University of Alaska Fairbanks

1996-1997 catalog

Degrees and Programs


College of Liberal Arts
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
(907) 474-7398

Degree: B.A.

Minimum Requirements for Degree: 130 credits

The courses in philosophy are designed to confront the student with the fundamental problems of Western philosophical heritage and introduce him/her to independent reflection on them, thus broadening his/her perspectives for the various areas of specialization in science, the social sciences and humanities.

Undergraduate Degree Requirements

Philosophy B.A. Degree

  1. Complete the general university requirements and B.A. degree requirements.
  2. Complete the following foundation requirements:
    (May be used to meet general degree requirements.)
    Two years at the college level in a non-English language.
  3. Complete the following program (major) requirements:
    36 credits in philosophy, including:
    PHIL 102 Introduction to Philosophy (3)
    PHIL 202 Introduction to Eastern Philosophy (3)
    PHIL 204 Introduction to Logic (3)
    PHIL 351-352 History of Philosophy and Science (6)
    PHIL 471 Contemp. Philosophical Problems (3)
    PHIL 486 B.A. Thesis in Philosophy (3)
    PHIL 493 Special Topics (3)
    Choose two of the following:
    PHIL 321 Aesthetics (3)
    PHIL 322 Ethics (3)
    PHIL 341 Epistemology (3)
    PHIL 342 Metaphysics (3)
    PHIL 381 Topics in Logics (3)
    Choose two of the following:
    PHIL 481 Philosophy of Science (3)
    PHIL 482 Comparative Religion (3)
    PHIL 483 Philosophy of Social Science (3)
    PHIL 485 Topics in Comparative Philosophies (3)
  4. Successfully complete a comprehensive oral examination conducted by the staff of the Department of Philosophy covering all coursework in philosophy. The student is to arrange for the examination at the beginning of the last semester of his major study.
    Minimum credits required 130

MINOR in Philosophy

A minor in philosophy requires 18 credits of approved philosophy courses including:

  • PHIL 102 Introduction to Philosophy (3)
    PHIL 351-352 History of Philosophy and Science (6)
    PHIL 471 Contemp. Philosophical Problems (3)
    Choose six credits from the following:
    PHIL 202 Intro. to Eastern Philosophy (3)
    PHIL 204 Introduction to Logic (3)
    PHIL 321 Aesthetics (3)
    PHIL 322 Ethics (3)
    PHIL 341 Epistemology (3)
    PHIL 342 Metaphysics (3)
    PHIL 481 Philosophy of Science (3)
    PHIL 482 Comparative Religion (3)
    PHIL 483 Philosophy of Social Science (3)
    PHIL 485 Topics in Comparative Philosophies (3)