1997-98 UAF Catalog

Degrees and Programs

Course Description Index


College of Science, Engineering and Mathematics
Department of Biology and Wildlife
(907) 474-7542

Degrees: M.S., M.A.T., Ph.D.

Minimum Requirements for Degrees: M.S.: 30 or more additional credits; Ph.D.: open

Graduate Students at UAF have extraordinary opportunities to conduct independent biological research in controlled-experiment or field settings, taking advantage of arctic, alpine, and boreal environments near campus or at remote locations. The department has intimate connections with the NSF taiga Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) site, located about 20 miles from campus. Our students also have access to the tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake, where the UAF Institute of Arctic Biology runs a field station. Additional facilities available to graduate students on the Fairbanks campus include small animal colonies, the Large Animal Research Station, both electron and light microscope laboratories, an imaging laboratory and a new greenhouse facility. Students and faculty work on systematic collections in the UAF Museum using a variety of approaches from traditional morphology to molecular biology.

Areas of strong research emphasis of department faculty include arctic plant ecophysiology, plant-animal coevolution, insect ecology (terrestrial and aquatic), bird and mammal physiological ecology, vertebrate population dynamics, biology of seabirds, molecular evolution and systematics, pollution ecology, wetland ecology, population genetics, ungulate biology, and wildlife management.

Virtually all of our advanced degree recipients have significant teaching experience conducting labs and a few take primary responsibility for instruction in a course at the undergraduate level. Some of our M.S. and Ph.D. recipients have gone into education at the university, community college and secondary levels. Many find professional positions with state and federal resource agencies, with whom the department faculty maintain close contact.

The Department of Biology and Wildlife has approximately 100 graduate students. The atmosphere is informal and students and faculty interact frequently, not only in small-enrollment classes, but also on field trips and in community and social settings.

Research assistantships are available on a competitive basis. Teaching assistantships in department courses provide excellent experience. Several competitive fellowships are available through the UAF Graduate School. Applicants interested in graduate assistantships should contact the department for assistantship application forms.

Graduate Degree Requirements

Biology -- M.S. Degree

  1. Complete UAF degree requirements.
  2. Complete a minimum of 30 credits of approved courses. At least 24 credits, including thesis and research, must be at the 600 level.
  3. Students working in subject areas involving significant non-English literature may be expected to read the appropriate foreign language.

Biology -- M.A.T. Degree

The M.A.T. requires 36 credits beyond the baccalaureate degree. Persons interested in this degree program should contact the head of the department.

Biological Sciences -- Biology -- Ph.D. Degree

The doctoral degree is awarded for proven ability and scholarly attainment. Candidate's degree programs are planned with their graduate advisory committees. There are no fixed course requirements required to earn the Ph.D. degree. A candidate for the Ph.D. degree in the Biological Sciences -- Biology program will be expected to have coursework at least equivalent to that required for the M.S. degree.