Form and Analysis (3)
    MUS 351 Conducting (3)
    MUS 432 Orchestration and Arranging (3)
    *MUS 161-362 Private Lessons (12)
    MUS 315 Music Methods and Techniques (10)
    MUS 405 Secondary School Music Methods (3)
    MUS 309 Elementary School Music Methods (3)
    MUS 101, 203, 205, 207, or 211 (Large Ensembles minimum of 8 credits) (8)
  4. K-12 Education Requirements (36 credits or more)
    Complete the required education course requirements as determined by the School of Education. Student must contact the School of Education before beginning education courses.
    Minimum credits required 132

*The applied music credit minimums defined for the major area of performance may be distributed over more than one instrumental area provided that the required level of competency is achieved for one instrument.

**All undergraduate students majoring in Music must enroll in Music 190 Recital Attendance during each semester of their residence.

MINOR in Music:

  • Complete one of two options:
    MINOR Option A
    Complete 18 credits in music to be selected from the following: (18 credits)
    Music Theory, History and Appreciation (courses to be selected with approval of department head) (12)
    MUS 151, 153, 161-462 (4)
    MUS 101, 203, 205, 211 (2)
    MINOR Option B
    Complete 18 credits in music to be selected from the following: (18 credits)
    MUS 161, 162, 261, 262, 361 (8)
    MUS 101, 203, 205, 211, 307 (all sections), MUS 319 (4)
    Two courses from:
    MUS 103, 123, 124, 131, 132, 221, 222, 223 (6)

Graduate Degree Requirements

Students may select from the following areas of specialization: performance, music education, music theory/composition and music history.

Admission Requirements

  1. Hold a baccalaureate degree in an appropriate undergraduate major.
  2. Submit scores of the general aptitude sections of the Graduate Record Examination.
  3. Submit personal resume. Include professional and life experiences.
  4. Submit brief statement of career goals, research area of particular interest, and why UAF seems suited to student needs.

Admission Requirements

  1. General requirements for admission to graduate study are consistent with those published in the UAF catalog.
  2. All applicants will take an evaluative preliminary examination to help determine the areas of strength and deficiency. The examination will cover the following areas for all applicants: a) music theory, b) music history and literature, c) demonstration of keyboard proficiency, and d) performance in major area.
    In addition to the areas listed above, music education majors will be required to complete a section pertaining to organizations, literature, knowledge of instruments and voice, and rehearsal techniques appropriate for public school music instruction.
  3. Composition majors must submit examples of previous work.
  4. Performance majors must demonstrate acquaintance with solo literature of the various historical periods through audition or submission of performance tapes.
  5. Applicants will be accepted from any accredited institution; before admission to a degree program, however, all students (including UAF graduates) must take the preliminary examination.

Degree Requirements

  1. Following an applicant's admission to the program, the department head, after consultation with the applicant, will name an advisory committee of three faculty members, one of whom will act as chair and academic advisor for the student. The committee will assess the results of the preliminary examination, and then guide the development and completion of the student's program.
  2. Near the completion of approximately one-half of the program, students will meet with their committees in an oral advisory comprehensive examination. This will be concerned primarily with the progress the student has demonstrated, particularly with regard to determining the major area of specialization. Such specialization is not to be conceived narrowly as a thesis topic, but rather as a broad area in which students plan to spend an appreciable amount of their scholarly career. Advisory examinations may be repeated until such time as the student has satisfactorily defined the area of specialization.
  3. Each student, with the approval of the advisory committee, shall develop an appropriate final project or thesis. A thesis is required for students majoring in music theory, music history and ethnomusicology. Performance majors must present a graduate recital and prepare a supporting paper on selected aspects of the recital.
  4. An oral examination is required on the major project, thesis, or recital.

Music M.A.

Course Requirements (30 credits):

  1. Complete UAF degree requirements.
  2. Complete 30 credits, at least 24 of which must be at the 600 level. At least 16 credits will be in a primary area of specialization, with the balance in a secondary area.
  3. Complete the following core courses (12 credits)
    MUS 601 Introduction to Graduate Study (3)
    Applied Music (Private lessons at either the senior or graduate level. Committee may suggest further study if remedial work is deemed necessary.) (minimum 4 credits)
    Two of the following:
    Music theory, music history, ethnomusicology, music literature, and psychology of music (minimum 6 credits)
  4. Students majoring in vocal performance or music history will be required to demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language appropriate to the area of concentration. Proficiency will be determined by the student's graduate committee in conjunction with the Department of Linguistics and Foreign Languages.
  5. Graduate students studying applied music and/or presenting recitals are governed by the same regulations concerning recital preparation, recital jury prehearings, and jury examinations as apply to under graduate students. These regulations are described in the Music Handbook.
  6. All 600-level courses are restricted to graduate students only, however graduate students may elect some of their courses from upper division undergraduate courses (300- or 400-level).