University of Alaska Fairbanks

1996-1997 catalog

Degrees and Programs


College of Science, Engineering and Mathematics
Department of Biology and Wildlife
(907) 474-7542

Degrees: M.S., Ph.D.

Graduate Degree Requirements

Minimum Requirements for Degrees: M.S. 30 additional credits

For complete information on the graduate programs in zoology, see the UAF graduate degree requirements.

Biological Sciences Zoology Ph.D. Degree

The doctoral degree is awarded for proven ability and scholarly attainment. Candidates' programs are planned with their graduate advisory committees, as there are no fixed course requirements required to earn the Ph.D. degree. A candidate for the Ph.D. degree in the Biological Sciences Zoology program will be expected to have coursework at least equivalent to that required for the M.S. degree. See the UAF degree requirements.