1997-98 UAF Catalog

Degrees and Programs

Course Description Index


College of Liberal Arts
Department of Theater
(907) 474-7751

Degree: B.A., B.F.A.*

Minimum Requirements for Degree: 130 credits

The program in Theater is structured to familiarize students with the theory and practice applicable to all aspects of theatrical production. With a variety of career options open to theater majors, the program's coupling of classroom study with a substantial schedule of productions is designed to prepare the student pursuing the major or minor for employment or further education. In addition, theater classes and productions are open to the participation of all students and provide unique opportunities for creative expression and development when coupled with other programs. Students pursuing a major or minor in theater are encouraged to work closely with a theater faculty member in arranging their individual program of study, including appropriate courses in related disciplines.

*Pending approval by the Board of Regents

Undergraduate Degree Requirements

Theater -- B.A. Degree

  1. Complete the general university requirements and B.A. degree requirements.
  2. Complete the following program (major) requirements including one of the emphasis tracks available:

    Required courses (25 credits):
    THR 121 -- Fundamentals of Acting (3 credits)
    THR 190 -- Audition and Review Participation (0 credit)
    THR 191 -- Musical Audition and Participation (0 credit)
    THR 215 -- Dramatic Literature (3 credits)
    THR 241 -- Basic Stagecraft (4 credits)
    THR 247 -- Introduction to Theatrical Design (3 credits)
    THR 254 -- Beg Costume Construction and Design (3 credits)
    THR 290 -- Production Participation or Review (0 credit)
    THR 291 -- Musical Production Participation or Review (0 credit)
    THR 331 -- Fundamentals of Stage Direction (3 credits)
    THR 411 -- Theater History I (3 credits)
    THR 412 -- Theater History II (3 credits)
    Complete one of the following emphasis tracts:
    Performance Emphasis (24)
    1. Complete the following:
      THR 221 -- Intermediate Acting (3)
      THR 225 -- Movement for the Actor (3)
      THR 321 -- Advanced Acting I (3)
      THR 351 -- Makeup for Theater (3)
      THR 421 -- Advanced Acting II (3) (15 credits)
    2. A minimum of one course from the following:
      THR 341 -- Intermediate Stagecraft (3)
      THR 343 -- Scene Design (3)
      THR 347 -- Lighting Design (3)
      THR 355 -- History of Stage Costume (3) (3 credits)
    3. A minimum of two courses from the following:
      THR 161 -- Introduction to Alaska Native Performance (3)
      THR 220 -- Voice and Diction for Theatre (3)
      THR 361 -- Advanced Alaska Native Performance (3)
      THR 413 -- Playscript Analysis (3)
      THR 435 -- Advanced Stage Direction (3) (6 credits)
    Film Emphasis (24)
    1. Complete the following:
      JB 105 -- History of Cinema (3)
      ENGL 217 -- Introduction to the Study of Film (3)
      JB 308 -- Film and TV Criticism (3)
      THR 331 -- Fundamentals of Stage Directing (3)
      THR 334 -- Film and Drama (3)
      THR 347 -- Lighting Design (3)
      THR 380 -- Film and Video Directing (3)
      THR 413 -- Playscript Analysis (3)
    Directing Emphasis (24)
    1. A minimum of two courses from the following:
      THR 221 -- Intermediate Acting (3)
      THR 225 -- Movement for the Actor (3)
      THR 321 -- Advanced Acting I (3)
      THR 351 -- Makeup for Theatre (3)
      THR 421 -- Advanced Acting II (3) (6 credits)
    2. A minimum of two courses from the following:
      THR 341 -- Intermediate Stagecraft (3)
      THR 343 -- Scene Design (3)
      THR 347 -- Lighting Design (3)
      THR 355 -- History of Stage Costume (3) (6 credits)
    3. A minimum of one course from the following:
      ENGL 422 -- Shakesp: Hist of Plays & Tragedies (3)
      ENGL 425 -- Shakesp: Comedies & Non-Dramatic Poetry (3)
      ENGL 445-20th Cent Drama: Chekhov-Ionesco (3) (3 credits)
    4. A minimum of three courses from the following:
      THR 245 -- Stage Management (3)
      THR 380 -- Film and Video Directing (3)
      THR 413 -- Script Analysis (3)
      THR 435 -- Advanced Directing (3)
      THR 499 -- Thesis Project (3) (9 credits)
    Design/Technical Theatre Emphasis (24)
    1. A minimum of one course from the following:
      THR 221 -- Intermediate Acting (3)
      THR 225 -- Movement for the Actor (3)
      THR 351 -- Makeup for Theatre (3) (3 credits)
    2. A minimum of three courses from the following:
      THR 341 -- Intermediate Stagecraft (3)
      THR 343 -- Scene Design (3)
      THR 347 -- Lighting Design (3)
      THR 355 -- History of Stage Costume (3) (9 credits)
    3. A minimum of four courses from the following:
      THR 245 -- Stage Management (3)
      THR 348 -- Sound Design in the Theatre (3)
      THR 447 -- Lighting Design II (3)
      THR 456 -- Adv Costume Design and Constr (3)
      THR 499 -- Thesis Project (3) (12 credits)
    Minimum credits required (130 credits)

Theater -- B.F.A. Degree (Pending approval by the Board of Regents)

  1. Complete the general university requirements and B.A. degree requirements.
  2. Complete the following program (major) requirements including one of the emphasis tracks available:
    Required courses for all B.F.A. candidates (25 credits):
    THR 121 -- Fundamentals of Acting (3 credits)
    THR 190 -- Audition and Review Participation (0 credit)
    THR 191 -- Musical Audition and Participation (0 credit)
    THR 215 -- Dramatic Literature (3 credits)
    THR 241 -- Basic Stagecraft (4 credits)
    THR 247 -- Introduction to Theatrical Design (3 credits)
    THR 254 -- Beg Costume Construction and Design (3 credits)
    THR 290 -- Production Participation or Review (0 credit)
    THR 291 -- Musical Production Participation or Review (0 credit)
    THR 331 -- Fundamentals of Stage Direction (3 credits)
    THR 411 -- Theater History I (3 credits)
    THR 412 -- Theater History II (3 credits)
    Complete one of the following emphasis tracts:

    Performance Track
    1. Complete the following:
      THR 220 -- Voice and Diction (3)
      THR 221 -- Intermediate Acting (3)
      THR 225 -- Movement for the Actor (3)
      THR 245 -- Stage Management (3)
      THR 321 -- Advanced Acting I (3)
      THR 351 -- Makeup for Theater (3)
      THR 413 -- Script Analysis (3)
      THR 421 -- Advanced Acting II (3) (15 credits)
    2. Three courses from the following:
      COMM 222 -- Fund of Interpersonal
      Communication (3)
      ENGL 422 -- Shakespeare: History Plays and Tragedies (3)
      ENGL 425 -- Shakespeare: Comedies and Non-Dramatic Poetry (3)
      ENGL 445-20th Century Drama: From Chekhov to Ionesco (3) (9 credits)
    3. Two courses from the following:
      THR 341 -- Intermediate Stagecraft (3)
      THR 343 -- Scene Design (3)
      THR 347 -- Lighting Design (3)
      THR 355 -- History of Stage Costume (3) (6 credits)
    4. Two courses from the following:
      THR Independent Study (up to 6)
      THR 101, 201, 301, 401 -- Theatre Practicum (up to 6)
      THR Special Topics (up to 6)
      THR 161 -- Introduction to Alaska Native Performance (3)
      THR 334 -- Film and Drama (3)
      THR 361 -- Advanced Alaska Native Performance (3)
      THR 380 -- Film Directing (3)
      THR 416 -- Studies Abroad (3)
      THR 435 -- Advanced State Direction (3)
      THR 499 -- Thesis Project (3) (6 credits)
    Design Track
    1. Complete all five of the following:
      ART 105 -- Beginning Drawing (3)
      ART 162 -- Color and Design (3)
      ART 205 -- Intermediate Drawing (3)
      ART 261 -- History of World Art (3)
      ART 262 -- History of World Art (3) (15 credits)
    2. Three courses from the following:
      THR 341 -- Intermediate Stagecraft (3)
      THR 343 -- Scene Design (3)
      THR 347 -- Lighting Design (3)
      THR 355 -- History of Stage Costume (3) (9 credits)
    3. Seven courses from the following:
      THR Independent Study (up to 6)
      THR 101, 201, 301, 401 -- Theatre Practicum (up to 6 credits)
      THR Special Topics (up to 6 credits)
      THR 245 -- Stage Management (3)
      THR 334 -- Film and Drama (3)
      THR 348 -- Sound Design in the Theatre (3)
      THR 351 -- Makeup for Theater (3)
      THR 413 -- Script Analysis (3)
      THR 416 -- Studies Abroad (3)
      THR 456 -- Adv Costume Design and Constr (3)
      THR 457 -- Lighting Design II (3)
      THR 499 -- Thesis Project (3) (21 credits)
    Minimum credits required (130 credits)

MINOR in Theater:

A minor in Theater requires 18 credits in theater courses including the following:

  • THR 121 -- Fundamentals of Acting (3 credits)
    THR 241 -- Basic Stagecraft (4 credits)

No more than 3 credits in theater practicum may be applied to the minor. The minor program requires the approval of a member of the theater faculty in advance of formally declaring the minor, preferably no later than the first semester of the junior year.

Production Participation Requirement

Theater majors may take theater practicum for elective credit, but it will not be counted in the credit total for the major. Majors and minors in theater are expected to participate actively, extensively and continuously in the production activities of the Theatre Department throughout their enrollment as majors or minors at UAF. Typically, this means that a major is expected to work on some aspect of every major production and a minor on approximately half the major productions. Failure to meet the department's expectations with respect to such participation will be considered in approving students for graduation. A student whose failure to fulfill this expectation is, in the view of the theater faculty, jeopardizing his/her future graduation approval, will be notified of this situation. For this purpose each student's progress in the program will be reviewed annually toward the end of each academic year. Theater majors may take theater practicum for elective credit, but it will not be counted in the credit total for the major.