1996-1997 UAF Catalog

Colleges and Schools

School of Management

David O. Porter, Dean

School of Management undergraduate programs in economics, accounting and business administration provide the foundation for professional careers in private and public organizations of all sizes. The school's objective is to prepare literate, articulate and broadly educated business generalists with special knowledge about Alaska, the Pacific Rim and the circumpolar North. The Bachelor of Business Administration, the BBA concentration in accounting and the Master of Business Administration degree programs are nationally accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business. Only 115 of 823 member schools of the AACSB have all of their business education and accounting programs accredited. All of the degree programs cover problems and circumstances appropriate to Alaska, including entrepreneurship, human resource management, international business, regional economic development, regulation, financial institutions and markets, transportation, natural resource economics, travel industry management and a comprehensive professional program in accounting.